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Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA)

01-24-2015 , 09:10 PM
yeah theres an 11am both days. and twice during the week. on weekends thats cool, but on weekdays it sucks for me, a working man. i feel like the weekday morning tourneys make it so old man coffees who are retired can play, and those unemployed who are using their unemployment money to gamble. of course there are others too, but you get my gist. would love just a few more at night
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-25-2015 , 11:11 AM
On my way for the 11am tourney. Hoping for a decent turnout.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-25-2015 , 12:01 PM
Tournament tables are eligible for the $500 per hour starting at noon and ending at 5.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-26-2015 , 01:20 PM
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-27-2015 , 06:09 PM
Hi Everyone,
A few promotions for this weekend! Friday January 30, 2015 - SugarHouse sponsors the after party for Wing Bowl. Bring your Wing Bowl ticket to the poker room and enter into a drawing for a private one table sit & go for you and up to 9 of your friends - 1st place $500, 2nd place $300 and 3rd place $200. On Sunday February 1, 2015 - For the Big Game - Splash Pots - every time either team scores a field goal every table gets $25 in the next pot and $50 every time either team scores a touch down. Please call the poker podium for more details at 215-717-3883. Raye
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-28-2015 , 08:57 AM
Those promotions sounds so great. I am going to wing bowl so I will try to make it. However this might be something good for smart players to look for... There are going to be a lot of people who will be very drunk early on Friday, and with the after party being at sugarhouse, I am sure some of those drunken fools will be buying into poker games.
Raye, one suggestion, why not select ten people who come with tickets to be in the freeroll, instead of only picking one winner and that person picking nine of his friends Who did not do anything?
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-28-2015 , 02:03 PM
Letting one person bring 9 of their friends brings people to the facility who might not otherwise play at Sugarhouse, lending more value to the promotion.

I'm loving these promos and the new tourney schedule. I'm hungover and tired, but will be coming out tonight for the 7pm. Gonna start building my "every Wednesday" streak.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-28-2015 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by TheTalkingMule
Letting one person bring 9 of their friends brings people to the facility who might not otherwise play at Sugarhouse, lending more value to the promotion.
Plus, you can bring 9 people who have never played poker before, vastly increasing the chance that you'll win the $500 first place prize
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-28-2015 , 07:45 PM
Or you can bring nine people with the understanding that all money made goes towards a weekend trip to vegas
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-29-2015 , 01:58 PM
You guys are great.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-29-2015 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by PALLADINN
Checkout the NEW Tournaments added this month, posted on Bravo. Raye is true to her word.

A Sunday Night NLHE Turbo at 10 PM for 65/15/5 - $85. 12 Minute Levels. $10,000TC. Registration Open until end of Level 6. Started Last Night.

this is a cool idea to start it at this time and turbo it.. hopefully it sticks..

A Tuesday PLO Bounty at 7 PM for $80/15/5/25 Bounty - $125. 20 Minute Levels. $15,000TC. Registration Open until end of Level 6. Starts tomorrow 1/6

I really hope this becomes popular.. raye, you should rotate a plo/8 every other week with the plo.. I enjoy the mix games and as you know the other area poker rooms only offer nlh tournaments.. even if you get 2 tables I hope you don't give up on the mix games tournaments.. once your room starts to grow hopefully more people will become interested in the plo game..
Is there really a PLO tourney on Tuesday nights? I can't tell from the website. That website is in need of some real help.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-29-2015 , 06:19 PM
The Omaha event has not had enough interest. Mix cash games NLH/plo.... PLO/PLO h/l have been run and the swing shift floor is especially helpful, however they are not running often.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-30-2015 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by tmac&cheese
The Omaha event has not had enough interest. Mix cash games NLH/plo.... PLO/PLO h/l have been run and the swing shift floor is especially helpful, however they are not running often.
Unfortunately the PLO Tuesday tournament did not have any interest. Not to say we won't revisit the idea going forward. We're working on the web-site please see below for our tournament schedule we have listed on Bravo.

Daily Tournaments

No Limit Holdem 3K Guarantee Re-Entry Tournament
3K guaranteed prize pool
12,000 in starting chips
20 minute levels
1/20/15 - 56 Entrants - 1st place $1,050
($200 Overlay)
1/22/15 - 36 Entrants - 1st Place $1,050
($1,350 Overlay)
1/24/15 - 43 Entrants - 1st Place $1,050
($420 Overlay)
1/25/15 - 62 Entrants - 1st Place $1,085
Days: Sun,Tue,Thu,Sat
Starts at: 11:00 AM
Buyin: $65.00

Turbo Survivor No Limit Holdem Tournament
Final 10% of the field will all be paid $500
$20,000 in starting chips
Days: Sun
Starts at: 10:00 PM
Buyin: $75.00

Industry Appreciation - Bounty Re-Entry Tournament
$25 bounty
$15,000 in starting chips
20 minute levels
**Show your casino employee ID and receive $10 a food comp**
Days: Mon
Starts at: 07:00 PM
Buyin: $100.00

No Limit Holdem 4K Guarantee Re-Entry Tournament
4K guaranteed prize pool
$20,000 in starting chips
20 minute levels.
1/21/15 - 54 Entrants - 1st place 1,512
1/22/15 - 73 Entrants - 1st place 2,043
Days: Wed
Starts at: 07:00 PM
Buyin: $95.00

Thank-you for the feedback! Raye
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-30-2015 , 05:15 PM
Hi Raye,
Open for 3 months! Congrats on a relatively smooth opening run. Time flies.

Keep up the good consistent delivering of what you promise and sprinkling in promos that have a Philly flavor (wing bowl tie-in). It is a confidence building approach to get new and retain players. Under promise and over deliver.

