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3/6 FH Tens full 3/6 FH Tens full

11-21-2008 , 10:00 PM
Villain is relatively unknown, early in session.

7 Card Stud High ($3/$6), Ante $0.50, Bring-In $1 (converter)

3rd Street - (1.17 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx K___folds
Seat 3: xx xx 9___folds
Seat 4: xx xx 5___folds
Hero: 4 T T___completes___calls
Seat 6: xx xx J___folds
Seat 7: xx xx Q___raises
Seat 8: xx xx 2___brings-in___folds

4th Street - (5.50 SB)

Hero: 4 T T Q___bets___calls
Seat 7: xx xx Q 3___raises

at this point I'm thinking maybe he didn't start with queens and it seems this 2 bet confirms has at least queens. Is folding right here terrible?
5th Street - (4.75 BB)

Hero: 4 T T Q 9___calls
Seat 7: xx xx Q 3 K___bets

Another opportunity to fold

6th Street - (6.75 BB)

Hero: 4 T T Q 9 T___bets___calls
Seat 7: xx xx Q 3 K 3___raises
My thoughts were I'm likely ahead and and I am setting up a check raise on on the river

River - (10.75 BB)

Hero: 4 T T Q 9 T 9___checks___raises___raises
Seat 7: xx xx Q 3 K 3 xx___bets___raises___calls

I'm putting him on 3s full here
Total pot: (18.75 BB - $112.50)
3/6 FH Tens full Quote
11-22-2008 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by ceegee
Villain is relatively unknown, early in session.

7 Card Stud High ($3/$6), Ante $0.50, Bring-In $1 (converter)

3rd Street - (1.17 SB)

Seat 1: xx xx K___folds
Seat 3: xx xx 9___folds
Seat 4: xx xx 5___folds
Hero: 4 T T___completes___calls
Seat 6: xx xx J___folds
Seat 7: xx xx Q___raises
Seat 8: xx xx 2___brings-in___folds

4th Street - (5.50 SB)

Hero: 4 T T Q___bets___calls
Seat 7: xx xx Q 3___raises

at this point I'm thinking maybe he didn't start with queens and it seems this 2 bet confirms has at least queens. Is folding right here terrible?
When hero hits the queen, I tend to increase the chance that villain has a big pair, and decrease the chance that he has one or more queens. If I were to fold here, I'd be better off just folding 3rd.

5th Street - (4.75 BB)
Hero: 4 T T Q 9___calls
Seat 7: xx xx Q 3 K___bets

Another opportunity to fold
Well I gotta admit that villain's King could have hit him in all sorts of ways. Hero's 9d == no help.

6th Street - (6.75 BB)

Hero: 4 T T Q 9 T___bets___calls
Seat 7: xx xx Q 3 K 3___raises
My thoughts were I'm likely ahead and and I am setting up a check raise on on the river

River - (10.75 BB)

Hero: 4 T T Q 9 T 9___checks___raises___raises
Seat 7: xx xx Q 3 K 3 xx___bets___raises___calls

I'm putting him on 3s full here
I don't see much reason to put him on 3s-full. I think Qs-full or Ks-full are more likely. The next time you are on a long drive, think about opportunities to complete/fold 3rd street with these hands. There are games and situations where it can be a strong play.
3/6 FH Tens full Quote
11-22-2008 , 12:17 AM
Ya i didn't really slow down and think about much in this hand since i just had sat down and was eager to play. I saw trips and was like yayyayay.
3/6 FH Tens full Quote
11-22-2008 , 01:01 AM
Folding to the raise on third would be entirely reasonable. When the other guy raises our paired door card on sixth, I'm slowing way the hell down. This would have been a good time to hit quads.
3/6 FH Tens full Quote
11-22-2008 , 01:46 AM
This is the most interesting stud hand I've seen posted here in awhile, since every street is debatable.

In the 3/6 structure, which is EXTREMELY tight, I would fold 3rd after getting re-raised.. If you had something to go with it like a straight flush kicker, I'll see 5th street. *EDIT I see this is not the Stars 3/6, calling is more reasonable since this structure is pretty loose..

4th street I lean towards check/calling. Betting is somewhat reasonable with the idea that you get more information (if you get raised again you can be pretty sure he has queens or better), but the big drawback is once you get raised again, it's just about impossible to fold 5th since the pot is so bloated.

5th you have to call since so much money has gone into the pot.

6th street I'd 3 bet. I know he's raising our open tens, but I see people do stuff like this with queens up/kings up all the time. Just calling the raise may be the prudent thing, but it really sucks if the river goes check/check and you lost a ton of value.

7th I don't cap since when you check raise you are telling him you have tens full and when he 3 bets he is telling you he can beat it.
3/6 FH Tens full Quote
