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London London

10-24-2012 , 05:57 AM
Lunchtime live poker. Hardcore.

Though now that you mention it I'd probably do it if I worked next door to a casino offering the game. Some places have good table food.
London Quote
10-24-2012 , 07:23 AM
Thanks guys, I'll try the Vic whilst the missus is at uni

Will be my first time there so I'll report back!
London Quote
10-24-2012 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Lolinuts
Where would you go for a lunch time hour of poker on a Wednesday?
iPad + Poker Stars App = FTW
London Quote
10-28-2012 , 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Did the Fox keep their lowered rake?
Yes and no. It's lower than it was, but they dumped the £4 cap. It's back up to £5 at the 1/1. I'm not sure what the situation is with 1/2.

They've also lowered the quads or better jackpot to a £50 min from £100 and it now only applies to the 1/1 games.
London Quote
10-28-2012 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dragon-Ash
Maybe it's just me...but the Fox isn't just going downhill, it's doing the spiral-of-death nosedive. Hardly a week goes by when they haven't changed - something. The rake. The quads or better bonus. Missed blinds and posting. No more guarntees for the tournaments. And because things change so frequently not all of the dealers are aware of the changes, so you get conflicting rulings etc depending on who you talk to.

I can't figure out what they're basing their changes on - you'd think they'd need at least 3-6 months of data to figure out how a particular rake structure is working.

Last night at the £1/2 table: guy posted and played his big blind, got up after the hand and told the dealer he'd be right back. He missed his small blind. When he sat back down, the button had already passed him. Dealer said he had to post £3 to be dealt in. Out of position, no button, and post both the big and small blind to play, he's like WTF and asks for the floor. Guy comes over, says, 'yeah, I think it's £3 but I'll double check' and walks away. Guy refuses to post so dealer doesn't deal him him. FM doesn't come back for like 10 minutes, a different manager walks buy, guy flags him down and explains the situation. New FM says, 'that can't be right, I'll double-check', and he walks away. Neither FM ever came near our table the rest of the night.
I agree with this. Last week I was playing 1/1 and missed my big blind. When I came back I said to the dealer that I'd buy the button and threw £1 to the middle and £1 in front. Dealer then tells me it costs £3 to buy the button, but £2 to post after the button passes. After a brief discussion (me telling her she was wrong, her not listening) I asked that she call the floor. Floor left to check and came back to say it was £2, not £3. Apparently, the simple argument that it was impossible that they charge me an extra £1 to buy the button just didn't make sense.

Similarly, same session, player A bets on the river and player B tank calls. Player A says player B is good and mucks. Dealer demands player B show his hand to claim the pot. I tell the dealer he doesn't and that she's wrong (same dealer btw). I ask what would happen to the pot if Player B was to just muck his hand at this point; this adds to the confusion. Floor is called and says player B does not have to show his hand.

I don't think it's the dealer's fault. The rules seem to change on a weekly basis. She came by later to apologise. I felt pretty bad, but rules are rules.

I had the same argument about the second scenario about 6 months ago. When I asked the floor, I was told I had to show to claim the pot and that it was a house rule. I asked to see the rule and, when he couldn't produce it, I asked for a second opinion from someone more senior. The tall FM confirmed that I did not have to show to win the pot. At this point I gave the first guy a lecture on why he can't just make up rulings. He claimed the rule had recently changed.

In my opinion, the only decent FM in there is the really tall guy.

Lastly - if you're going to move the cash games to the window area, don't use the only working TV in the area a tournament clock.

This is really ranty. Apologies. But it tilts me so hard how badly the place is run. Place should be a gold mine.
London Quote
10-28-2012 , 03:10 PM
Fwiw i dont know of a single cardroom in the uk that allows you to muck and claim the pot when you call a river bet and they muck, you have to show your hand to claim the pot.
London Quote
10-28-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
Fwiw i dont know of a single cardroom in the uk that allows you to muck and claim the pot when you call a river bet and they muck, you have to show your hand to claim the pot.
Really? Maybe I'm wrong, but I struggle to think of one that doesn't allow you to do it. Although I guess the situation doesn't come up that often; most people will just flip their bluff. So what happens to the pot if player B mucks (out of protest or otherwise)? Isn't it a case of last man standing?

