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Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight)

06-14-2011 , 05:15 AM
fish probably feel more comfortable at a big casino rather than a small cardroom

im interested in seeing how the sac area develops, the amount of cardrooms is rediculous
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 11:41 AM
BlackJackPro it's pretty obvious that Thunder Valley has the bulk of the players around here because it's the biggest ****ing casino in Norcal right? It has absolutely nothing to do with the poker room itself or the way it's run or the games offered. That place is packed with people 24/7 of course they are going to attract the vast majority of casual poker players. Why would a casual player go to Lucky Derby or Limelight which are going to be hit or miss at best when they can go to Thunder Valley at any time of day any day of the week and be guaranteed that there's a game going.

You seem to think that I am attacking Thunder Valley and that is not the case. I actually like the place a lot, much more than any of the other casinos/card rooms I've played at in the area. I am simply pointing out some things that they can improve which would make the place better for the players. The casual players are going to go there no matter what, this has already been proven. But if they make some minor changes to the way things are done they can scoop up all of the regulars as well. There are plenty of people that have expressed disdain with some of the things they are doing up there, so I am not the only one.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by BlackJackPro
Im just saying that the room is packed to capacity while most of the other rooms within a 50 mile radius are completely dead and you want them to waste the time re-ealuating their ante structures?? What they are doing works, and works VERY well--at least for them. and if you really think that changing the antes will affect their business, maybe you should pitch it to the rooms that can't even get a second game going before trying at a place that has 16 tables going on a monday.
Also none of this makes any sense at all. Thunder Valley is not killing the other card rooms in the area because they run superior tournaments, ok. They are just another room that has tournaments available. I don't see how you can say their anteless structure "works VERY well" when every single regular that has posted about it in this thread has complained. It's a huge casino of course it isn't going to be hard for them to get 100 people to sign up for a tournament. And why would "pitch my CRAZZZYYY ante ideas" to all the smaller cardrooms in the area that are currently being put out of business by Thunder Valley? That doesn't make sense why try to fix something that's already been broken for years in places that are probably already beyond fixing at this point when we can get it changed at the only room in the area that actually has a bright future as far as poker is concerned? And finally, like steveg45 said how the hell is wanting antes added to an mtt the complaint of a nitty poker player?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 12:00 PM
Dude u still dont get it. What im saying is basically in simplest terms they dont care about something as trivial as antes for a tournament (which is their least profitable venture id guess you could call it) because they dont need to.

Its like eveyone saying they should put up huge class walls around the room. Why would they spend an extra 50 grand or whatever doing that when they dont need to? Doesnt make good business sense for them.

Heres a shocker for you that a lot of poker players dont seem to unserstand: poker rooms are not there for poker players to make money. They are there for the casino/card room to make money. Crazy i know. That also answers your questions about capped buy ins on NL games

And im saying its nitty cause you guys are like lololol what a joke im not gonna play there with those antes until they change Ok well 200 other people each day will so who cares?? Like youre really affecting how theyre going to run it cause a "tourney pro" would make more money if they added antes
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 12:26 PM
I don't understand how improving these things (which are not huge changes by the way these are very minor things which can have a huge impact) won't put more players in the seats which therefore puts more money in their pockets? Clearly they are not having any trouble filling the couple hundred seats that they are currently setting aside for tournaments as it is. You're telling me that if they do make these changes that it won't fill up more seats? And yes I'm aware that the people who runs these places don't really give a **** about the players. All I'm saying is these things would be extremely easy for them to change, wouldn't cost them any more money and would make more players happy, so how can that be a bad thing?

There certainly won't be LESS players playing in their tournaments because antes get added in. I guarantee there isn't a single player that would stop going to the their tournaments because antes are added.

