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1/2 Razz. Line check in very large pot 1/2 Razz. Line check in very large pot

01-29-2010 , 10:25 PM
Full Tilt Poker $1/$2 Limit Razz $0.20 Ante - 7 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

3rd Street: (1.4 SB)
Hero: 3 7 6___Hero completes___Hero caps!
Seat 2: xx xx 3____Seat 2 calls____Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx 3____Seat 3 raises____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4____Seat 4 3-bets____Seat 4 calls
Seat 5: xx xx 9____Seat 5 brings in for $0.25____Seat 5 folds
Seat 7: xx xx 8____Seat 7 folds
Seat 8: xx xx A____Seat 8 folds

4th Street: (14.65 SB) (3 players)
Hero: 3 7 6 4___Hero raises___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5____Seat 3 checks____Seat 3 3-bets____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4 6____Seat 4 bets____Seat 4 caps!

5th Street: (13.325 BB) (3 players)
Hero: 3 7 6 4 T___Hero calls___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 K____Seat 3 raises____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4 6 8____Seat 4 bets____Seat 4 3-bets

6th Street: (22.325 BB) (3 players)
Hero: 3 7 6 4 T 5___Hero checks___Hero raises
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 K 2____Seat 3 checks____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4 6 8 J____Seat 4 bets____Seat 4 calls

7th Street: (28.325 BB) (3 players)
Hero: 3 7 6 4 T 5 J___Hero bets___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 K 2 xx____Seat 3 folds
Seat 4: xx xx 4 6 8 J xx____Seat 4 raises

Reads on seat 4 was that he was awful. He was very loose third and I'd previously sent him cold three-bet (74)9 when his hand went to showdown. Although he's capable of three-betting a bike draw his range isn't very tight at all on third. He's capable of bluffing 7th out of position with a standard check-call type hand too not that it matters. The time he three-bet a bike draw he check-called out of position heads up when he caught a pair although it wasn't apparent on his board. Something like (43)24

He also refuses to fold hands and makes very bad raises.

Reads on seat 2 is that he's loose third but stationy on later streets. He called with a made 97 from 5th onwards versus an opponents xx2589 board after showing aggression on all streets.

No reads on seat 3
1/2 Razz. Line check in very large pot Quote
01-29-2010 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by TheYellow
3rd Street: (1.4 SB)
Hero: 3 7 6___Hero completes___Hero caps!
Seat 2: xx xx 3____Seat 2 calls____Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx 3____Seat 3 raises____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4____Seat 4 3-bets____Seat 4 calls
Seat 5: xx xx 9____Seat 5 brings in for $0.25____Seat 5 folds
Seat 7: xx xx 8____Seat 7 folds
Seat 8: xx xx A____Seat 8 folds
The open is fine imo. I decided to cap because I really wanted to get it three-way and I thought it was very possible seat 2 would fold for three bets after only flatting a completion.

Also I wanted to get as much money in as possible from Seat 4 because he was so bad. Even if seat 2 did call it seems he plays pretty bad on later streets so I didn't mind. I understood it was high variance and was willing to accept that to try and build a big pot versus Seat 4. I was very aware seat 3 could have a hand here but I wasn't worried about that on third really too much.

Originally Posted by TheYellow
4th Street: (14.65 SB) (3 players)
Hero: 3 7 6 4___Hero raises___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5____Seat 3 checks____Seat 3 3-bets____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4 6____Seat 4 bets____Seat 4 caps!
When seat 3 checked I though it was likely he had paired. If he had paired which I thought was the case, I again wanted more money in from seat 4 and force seat 3 to call two bets cold w a three-card hand.

Originally Posted by TheYellow
5th Street: (13.325 BB) (3 players)
Hero: 3 7 6 4 T___Hero calls___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 K____Seat 3 raises____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4 6 8____Seat 4 bets____Seat 4 3-bets
It's likely I'm in last place now but there's no way I'm folding when seat 3 is still drawing and I'm still live versus seat 4. The pot is just too big

Originally Posted by TheYellow
6th Street: (22.325 BB) (3 players)
Hero: 3 7 6 4 T 5___Hero checks___Hero raises
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 K 2____Seat 3 checks____Seat 3 calls
Seat 4: xx xx 4 6 8 J____Seat 4 bets____Seat 4 calls
Although he had check-raised 4th I really didn't think he'd try it again on 6th especially with only one player to act. Therefore I had to assume I had the best hand at this point. The 2 is very likely to have paired him.

Originally Posted by TheYellow
7th Street: (28.325 BB) (3 players)
Hero: 3 7 6 4 T 5 J___Hero bets___Hero calls
Seat 3: xx xx 3 5 K 2 xx____Seat 3 folds
Seat 4: xx xx 4 6 8 J xx____Seat 4 raises
7th may be thin considering how smooth seat 3 is drawing. But seat 4 is neeevvver folding and they are calling with pretty much everything. I didn't expect either to raise.

Three-bet 7th considering my read???

Last edited by TheYellow; 01-29-2010 at 10:36 PM.
1/2 Razz. Line check in very large pot Quote
01-30-2010 , 10:08 PM
Im no razz genious but I would say the following:

3rd. I hate the cap. I think the 2 seat folds just about as much to a 2x raise and call as he does to the third raise, and even if he doesnt it might not be that bad for us anyway, and given the action were pretty sure were not at all in the lead so thinning the field out isnt great, especially when were going to be so pot stuck.

4th. Hard to say if I think its a c/r because of results or because of the board, but when everyone catches fairly strong like that, I think a check raise is decently likely, moreso than him pairing a 5. I think we should call because we caught so well and have decent enough equity still, but we shouldn't raise because its very doubtful anyone is folding and its very doubtful we are in the lead.

5th/6th - agree completely with your lines and thinking

7th. Made hand, not much value in a raise or c/r or b/3b, so i think c/c is the best line, possibly even fold if it goes check/bet/raise. I guess I have a vagina.

1/2 Razz. Line check in very large pot Quote
01-31-2010 , 07:02 PM
Ok. Third is definitely questionable. Would like more opinions though
1/2 Razz. Line check in very large pot Quote
