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Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09

05-03-2016 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Villian1
I've defended this place long enough. It's sad. I loved delaware park. It just seems like in the past couple months the new staff sucks. Christ I saw a dude lose with jacks full and was told by the dealer it wasn't a "bad beat". The dealer insisted it wasn't. I wasn't in the hand but I know that the house owed that dude $200.
funny you posted this. another thing to watch out for is the high hand rollover. I played a couple weeks ago and I know for a fact they didn't roll one over. They probably try to do this all the time which is why they don't update the screens
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-04-2016 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Villian1
I've defended this place long enough. It's sad. I loved delaware park. It just seems like in the past couple months the new staff sucks. Christ I saw a dude lose with jacks full and was told by the dealer it wasn't a "bad beat". The dealer insisted it wasn't. I wasn't in the hand but I know that the house owed that dude $200.
What was the board and the other players hole cards?
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-04-2016 , 12:31 PM
saw quads over full house aces.
but board was aqqaq or something like that.

both only used 1 card.
quad guy thought he had the high hand.
full house aces thought he was getting a $2500 bad beat and called the all-in on the river.

pot was only like $100. full house aces guy was short stacked.

both was disappointed: quad guy in getting so little $ for quads, full house guy said he wouldn't have called on the river if he wasn't getting the $2500.

but neither raised a ruckus after the dealer explained why their hands didn't qualify. (both men were retired and just playing for fun.)
it was quite refreshing that this didn't lead to lots of bitching and a supervisor being called

Last edited by AA Suited; 05-04-2016 at 12:37 PM.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-04-2016 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Banana man
funny you posted this. another thing to watch out for is the high hand rollover. I played a couple weeks ago and I know for a fact they didn't roll one over. They probably try to do this all the time which is why they don't update the screens
They seem to be bad at updating the screen properly - more than once I've seen it get updated once a player said something.

The question is whether they paid out the advertised amount.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-04-2016 , 02:24 PM
The high hands payout logs are (I believe) a matter of public record and must be provided for the state regulators. If you think they didn't pay a rollover correctly, you can ask to see the logs to be sure. I have, and they've let me look at them.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-04-2016 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by EvilGreebo
The high hands payout logs are (I believe) a matter of public record and must be provided for the state regulators. If you think they didn't pay a rollover correctly, you can ask to see the logs to be sure. I have, and they've let me look at them.
I have been figuring they do. If/when I get a payout one day, I will certainly make sure it is correct
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-06-2016 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by EvilGreebo
What was the board and the other players hole cards?
It was pocket jacks versus pocket aces all in preflop.

Flop came with a jack, turn and river go ace - ace.

Jacks full of aces lost to quad aces. That is a bad beat. The dealer insisted it wasn't a bad beat. The rec player didn't seem to care, and agreed with the dealer it wasn't a "bad beat" because he put his money in behind.

If you lose with jacks full of anything (using both hole cards) is a $200 bad beat hand afaik.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-06-2016 , 07:29 AM
I was dealt in the hand but folded preflop. I brought it to the attention of the dealer, the losing player didn't know about the bad beat jackpot and the dealer said the hand didn't qualify for a bad beat and the rest of the table was silent and the losing player left. Some people were joking how the 4 aces would have been a high hand (that promo wasn't currently running). So the winner won the pot and that was it. I guess I could have called a floor but the only person it impacted was the guy who lost and he didn't care and it would have delayed action at a very fun game. So I just let it go. Maybe I should press the issue??

Couple that with the 4k Guaranteed tournament being cancelled 15 minutes before it was supposed to start leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I personally have told a bunch of retirees to play those tournaments because they love to play cards but can't always get enough players. 2 of the retirees showed up to play it. Registered. Sat down at a cash game waiting for the tournament to start and then were refunded their buy in. I "guarantee" they won't be back to play poker. They'll go with their wives to play slots or whatever but that's about it. I haven't played daily tourneys in years and wasn't registered for this one. But, this kind of stuff might be why the room is struggling.

I still play here because it's convenient, games are good, comps are great, food is good but I don't know. Something is different from when they first opened.

I know a lot of the late night regs/dealers and they ask me why I'm not there as often. It's because it's a great room to relax in (comfy chairs, great lighting, convenient location, mostly good dealers) but the game selection isn't great. They basically refuse to run anything other than 3/6 LHE, 1/3 and 2/5 NL, and 2/2 5 card plo. I love me some omaha but 5 card plo is not something I like to play regularly.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-06-2016 , 07:35 AM
Re: High hands. 2 nights ago the $100 high hands rolled over to $1300 when it eventually hit. I don't know if the screens are always updated (they're not always 100% accurate) but the dealers/floor usually get that right.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-06-2016 , 10:37 AM
I saw the $4k guarantee run with 19 entrees
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-06-2016 , 10:59 AM
I think you should have called the floor; I think I would have. Yeah it slows down the game, but right is right. The guy lost and winning $200 might have taken the edge off...sometimes it is hard to track all the promos and the times they run, especially if you are not a regular to the room. And to your other point...if he walked away with $200 he might come back if he is not a regular...and better yet he might have stayed to play the $200. I think anything that errs in favor of the players, in this case, I would call the floor. If nothing else, to correct the dealer in what he/she thought a bad beat was so they don't make the same mistake again. Heck, it might have given the dealer a tip too....