The first time I had the argument about this was in a 1/2 game in the Fox where some guy overbet ships the river and I tank-called with some type of bluff-catcher. When he insta mucks, I'd rather he didn't know what I called him with in that spot. He's probably entitled to ask to see my hand, but it's a huge disadvantage to the calling player; we paid to see his hand.
London Quote
10-28-2012 , 05:17 PM
You paid to win the pot not see his hand.

At the vic, empire and the fox you must show to win. If both muck they could make it a split pot.
London Quote
10-29-2012 , 06:51 AM
Shows stop collusion.
London Quote
10-29-2012 , 08:58 AM
Fox is the only card room I can think of that now allows a pot to be awarded without showing if you call a bet and the other guy insta-mucks. I can sort of understand the reasoning - you called his bet and paid to see his cards; why should you be forced to show the table your cards, when the other guy who's supposed to show first doesn't show?

I don't know how showing is supposed to prevent collusion - I've made big river calls with Jack-high and won, called big river bets with bottom pair and won; sometimes you have a read and you're correct. And to be honest I don't think collusion is -that- rampant in the cash games (although maybe I'm just oblivious?). A far bigger annoyance is the ridiculously blatent soft-playing between the old Italian nits at the Fox.

Not quite the same thing, but last Saturday, two guys in a hand, Player A makes a river bet, Player B called, and Player A throws his cards face down towards the dealer in an obvious muck. Player B then tosses his cards face down in front of him. Dealer grabs Player B's cards into the muck and starts to push the pot towards Player A. As Player B says, 'hey, that's my pot', Player A reaches out and grabs his cards that the dealer hadn't quite grabbed yet. 'My cards aren't in the muck yet, Player B's cards are in the muck, isn't my hand still live'?

Player A wasn't being a dick about it (I don't think he was seriously trying to claim the pot), but it was a weird scenario, and Player B, by not protecting his hand until the pot was pushed, put himself at risk. It wasn't a big pot, but still... Anyway, Floor is called over, and rules that the pot would be awarded to Player B, but Player B was warned to hold on to his cards until the pot was pushed...which is -always- good advice; I'm shocked at how quickly people throw their cards forward the instant the other player in the hand starts to muck.

Couple of interesting hands Saturday night at my table; none of them involving me (fortunately or otherwise). Three players in a hand, flop is K66, two clubs. Action goes check, bet, call, call. Turn is a K, checks around. River is a 9 completing the club flush, board is K66K9. Player 1 says, "oh, whatever" throws out what he thinks is three pounds, not realizing he has two black chips in his hand. He looks on in horror as the dealer arounds, 'Bet is £51' into a pot of like £40.

Player 2 shakes his head, and says, "sorry dude but I have to call" and makes the call, at which point Player 1 throws his cards face up, showing a 9x for two pair. Player 2 starts to show his cards as well, forgetting that Player 3 is still in the hand!

Dealer stops the action, and the floor is called over. Player 1's cards are obviously face up. Player 3 is told he has all options. Player 3 stares at Player 2, and says "I think I saw your card, it was a 9- you have a 9 as well? I have a flush". He smiles, and says, "I call", puts in the £51 and flips over two clubs. At which point Player 2 rolls over a *6*, and he pulls a c. £200 pot looking like the cat that somehow caught the canary; one of the weirder hands I've ever seen.

Biggest pot of the night - I didn't see the flop action, but Player 2 (same dude from above hand) made a fairly big bet, like £60 on the turn, board is 85Q7, don't remember if there was a flush draw or not. Both players over £400 deep. Player 4 makes it like £130 or so, so back to Player 2, pot is over £200, £70-ish to call. Player 2 goes deep, deep deep into the tank, finally calls. River is a 7, so the final board is 85Q77. Player 2 tanks, then checks to Player 4 who insta-ships; Player 2 turbo-calls and flips over pocket 8s for the full house. Player 4 had turned a straight and is now £400+ poorer. Player 2's river check was one of the sickest moves I've seen in a while...I heard Player 4 say that he was going to fold to any bet once the board paired, but I still can't quite figure what his shove was supposed to accomplish...