Not trying to push it, but has any time frame for the completion of the permanent room been released? Will it be complete by year end 2015?

Is the next step visiting whether to have a BBJ or not? My vote is, Not.

The First Annual Sugar House RUSH Poker Open should be the next big event on the agenda? Or, may be a better idea to wait until you have more space?

Consider offering a wide game range Series with minimum guarantees? Smaller tournaments to utilize limited table space? Mixed (HOSE), O8, PLO, FLHE, Stud, Stud8, a Ladies Tournament, a Seniors Tournament?

Continued success and expansion.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
01-31-2015 , 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by PALLADINN
Hi Raye,
Open for 3 months! Congrats on a relatively smooth opening run. Time flies.

Keep up the good consistent delivering of what you promise and sprinkling in promos that have a Philly flavor (wing bowl tie-in). It is a confidence building approach to get new and retain players. Under promise and over deliver.

Not trying to push it, but has any time frame for the completion of the permanent room been released? Will it be complete by year end 2015?

Is the next step visiting whether to have a BBJ or not? My vote is, Not.

The First Annual Sugar House RUSH Poker Open should be the next big event on the agenda? Or, may be a better idea to wait until you have more space?

Consider offering a wide game range Series with minimum guarantees? Smaller tournaments to utilize limited table space? Mixed (HOSE), O8, PLO, FLHE, Stud, Stud8, a Ladies Tournament, a Seniors Tournament?

Continued success and expansion.
Bad beat is going to be implemented within a month from what I heard Thursday.

Boxes are already in place.

After 7 hours at Harrah's Friday night, I wish it wasn't true. So sick of getting crap for raising because 'I have a bad beat hand.'
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-01-2015 , 09:19 AM

A suggestion for your KO tournament....

Make the knockout $25 and keep the rest of the buy in the same. (60+10+25) To me the idea of a knockout tournament is even if you don't cash, if you get 3 knockouts you'll be around even. If it's only going to be $10 it doesn't seem worth even having the knockout.

I'm curious what others think as well. This is always how I viewed it.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-01-2015 , 08:27 PM
Bad beats starts the 14th unofficially. Starting at $25K. That's the one I'll hit. Not Harrah's $550K.

Two complaints: Valet left my car smelling awful last night (smoke).

Friend confirmed what others have said: the coffee in that place is terrible. Fortunately, I don't drink coffee. It was so bad, she didn't get a second, just got hot water instead.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-02-2015 , 12:45 AM
Bad beat will be Quad 2's
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-02-2015 , 01:29 AM
Raye, do you have any bad beat info? What the drop will be, qualifying hands, anything else that money from the drop might be used for?

I'm sure you're aware of things your neighbors to the south have done with some of the jackpot money that really pissed off their customers... they've given away tournament seats at the last minute so that the tournament would cover their guarantee and then pulled the buy ins from the bad beat etc... please don't do that. Pulling money for high hands is one thing, what they've done in the past is something totally different.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-02-2015 , 01:39 AM
I find the Bad Beat annoying as a pro, but I understand why they're doing it and support the decision for the good of the room. If it brings recreational players in, it's good for us too... You could certainly argue it boosts our hourly by more than the ~$3 an hour it costs a good pro. I hope some of that money will be funneled into non BBJ promotions, though? I think it's way better for the poker economy of a room if more people win some money than 7-10 people hitting it all at once. Will you keep the promotions budget you've had so you can do more than just the Bad Beat, or is this replacing it? I have some ideas for very unique promos too, Raye, if you're interested - I just haven't run into you yet.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-02-2015 , 01:47 AM
I agree with Cuse... spread it out if you can. High hands/hot seat drawings etc...
Maybe pay the entire room a little something if the BBJ hits... anything to spread it out is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-02-2015 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by IbelieveinChipKelly
Bad beats starts the 14th unofficially. Starting at $25K. That's the one I'll hit. Not Harrah's $550K.
I was at the table for the first ever BBJ at Harrah's Philly, my buddy won it. Likely the only one either of us will ever be involved in........$28k.

Not looking forward to this BBJ, but it's not the end of the world. It'll add to the chaos which is a good thing!
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-02-2015 , 02:11 PM
As we all know, bad beats are bad for the player pool. They take a lot money out of the economy (hundreds of thousands of dollars) and yes they bring in some occasional recreational players during good promos, but overall they're bad for the room and the poker economy.

Please find as many ways as possible to spread this money out in small increments across the player pool.

-Apply for a mini-bad beat
-Splash the pot
-Cracked Aces
-High Hands
-Random seat drawings
-Events like wingbowl, super bowl promos

The last thing we need is people walking out with 120-150k only to never be seen again.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-02-2015 , 05:28 PM
The bad Beat will be kept small with lots going to promotions.. it's very unlikely it will get over 100,000 if my math is correct..... However doing the same things other casinos do isn't standing out. We need to think outside the box..... And I think there have been enough seeds planted that this room could dent Harrah's if upper management is on board. The question with these places always is does management understand residual income coming from a poker room. It's doubtful they do, cause it's not quantifiable, but if they are on board this room could be THE ACTION PLACE. Between the straddle and some big time fish, it's good, but it has great potential.

So far a bunch of promos have fallen flat as a pancake. Too bad. But learn from mistakes and listen to the kind smart customers may be the key to success. For the record that's kind and smart customers not greedy and selfish customers
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
02-02-2015 , 11:22 PM

You've done a great job listening to us thus far. Please listen to us again here. We all begrudgingly realize that a bad beat is a necessary evil, but spread it around as much as possible please.
Rivers Casino Philadelphia (formerly Sugarhouse Casino) (Philadelphia, PA) Quote
