Originally Posted by rainmaker1855
but still not the worst ruling I've seen in the room.
What is the worst ruling you have seen?
I remember the worst I saw because it involved me...
It went something like this...raise pre multiway to flop, small bet on flop that goes multiway to turn.
First to act bets big, I have NFD and I'm not getting right price. As im adding up the odds, player Z behind me says call and tosses chips. I take another 5 seconds and realize that with player Z calling, I'll be getting the right price. As long as I don't raise, action doesn't change and player Z must call.
I call and player Z says he wants to fold now. Dealer let's him fold and half the table tells dealer that's wrong...
Floor comes over, dealer says player Z didn't see other players cards and called out of turn. Then player Z decided to fold when the player in between - me - called.
Floor let's player z fold and take his money back because he didn't see my cards Lolololol
I tell floor after the hand his ruling was wrong. The very reason he was called to the table is the reason player Z must call! Because he called out of turn!
Some of the chit that happens in that room just "bottles my mind"