Last edited by Dragon-Ash; 10-29-2012 at 09:24 AM.
London Quote
10-29-2012 , 09:25 AM
I don't think collusion is a particularly big problem these days, it's mostly just a historical rule. It also helps protect the worse players, imo.
London Quote
10-29-2012 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by wazz
I don't think collusion is a particularly big problem these days, it's mostly just a historical rule. It also helps protect the worse players, imo.
I would not be amazed if this were the next big scandal though. People don't know how to protect themselves anymore. I played at Roy forgottonhissurname's testimonial (the old Dungeon et al poker room manager) and nobody at my table - including Mel Judah - realised that the cards were marked, for example. I was by far and away the most drunk person in the room so the floor didn't believe me until I picked out the right cards a couple of times. They replaced the deck with ANOTHER marked deck, then replaced that with the original one...

Soft-playing in cash games is hard to care about though. It only really has minor meta-game implications. The main problem it causes is that it makes the games look dodgy.
London Quote
10-30-2012 , 02:42 PM
What was going on at the Empire yesterday? There was the biggest cash game I have ever seen there, by a mile. Any info on it?
London Quote
10-30-2012 , 03:26 PM
Bambos et al moved their game there. It was £25/£25 Irish and NLHE I think.
London Quote
10-30-2012 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by wazz
Fwiw i dont know of a single cardroom in the uk that allows you to muck and claim the pot when you call a river bet and they muck, you have to show your hand to claim the pot.

aspers london ALLOW THIS


player one bets on the river
player two calls
player one mucks
player two mucks

player two wins and is awarded the pot

i actually had a massive side bet with the guy about this ruling, as i insisted on seeing the hand because this guy was in lots of pots and the floor ruled as above.

(the floor was the guy who used to work empire as manager)
London Quote
10-31-2012 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by Make Them Dig
Bambos et al moved their game there. It was £25/£25 Irish and NLHE I think.
£25/£25 Irish, jesus. What, roulette isn't enough gambool for 'em?
London Quote
10-31-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Make Them Dig
Bambos et al moved their game there. It was £25/£25 Irish and NLHE I think.
where ? I think i read a tweet abt an Irish game couple of weeks ago at Hippo too
London Quote
10-31-2012 , 02:29 PM
I saw a tweet about hippo running 4 card irish 25/50 and 50/50
Apparently they run 4/5/6 card plo too.
London Quote
10-31-2012 , 11:15 PM
bambos was playing heads up £800/1600 irish at hippo around a weak ago
London Quote
11-01-2012 , 01:06 AM
Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I'll try here. I'm back in the UK for 3 weeks over Xmas and am looking to play a tournament or 2. Does anyone know where I can find out a tournament schedule for December throughout the whole of the UK? Is their any events going on? Thanks!
London Quote
11-01-2012 , 06:59 PM
The vic have got a small series over Xmas.
London Quote
11-02-2012 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by MyironThumb
Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I'll try here. I'm back in the UK for 3 weeks over Xmas and am looking to play a tournament or 2. Does anyone know where I can find out a tournament schedule for December throughout the whole of the UK? Is their any events going on? Thanks!
this is a no brainer! with the starting stack and 1 hour clock, i think this makes the best structure comp seen for a while

@ The Big Bluff


£250 BUY IN
50,000 STACK

3 DAY 1's
Day 1a Wednesday 26th December 3pm start
Day 1b Thursday 27th December 3pm start
Day 1c Friday 28th December 3pm start
Day 2 Saturday 29th December 3pm start
Day 3 Sunday 30th December 3pm start

cash games are pretty good all around town as people are off work etc, what were you exact plans?
London Quote
11-02-2012 , 12:11 PM
Do they actually have the structure up somewhere? I hate when you have a 50k chip tournament with 400/800 starting blinds or something.
London Quote
11-02-2012 , 03:06 PM
Yeah usually when they have these structures they are stupidly steep early on before descending into a crapshoot when it matters. Also there is a limit to how long I want to play for.
London Quote
11-02-2012 , 06:09 PM
How much poor form is it if ur a rec player like once every 3 weeks and u don't tip for one coat in cloak room? Just generally speaking.... Just wndering what rye general view is... Like on a Saturday night
London Quote
