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Luton, UK Luton, UK

05-26-2014 , 08:07 AM
Hi guys,

looking to stop playing online, and play live so I'm not on laptop 24/7 playing excessive sessions.

thinking of starting out in luton G, and i see they run a few £30 tornies here and there, i heard they run a £25nl game on weekend for the punters, does this game run?? Or does anyone know of similar games else where?

Reason i ask is that I'm mainly a 6max player online anything up to 100nl mainly 50nl .. but obviously don't want to be jumping into a 1/1 or 1/2 without adjusting to the live vibe seeing as I'm used to less players and $ not £ lol.

If anyone can shed any light on this or advice on how i should start out on my live adventure it would be much appreciated.

cheers guys
Luton, UK Quote
05-26-2014 , 10:01 PM
I play the Luton G far too often than I should. Multiple times a week.

The 25NL game doesn't run anymore, hasn't for a year or so. It used to be fun to splash about in. Minimum now is 50p/£1 or £1/£1 dealers choice. Casino MK runs a 25p/25p game but it's 10% Capped £5 max rake so it's an unbeatable game.

The 50p/£1 is the softest game I've ever played but if you're coming from an online background it takes a bit of getting used to with the 7xBB opens and then 5 callers. If you're at all solid online, you will beat the 50p/£1. I've ran one bullet up to 4 figures at that game a few times.

The tournies are good and well run. They used to get super shallow near the final table and it would become either a series of flips or a stupid 7 way deal. Just avoid Saturday afternoons if you can help it. It's a £25 tourney but it's just full of 60 year olds and the structure is pants.

When are you thinking of heading down? I don't mind giving you a tour of the place and getting you introduced to a few people there so you're comfortable playing.
Luton, UK Quote
05-29-2014 , 05:11 PM
Hey man,

thanks for the reply, yeah i got told the .5/1 was a fun game, i will probs give it a blast.

Im not sure.. most likely a weekend night to start. I work full time, but annoyingly have the gf taking a lot of my time so its a bit hard to know for sure.

4 figure spin ups?? the sound of that makes me wana come down so badly but yeah thanks that sounds good mate, il have to let you know.

When did you first start playing at the G? and I'm interested to know the preference to playing there live rather than online in your opinion?
Luton, UK Quote
05-29-2014 , 07:26 PM
I've been at the G for about 18 months or so. Tournaments mainly but been leaning more and more towards cash for the last 6 months because it can get very soft on the weekends. Weekdays can be soft too, there's just less table selection available.

This weekend is the £100 buy in with a £20,000 guarantee which is looking at overlay because Day 1a didn't run tonight for whatever reason. There should be a good amount of cash games on Saturday/Sunday evening. I'll be there both nights I expect, so let me know if you're thinking about coming down, even if it's for a half an hour look around and to get your G Membership.

As far as my preference for playing there goes - I still grind online, but the £100NL game at the G is so beatable for £15+ an hour. The vast majority of the players that play cash there are great guys and fun to sit with for the night, but they're totally positionally unaware, and play their hands basically face up. There are a few young guys who are fully capable of putting you in tricky spots and running big bluffs bit it's mainly the middle aged and older guys who play cash and they just haven't adapted to what is now standard play online and they're so exploitable. They think 'young poker player = crazy aggro bluffing machine', and they will pay you off on the river for silly amounts of value.

There's a lot of drunks who will sit the cash tables and punt off buyins (famous story at the G of a Scottish guy who sat at £100NL drunk and managed to punt off £3000 open shoving every hand and then max buying in again).

It's just a good cardroom and the staff are solid. The casino focuses on Poker and it's not just a room with a couple of tables in the back like a few of the London casinos.
Luton, UK Quote
05-31-2014 , 01:40 PM
ah cool, guessing your doing well in the games to be there often :P yeah i wan a try a few tornies, pray a get a solid score to get to the ball rolling.

agh that sounds like something i would of been up for, but tbh I'm not free for a few weekends at the moment. probs be the 14th ish when i make a trip.

yeah i played in aspers a few times and got the impression they frown upon us young guns, but don't figure us out well lol. so that could be fun. I'm just hoping to not be stuck on the laptop for 8 hours every time i pick it up, and get a bit of balance. If i go to the casino i know it will be an all night but least its a separate thing in my every day life. Another thing is that i can't multi table tilt. too many times I've clicked away not even thinking what the chips are worth lol. hopefully live will keep me sensible lol.

Hoping its a good move but we will see.

GL this weekend let me know how you get on, hope i get an interesting spin up story haha.
when i know I'm coming down il let you know.
Luton, UK Quote
06-02-2014 , 02:55 PM
i travel well over an hour to play there sunday tournament, its soooooo much value and a very good structure

called LAZY SUNDAYS, £50+£5 with 20k stack (+2k early bird reg) and a 30min clock with a decent structure with £4000 garentee which increases by £100 each week when its met

the bonus is that is overlays quite often, and the field is super soft and full of donks who are actual LOL bad

i seem to run well in there, out of 5 visits (this sunday tournament only) i have chopped it twice, cashed once, and finished 14th and 18th in cooler hands (out of 70-100 runners each time) and im not a great tournament player.

theres always a couple 50p/1 games that look juicy, and a 1/2 DC game but no clue of the value as i don't play it much and don't understand half the games but money changes hands pretty quickly

also it starts at 4pm on a sunday meaning you can win it and still be home for 1:30am (usually sooner)