Last edited by CeJeH; 06-14-2011 at 12:38 PM.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 12:33 PM
Well perhaps I worded it wrong that the people who run these things don't give a ****. I think the people who are in the poker room running the day to day things certainly do give a **** about us, perhaps the people who run the whole casino don't but that is completely understandable. All I'm saying is if the players want something and it doesn't hurt the room/cost them money than how can it be a bad thing? Player friendly rooms are going to make more money than non player friendly rooms by bringing more of them in so we can spend our money there right?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 12:35 PM
Poker rooms do not cater to tournament players for the most part. Most tournament players play only tournaments, most cash game players play only cash. House make tremendously more money on cash games than tournaments... you see where I'm going with this...
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 12:40 PM
Guys this is a once a month tournament we're talking about here. How can it possibly be that big of a deal to add antes to a tournament that runs 1 day a month? You guys are acting like I'm trying to get them to overhaul their whole business model or something lol.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 01:30 PM
obviously poker rooms are not the biggest money makers for large resorts like tv but it can still be a huge source of revenue. If they create a "destination" like feel to the room it will continue to bring in hundreds of players a day who are not only playing poker there but eating at the restaurants playing table games and buying rooms. It would be as simple as:

adding more tables (in progress)

enclosing the poker room in glass (keep smoke and noise out)

letting dealers in poker room keep individual tips

hiring 1-2 competent floor staff who can show everyone else

IMO if they made those changes they could the premier poker destination in the norcal area
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 03:51 PM
Ya I just see so much potential for Thunder Valley. They have already put most other rooms out of business for the most part and if they make a few changes this place could become a top of the line destination for poker in NorCal.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 04:40 PM
What card rooms have gone outta business?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by JerrysWorld
What card rooms have gone outta business?
None. Joeb just wants them too, so the action stays in 1 or 2 places.

Last room to shut down was Don Juan in 05'-06' (now the Cordova Casino) & before that River City in Citrus Heights shut down in 03'-04' from the best of my memory.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 04:51 PM
They haven't gone out of business but have experienced a significant decrease in traffic ever since Thunder Valley opened up a bigger poker room from what I gather.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 04:58 PM
Deuce's Wild in Auburn has been shut down for a year now, but I don't consider that Sac.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-14-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by CeJeH
Guys this is a once a month tournament we're talking about here. How can it possibly be that big of a deal to add antes to a tournament that runs 1 day a month? You guys are acting like I'm trying to get them to overhaul their whole business model or something lol.
If it's a (real) tourney antes should absolutely be added and why anyone would argue this is kinda comical. IMO.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 01:05 AM
I play at TV on a regular basis. To be honest I am getting tired of the garbage situation where I sit at the only open table and 6 people have 40BB short stacks. Granted these players can be easy to bluff.

I am wondering if there are any games in the area (1-3 preferred) that have larger stacks on average?

Also does anyone know why some of these attractive lady dealers wear wedding rings on some days and on other days do not? Has anyone ever asked a dealer out before?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by jhat
Also does anyone know why some of these attractive lady dealers wear wedding rings on some days and on other days do not? Has anyone ever asked a dealer out before?
No & no, but thats the best question in this whole thread, it's finally getting good.

On another note: Congrats to Travis Atkins, he took 3rd in WSOP event #20 1k NLH today, he's a Sacramento regular.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by er7eman
Deuce's Wild in Auburn has been shut down for a year now, but I don't consider that Sac.
Deuces Wild shut themselves down due to poor owner decisions.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by CeJeH
Guys this is a once a month tournament we're talking about here. How can it possibly be that big of a deal to add antes to a tournament that runs 1 day a month? You guys are acting like I'm trying to get them to overhaul their whole business model or something lol.
nope, just explaining why poker rooms in general don't give a sh*t about tournaments.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 08:28 AM
Originally Posted by jhat
Has anyone ever asked a dealer out before?
Yes, we've been together for 4+ years now
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by The Doja
Yes, we've been together for 4+ years now
Pics or gtfo.

Did you go all in?
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 08:37 AM
No pics, not gonna gtfo and yes.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 08:42 AM
Doja- aren't you a dealer or casino employee?
That doesn't count when you ask a dealer out.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 08:42 AM
I wasn't a casino employee when we got together.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
06-15-2011 , 03:51 PM
lol at the doja thinks he knows why mtts suck around hear.theres a market for mtts and its the cardrooms fault theres nothing big going on around sac and ur ignorance towards that is one of the reasons y the state of poker is what it is u have cluless people running things that think along lines with ur train of thought.theres mtt players and cash players most people like one or another and a big mtts brings fish in makes money obviously.they need new managment at MOST IF NOT ALL of these places,they have no clue.
Sacramento, CA (Capitol Casino, Thunder Valley, Casino Royale, Limelight) Quote