Originally Posted by Villian1
I was dealt in the hand but folded preflop. I brought it to the attention of the dealer, the losing player didn't know about the bad beat jackpot and the dealer said the hand didn't qualify for a bad beat and the rest of the table was silent and the losing player left. Some people were joking how the 4 aces would have been a high hand (that promo wasn't currently running). So the winner won the pot and that was it. I guess I could have called a floor but the only person it impacted was the guy who lost and he didn't care and it would have delayed action at a very fun game. So I just let it go. Maybe I should press the issue??
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-06-2016 , 11:20 AM
Definitely call the floor. If only to educate the dealer in the room's bad beat promo.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-08-2016 , 11:00 AM
Had my first horrible experience with the floor. I've have seen them kick all kinds of players for dumb reasons. I correct one player, get yelled,cussed at, and flicked off and floor proceeds to tell me I was in the wrong. Great day at the shoe.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-08-2016 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by silverback87
Had my first horrible experience with the floor. I've have seen them kick all kinds of players for dumb reasons. I correct one player, get yelled,cussed at, and flicked off and floor proceeds to tell me I was in the wrong. Great day at the shoe.
the floor seems to care even less now, like they are over stressed/low morale.
I got a feeling a lot of supervisors (and dealers) will be jumping ship to mgm when it opens.

unless they signed a non-compete when they got hired?
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-08-2016 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by AA Suited
the floor seems to care even less now, like they are over stressed/low morale.
I got a feeling a lot of supervisors (and dealers) will be jumping ship to mgm when it opens.

unless they signed a non-compete when they got hired?
I would hope not; if they couldn't do a good job...especially in adverse conditions...why contaminant another room.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-08-2016 , 12:05 PM
I'd be stressed too if I worked for a boss more interested in his other business than running the room, I worked for a company that treats it's employees worse than almost anyone else in the industry, knew the poker room was going to take a big hit to business within a year, and didn't really understand the rules of the game I'm meant to know the rules of.

I'm surprised it took this long.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I537 using 2+2 Forums
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-09-2016 , 07:26 AM
I wonder if Jgrooms will be reading this thread when it comes to hiring time....
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-10-2016 , 08:17 AM
Originally Posted by Villian1
It was pocket jacks versus pocket aces all in preflop.

Flop came with a jack, turn and river go ace - ace.

Jacks full of aces lost to quad aces. That is a bad beat. The dealer insisted it wasn't a bad beat. The rec player didn't seem to care, and agreed with the dealer it wasn't a "bad beat" because he put his money in behind.

If you lose with jacks full of anything (using both hole cards) is a $200 bad beat hand afaik.
Yes that does sound like it qualifies. Was floor called? If not, why not?
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-10-2016 , 08:23 AM
I'm getting pretty damn irritated at dealers who flat out ignore legitimate requests made by players.

Playing on Friday night, there's a huge list and we've got 3rd man walking. The dealer (I would love to call her out by name) 1) doesn't update her bravo to lobby the 3; and 2) Ignores requests by several of the players (me included) to call 3rd man walking. It's almost as if some dealers simply will avoid calling the floor if at all possible. So after two flat out ignored requests, I turned around and called to one of the dual rates by name.

Similar thing happened in one of the smaller tournaments. It's a 20 min level tourney, and one guy is facing an all in bet and I check the clock and give him a full 3 minutes before I say, "Look I hate to do it but these are short levels so I have to call clock" and look at the dealer - who does nothing while looking right at me. So I say, "Call the clock please". Again, nothing. "Dealer - CALL THE FLOOR FOR THE CLOCK please". FINALLY she calls clock.

There's 3 or 4 dealers like this - like they're afraid to do their ****ing jobs.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-10-2016 , 08:30 AM
I'm sure Anthony will take corrective measures and let us all know about it here.

But seriously, I think it's time for people to start playing elsewhere.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-10-2016 , 09:30 AM
It's sad. I have pretty much stopped playing poker here now. And I have to literally pass the horseshoe to play down the street.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-10-2016 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Rapini
I'm sure Anthony will take corrective measures and let us all know about it here.

But seriously, I think it's time for people to start playing elsewhere.
There are three reasons I continue to play there but in the end there's really only one:
1) General venue - the comps and food are much better than Live!
2) Action - it gets a good stream of action - and sure, so does Live!, but that just means #1 ends up being the deciding factor
3) Proximity to home - it's half way between work and home, but then again, Live! is 2 miles from work so that's pretty minor, so again, #1 ends up being the factor

If Live! would address food and comps and make them competitive, then I'd play there more
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-10-2016 , 09:53 AM
same 3 reasons for me

my hourly win rate is much higher at the Shoe so reason #2 is most important for me
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-10-2016 , 10:20 AM
There's another relatively new issue in the room - this one from food and beverage.

It used to be the waitresses in the room knew the room and how to handle it. However, they were making way more in tips than the entire rest of the F&B staff since the poker room is of course premium tip territory.

So to settle the complaints, F&B now rotates new wait staff into the room every hour, so you have a bunch of wait staff who have no idea how to manage such a high number of customers. Instead of taking a few orders then filling them, they orbit the entire room, take an absurd number of orders, then mess most of them up and take an hour for the remainder.

I have to hope that eventually they'll get a clue but right now you're better off going to the service area and just asking them for what you want directly.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
05-10-2016 , 10:24 AM
So then you guys are just bitching for the hell of it. Fair enough.

I wouldn't be excited about putting my money at risk with dealers and floors who, from all accounts here, are at best uninterested and possibly incompetent.
Horseshoe Baltimore (Baltimore, MD) -- FAQ in OP, added 2014.09.09 Quote