PLUS, they run a satellite at 8pm iirc, which is 3 seats guaranteed worth £220 each, its a £20 + add on comp, it needs 5 players to run, and has overlayed every time its on ( twice i been there and there was 3 people waiting and no one stumped up and they all missed out on a potential £560 overlay, that tells you how bad most of there players are when they can't see the value when its there )

they also do a monthly £100 2 day event which has already been mentioned which i have played twice and the value was the same, both times i had a stack and took a flip at the end of the day to either have a stack or bust as its a long journey for me and coming back with a bowl aint worth my time.

this week is the 25/25 series £200+20 with £25k garnetee 25k stack and 40min clock, il be there with a few friends as they have won seats


just seen the your weekend dilema, but when you do have the time, its well worth it, the 2 day event and the £50 sunday comp are great! GL
Luton, UK Quote
06-06-2014 , 01:00 AM
Originally Posted by fazzers
theres always a couple 50p/1 games that look juicy, and a 1/2 DC game but no clue of the value as i don't play it much and don't understand half the games but money changes hands pretty quickly
Avoid the DC - it's the same 5 or 6 people playing every time, and it doesn't really play into the night like the Holdem does. There's not really any value on the DC when it's the same old regs.
Luton, UK Quote
06-06-2014 , 02:51 PM
As from this weekend, the G Luton poker room will be 24/7.

The .50/1 cash game will still have the same 9 players, naturally.
Luton, UK Quote
06-11-2014 , 05:11 PM
Sorry for the late response guys! had a lot of organising to help with recently ( mums wedding)

thanks for your input i am interested in the sunday tornie if i get catch a break from the gf lol :P as well as the .50/1 cash game.

you said its the same 9 player? :S how are they with newbies haha.

how have you guys been getting on in recent sessions. Im still not sure when il get down yet it will probs be when i wake up and realise i have a free day and just jump in the car.

cheers for your replies
Luton, UK Quote
06-11-2014 , 08:32 PM
Got second in the Sunday Tourney this week for just under £900 (I suspect people will know who I am now and I will receive a sick rubdown when I am next at the G).

The Sunday comp is beginning to become my favourite event, even if the money bubble and hand for hand went for about 60 minutes this week because a girl with a 4bb stack kept doubling it up. We eventually had to do a bubble deal to speed it up and pay and extra place for £70. Lost heads up 3 bet jamming K8d into A3o and A3o held.

Ran it up at the .50/1 to £400 in 90 mins as well which was good - a guy I play with fairly regularly who can rip huge river bets with air was playing and he had sank a bottle of red wine at the table so there was good value there. Think he was sat with just over £1000, either running like God or had just had another score on the roulette.

I'm finding myself being the first one in and the last one out more and more because the games are too good.

There's actually more people playing the .50/1 than I make out - there's a few faces you'll see buying in for half the buy in each time and punting it off and a few people who can crush the games but for the most part it's super soft. On a typical Friday or Saturday you'll get 3 drunk fish, 3 old nits who limp/call/check/fold unless they have a flush draw or something, 2 solid players and a random guy shortstacking and going outside to smoke every 3 hands.

Last edited by ReekReek; 06-11-2014 at 08:42 PM.
Luton, UK Quote
06-12-2014 , 03:59 PM
hahaha, decent sunday! congrats, what time did it finish? how man runners?

still had the energy to play the cash games after lol, ahhh just wana get down there and get stuck in.

what are the typical stack sizes in .50/1 ?

you a full time grinder?
Luton, UK Quote
06-12-2014 , 05:00 PM
Sunday started at 5pm, Bubble burst at 1am Monday morning and I think we finished up at about 3:30am. Ran a little longer than usual, most weeks it finishes by about 2am. Blame it on the 60 minute bubble we had this week.

Typical stack sizes in .50/1 is going to be around 80bb. A good chunk of people are now regularly buying in short for £60/70/80. Which I find daft because they almost always reload 5 times a night. By 4am when a few people have dropped a couple of buyins each there will be about £2000 on the table and it will play a bit more like a £1/£2.

I'm not a full time grinder no, I'm doing about 20-30 hours a week playing there through so I'd probably say I was a bit more than a part time grinder but not a full time one.

They're running a £15 tourney with 12k starting stack and a 12k rebuy/addon now which will be good for your first time down there.
Luton, UK Quote
06-14-2014 , 03:15 PM
ah is that £15 quid tornie often ? and what time ? sounds like a vibe
il probs try that/ the 20-30 quid evening tornies at some point first to get going
hope to get a decent score early lol.

its just had cos mon-fri I'm up at 7 and into the city for work so even the sunday tornie might have to be once in a blue moon lol

does anyone have a link to a time table or is it on there site atm.

gl this weekend
Luton, UK Quote
06-30-2014 , 11:20 AM
Is Luton still a hotbed of DC?

What are they putting in the water up there? Find out and bring it south
Luton, UK Quote
07-01-2014 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by bananapeel
Is Luton still a hotbed of DC?

What are they putting in the water up there? Find out and bring it south
Yep. There was a £2/£2 DC game running last night at the G that was playing pretty deep I think. There was a £5/£5 running regularly a few months ago too but that might have stopped completely.

It is the same old faces playing it though day in day out and by some accounts, a fairly tough game.
Luton, UK Quote
07-06-2014 , 06:32 PM
My baby!

They are all good guys there, and passionate about poker.

The £.50/£1 cash is amazingly soft!
Luton, UK Quote
07-10-2014 , 02:17 PM
Raj is on a power trip George please come back
Luton, UK Quote
