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0.25/0.50 Stud Hi bad fold? 0.25/0.50 Stud Hi bad fold?

07-31-2010 , 05:24 PM
These 2 werent on the table for long but they seemed OK players, at least for this level.

I was mostly scared of Seat 6 who limped with an Ace and then bet 4th and 5th, looked a lot like a flush. Also I had no idea what Seat 8 could check-raise with...

But when I look at my own play it makes no sense too. Should I've folded 4th when i got no diamond? When I got a diamond on 5th is fold an option?

Also this was my last hand of the session, I already closed all other tables so it might have influenced my decision (not wanting to leave with a big loss)...

How would you play this?

Poker Stars $0.25/$0.50 Limit Stud $0.05 Ante - 8 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

3rd Street: (1.6 SB)
Seat 1: xx xx J____Seat 1 folds
Seat 2: xx xx 3____Seat 2 folds
Seat 3: xx xx K____Seat 3 folds
Hero: 9 5 2___Hero brings in for $0.10
Seat 5: xx xx Q____Seat 5 folds
Seat 6: xx xx A____Seat 6 calls
Seat 7: xx xx 4____Seat 7 folds
Seat 8: xx xx 9____Seat 8 calls

4th Street: (2.8 SB) (3 players)
Hero: 9 5 2 3___Hero calls
Seat 6: xx xx A 7____Seat 6 bets
Seat 8: xx xx 9 8____Seat 8 calls

5th Street: (2.9 BB) (3 players)
Hero: 9 5 2 3 Q___Hero checks___Hero folds
Seat 6: xx xx A 7 J____Seat 6 bets____Seat 6 calls
Seat 8: xx xx 9 8 8____Seat 8 checks____Seat 8 raises

6th Street: (6.9 BB) (2 players)
Seat 6: xx xx A 7 J 4____Seat 6 calls
Seat 8: xx xx 9 8 8 T____Seat 8 bets

7th Street: (8.9 BB) (2 players)
Seat 6: xx xx A 7 J 4 xx____Seat 6 checks
Seat 8: xx xx 9 8 8 T xx____Seat 8 checks

Final Pot: 8.9 BB
Seat 6 shows 8h 6c Ac 7c Jc 4h 6s (a pair of Sixes)
Seat 8 shows 9s Jh 9h 8d 8s Tc Ad (two pair, Nines and Eights)
Seat 8 wins 8.5 BB
(Rake: $0.20)
0.25/0.50 Stud Hi bad fold? Quote
07-31-2010 , 05:49 PM
I would have folded on 4th. You bricked and the only way you're gonna win this hand is with a flush, and you may well be against a bigger flush draw anyway. Even if the villain just paired the seven, you're in bad shape. Your fold on 5th I think is fine. The pot isn't that big, so calling 2 cold is really bad when you may be drawing very slim.
0.25/0.50 Stud Hi bad fold? Quote
07-31-2010 , 07:51 PM
I think folding fourth is the best play here.
0.25/0.50 Stud Hi bad fold? Quote
08-01-2010 , 04:09 AM
I'm gone on 4th in this scenario when the ace bets out. He could have a pair of aces, or be drawing to a higher flush than yours. Your own flush draw consists of small cards only, meaning that making a flush is your only chance of winning this hand, and even then you cannot be confident in your winning chances given the two-flush on your opponent's board.

Also, by 4th, already 3 other diamonds are gone (there were two other diamonds as upcards on 3th street and an additional one appears on 4th). Since your flush draw is small and you didn't catch a 4th diamond on 4th, your odds to make the flush decrease. Fold and save your money for a better opportunity.
0.25/0.50 Stud Hi bad fold? Quote
08-01-2010 , 03:59 PM
Fourth is a very easy fold. You can fold fifth, too.
0.25/0.50 Stud Hi bad fold? Quote
