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Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT)

12-18-2011 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Ok can we
do a 2/5 NL, 1/2 PLO and a 1/5 stud?
For as many times as I have been there I have seen 1-2 PLO once and 5-10 once also. There was a 2-10 stud that ran often and it was quite an action game!
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
12-18-2011 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by jpsychlady
Ok can we do a 2/5 NL, 1/2 PLO and a 1/5 stud?
And why don't u like limit? Can be alot of fun
I used to smash 4-8 games at the wonder. Best session ever +1400 in 10 hrs
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
12-22-2011 , 11:57 PM
I won't be at the sun for about a month (on break from school), but I'd be down for mixed games when I get back.

I think a NLHE/PLO game used to run on the stage...

2/5 PLO anyone?
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
12-23-2011 , 08:36 AM
anyone going to be there this afternoon/tonight and want to get some non-standard games going? I'm up for pretty much anything, limit, no-limit, pot-limit. Just looking to have some fun and willing to play games I've never heard of.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
12-23-2011 , 09:31 PM
Just got back from an overnight trip. By way of background, I play at about Mohegan every other month or so, usually a trip where I arrive by 9am on Thursday and leave around 3pm Friday.

Overall impressions of the room were favorable. Drink service in particular seemed better, except for the 3pm-4pm dead zone where, as usual, there was not a waitress in sight.

I played 1 session of 1-2, found that insufferable, then did 3 sessions of 2-5. Up about $800 in total, which is pretty decent considering I did not flop a single set, and twice ran into flopped sets when I had painted pairs and the board ran out all unders. I ended up in profitville by winning more of the $50-$200 pots than I lost - simple as that. Boring, but I'll take it.

On Thursday they got to 4 tables of 2-5 before I went to sleep just before midnight. No 5-10, and not even a list as far as I could tell. This morning it was nice until about 10am, then it became reg central, which really detracted from the game for me, and, I suspect, others as well.

Other Notable tidbits:
- Number of players who were I remember being there at 11pm and were still there when I returned at 7am - 4.
- Not too surprisingly, the tipping in 2-5 was worse than on 1-2. I'm used to this, but it still boggles my mind. Guys routinely winning $400+ pots and stiffing the dealer or maybe tossing a white.
- For those who care about tournaments, the Tuesday and Thursday $60 now apparently are $4,000 guaranteed. The $100 Thursday 7:30pm bounty got about 75 runners, and they lost about half by the first break!
- No major issues where the floor had to be called. The dealers were well in control and players were in good spirits, with little to no trash talking.
- Someone lost $600 in literally 5 hands at my brand new 1-2 table, and arguably didn't play any of the hands incorrectly. The first hand was blind versus blind and the flop came 9-9-x, and they ended up getting it in A-9 vs. K-9 on the turn. Rebuy for $300. The second hand the flop was 10c-9c-x, and the guy barreled on on 3 streets with Qc-Jc, missed, and got called all the way by flopped top two. Finally he got the last of his second $300 buy in on a K-4-x flop where he had A-K and the other guy had 4-4. Brutal to watch, but to his credit he just took it in stride and left.
- I also saw perhaps the biggest gift hand of all time on a 2-5 table. Again it was blind versus blind with 2 early limpers. The flop comes 5-5-7. Small blind leads, big blind reraises, small blind calls. The turn is another 7. Small blind bets, big blind thinks, then pushes. Small blind has about $180 behind and there is maybe $450 in the pot. Small blind calls and flips over.....6-8?! Of course he's drawing dead. Just wow....

If anyone is reading this who played 2-5 at my tables, thanks for a fun time and great poker. Happy holidays to you, and to everyone reading this.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
12-25-2011 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rizzeedizzee
Just got back from an overnight trip. By way of background, I play at about Mohegan every other month or so, usually a trip where I arrive by 9am on Thursday and leave around 3pm Friday.

Overall impressions of the room were favorable. Drink service in particular seemed better, except for the 3pm-4pm dead zone where, as usual, there was not a waitress in sight.

I played 1 session of 1-2, found that insufferable, then did 3 sessions of 2-5. Up about $800 in total, which is pretty decent considering I did not flop a single set, and twice ran into flopped sets when I had painted pairs and the board ran out all unders. I ended up in profitville by winning more of the $50-$200 pots than I lost - simple as that. Boring, but I'll take it.

On Thursday they got to 4 tables of 2-5 before I went to sleep just before midnight. No 5-10, and not even a list as far as I could tell. This morning it was nice until about 10am, then it became reg central, which really detracted from the game for me, and, I suspect, others as well.

Other Notable tidbits:
- Number of players who were I remember being there at 11pm and were still there when I returned at 7am - 4.
- Not too surprisingly, the tipping in 2-5 was worse than on 1-2. I'm used to this, but it still boggles my mind. Guys routinely winning $400+ pots and stiffing the dealer or maybe tossing a white.
- For those who care about tournaments, the Tuesday and Thursday $60 now apparently are $4,000 guaranteed. The $100 Thursday 7:30pm bounty got about 75 runners, and they lost about half by the first break!
- No major issues where the floor had to be called. The dealers were well in control and players were in good spirits, with little to no trash talking.
- Someone lost $600 in literally 5 hands at my brand new 1-2 table, and arguably didn't play any of the hands incorrectly. The first hand was blind versus blind and the flop came 9-9-x, and they ended up getting it in A-9 vs. K-9 on the turn. Rebuy for $300. The second hand the flop was 10c-9c-x, and the guy barreled on on 3 streets with Qc-Jc, missed, and got called all the way by flopped top two. Finally he got the last of his second $300 buy in on a K-4-x flop where he had A-K and the other guy had 4-4. Brutal to watch, but to his credit he just took it in stride and left.
- I also saw perhaps the biggest gift hand of all time on a 2-5 table. Again it was blind versus blind with 2 early limpers. The flop comes 5-5-7. Small blind leads, big blind reraises, small blind calls. The turn is another 7. Small blind bets, big blind thinks, then pushes. Small blind has about $180 behind and there is maybe $450 in the pot. Small blind calls and flips over.....6-8?! Of course he's drawing dead. Just wow....

If anyone is reading this who played 2-5 at my tables, thanks for a fun time and great poker. Happy holidays to you, and to everyone reading this.
I was on your right at the 1-2 table. I had a good time but never really saw any good cards. Was fortunate to hit a few hands. Notably the 2 against the guy who lost 2 buyin in 5 hands . I was there for 4 1/2 hours and ended up winning 125 without seeing any PPs bigger than 99. Although did get 99 3 times.

Was a fun afternoon wish I could've played longer.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
12-25-2011 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by wWizardG
I won't be at the sun for about a month (on break from school), but I'd be down for mixed games when I get back.

I think a NLHE/PLO game used to run on the stage...

2/5 PLO anyone?
If we could set up a date for a 1/2 plo, 1/2 $5 bring in or a 2/5 plo, i would show up to play
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
12-26-2011 , 01:04 AM
Okay, I am making a break for Connecticut before the weather turns it into a dicey scene. I have either this Tuesday from around 11 to 11 or Thursday 7pm to Friday at 3pm I can play at either Mohegan or FW. I want to play in a decent tournament. I will buy in for up to 250. What day is best and which of the two casino's is the best ROI (I should say that I do prefer Mohegan for a bunch of reasons I stated earlier in the thread, but as this is a short trip, and I haven't been up there in a while I'd like an idea or two from you regs/semi regs.)
Thanks in advance
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-01-2012 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by IIIshipitII
<removed post that mentioned the name of a cardroom employee>
I played 2/5 Friday night and was having a good time until I got moved to the 2nd must move table (they had a must move for the must move, lol) and there was a very loud and obnoxious player who was berating the floor, the management, and the dealer - dropping f-bombs with every sentence. Floor didn't do anything and the dealer seemed to not care.

I'm difficult to offend, believe me - but it made the entire table somewhat uncomfortable.

Over the next orbit, everyone left the table (gradually) and grabbed styrofoam plates of food. I had just eaten and was all set, but it was weird to see an entire table of people eating while trying to play poker. I've never seen anyone be able to eat at the table at Foxwoods or Mohegan.

I felted a guy at the first must move table and he rebought for $400ish. I was moved to the 2nd must move 3 hands later. 5 hands after that, the guy came to our table with his $400 in chips plus another $500 in bills and a stack of black. Maybe he quadrupled up in the orbit after he rebought, but the other players (all regs) looked at him and his stack and some of them smiled. I suspect he just added on the bills and/or the black chips.

Some of the players were openly discussing how I had played at the first must move table with the players that were already at this second table. There aren't any Phil Iveys in this bunch, so I wasn't really concerned from a strategic perspective, but it make me feel like an outsider at someone else's game.

Endgame is that the table vibe was very uncomfortable to an outsider, recreational player like me. I wasn't comfortable enough to play in the game because of the other players at the table - and I had some $1400 behind and wasn't playing well and probably would've been donking it off.

It's too bad - the structure of the MS $2/5 with the 160bb max buyin is much better than the Foxwoods 2/5 (they limit you to 100bb there).

I agree with previous posters that the floor allows the regs to make it an uncomfortable game. I supposed that this is because it's a smaller room than Foxwoods and they need to rely on their regs to fill out the games more than a bigger room would.

(sigh). I'll probably play 2/5 again, but if I get the slightest whiff of the vibe that I got Friday, I'll bump back down to 1/2 or just head over to Foxwoods. Too bad.

Last edited by Rapini; 01-02-2012 at 10:52 PM.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-01-2012 , 06:29 PM
Never really post just wanted to add my .02.

Most dealers at MS are awesome. Fast, nice, aware all that. There are a small number of dealers (who also double as floors sometimes) that are totally unprofessional. There's one who eyeballs people who don't tip and looks like they're bummed out when asked to make a floor decision. Does an MS manager or someone read this forum? Do we want to get specific?

Harry Potter and Santa Claus are awesome btw.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-01-2012 , 07:31 PM
I would love to get specific if the room manager is aware of this thread.

Totally agree that 90%+ of the dealers are great, but the other 10% does some bad stuff, really bad etiquette things.

One guy who was a younger kid that I see all the time took my SB and tried to make me seem like I'm cheap.

I am in the one seat, playing my BB hand. I win the hand, take the pot and throw out a dollar for my sb. The dollar was obviously not a tip, but he may have not been looking and he said thank you or whatever so I wasn't going to make it a big deal.

I told him after hes done dealing, I pretty much whispered it to him to not make a fuss. "That dollar was for my small blind". Noone at the table heard this. he looks at me, rolls his eyes and says very sternly"Want me to give that dollar back to you when I cash out?"... Making it super public to the dealer.

I'm not mad that he took it, I'm just mad he made me look like that when I just whispered to him about HIS mistake!

Just didn't want him to take money from me. Is that too bad? He cost himself any more tips from me because he's cocky and arrogant too.

You are not required to be tipped, its a service from the players.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-02-2012 , 03:11 AM
RiLan post on this site all the time with tourney info, you could always IM him if need be.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-02-2012 , 11:00 AM's something that has been discussed for a long time and not addressed that's why i refuse to play there until the conditions improve. 2/5 at the woods dungeon on the weekends is plenty alive and well so there is no reason to not just play there. As i've said many times before in this thread, I really like the Mohegan room, and it's actually 15-20 minutes closer to me so I'd love to be able to play there more regularly but unfortunately it just is what it is right now.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-02-2012 , 05:50 PM
Someone needs to tell management to get involved with the bravo live poker app. Just an idea.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-02-2012 , 10:53 PM
Here's the thread for tipping issues:
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-04-2012 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
Someone needs to tell management to get involved with the bravo live poker app. Just an idea.
I mentioned it to Rick and Harold. They either don't get it or don't care. Some lame excuse about outside access to their system.....
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-04-2012 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Something Clever
I mentioned it to Rick and Harold. They either don't get it or don't care. Some lame excuse about outside access to their system.....
They most likely don't care. Sad.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-04-2012 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Something Clever
I mentioned it to Rick and Harold. They either don't get it or don't care. Some lame excuse about outside access to their system.....
Originally Posted by FishFry1984
They most likely don't care. Sad.
Might not be their fault, some ignoramus in their IT department might have nixed it. That's my guess based on the excuse given to Something Clever.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-04-2012 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by aaronk56
Might not be their fault, some ignoramus in their IT department might have nixed it. That's my guess based on the excuse given to Something Clever.

True but wouldn't poker room director who cares actually push it to high limits with the IT guy to get it done? It's something that alot of players like considering some don't show up of there's only one 2/5 game running and such.

The director and IT guy get paid pretty good money, but seems to me majority of them become non caring/lazy imo.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-04-2012 , 10:39 PM
How do you know he hasn't pushed it? His screen name is RiLan on here, IM him and ask what the problem is. I bet he will care to hear what you think and won't be lazy responding.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-05-2012 , 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by MoHawgs
How do you know he hasn't pushed it? His screen name is RiLan on here, IM him and ask what the problem is. I bet he will care to hear what you think and won't be lazy responding.
Simple opinion overall about the room. Period.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-07-2012 , 12:51 PM
Mohegan loooses another play due to incompetencey from the floor..... Phone call to the room manager on Monday...
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-07-2012 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by grindme
Mohegan loooses another play due to incompetencey from the floor..... Phone call to the room manager on Monday...
What happened??? Rick is in bahamas for next week and a half so talk to Dj if calling on Monday...
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-10-2012 , 02:44 AM
Forgot to share this but I guess this is where such gripes need to be discussed/addressed.../ignored by management.

Whenever the last Sunday 10 a.m. $330 30k 30 min tourney was, I was driving up from Stamford and called the poker room around 10:50 to ask them to keep registration open longer. Rick and Mike were not there, so this guy answering the phone by the tourney desk (I wanna say his name was Brendan) was one of the most clueless people I've ever spoken to. I tried explaining the merits of leaving late registration open to accommodate customers coming from afar, but he kept giving me the same "I'm not allowed" or "I have to close late registration after 2 levels" as if it would be complete anarchy if he was to leave late reg open for an extra 20 minutes. By the end of the call, he simply said "Sir, I cannot argue with you over the phone about this," and hung up after I called him an idiot.

Guy should be fired for the tone he took with me over the phone, and it's morons like him that make the room so poorly run. When I told him to talk to a superior, he told me there was nothing he could do. However, I got on the phone with the room manager, DJ, and he was able to get me in the tourney half an hour late.

Customer service should never be an issue in a poker room, or a casino in general. That's like 95% of his job. You'd never talk to a person face-to-face as this TD did with me on the phone, not if he wants to keep his job.
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
01-10-2012 , 04:38 PM
Anyone going to freeroll tuesday?
Mohegan Sun (Uncasville, CT) Quote
