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Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13

07-10-2013 , 12:18 PM
How is the Wednesday tourney crowd looking? Wondering if its worth taking a half day one day to give it a shot.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-10-2013 , 03:49 PM
46 entrants today just over 3k up top
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-10-2013 , 09:00 PM
Those usually go together.

I'm interested to learn how well these will do overall. Hollywood's Saturday $100 tournament did pretty well, but Horseshoe doesn't have anything comparable on the weekend for the cheaper price, so it will be interesting to see the average numbers that the tournaments stabilize at. I'd guess that the Sunday tournament would be the popular one, but it's for over $200, so it's hard to say.

I'm going to wait till the hype dies down a little bit and then try to make a run for a main event seat.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-10-2013 , 10:06 PM
i think they will do well esp the $100 buy ins obv not as well as the first one but i think they will level out to a decent avg number of players
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-11-2013 , 08:56 AM
Does anyone think that a monthly 550$ buyin would get decent numbers? Run it with longer blind levels over a weekend or something since they have no other tournaments going on. The thing about this poker room is that it basically fills up on the weekends without tournaments so from a rake prospective id think cash is more profitable.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-11-2013 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Derek4real
Does anyone think that a monthly 550$ buyin would get decent numbers? Run it with longer blind levels over a weekend or something since they have no other tournaments going on. The thing about this poker room is that it basically fills up on the weekends without tournaments so from a rake prospective id think cash is more profitable.
I think $550 is a little steep. Hollywood does a $300 tournament the last Sunday of every month; that seems like a better price point to me. Once you get north of $500 you're going to lose a lot of casual players imo. Columbus is starting their new schedule next week. It includes a monthly $440 on the second Saturday of each month, it'll be interesting to see what kind of numbers that gets.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-11-2013 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Tom1975
I think $550 is a little steep. Hollywood does a $300 tournament the last Sunday of every month; that seems like a better price point to me. Once you get north of $500 you're going to lose a lot of casual players imo. Columbus is starting their new schedule next week. It includes a monthly $440 on the second Saturday of each month, it'll be interesting to see what kind of numbers that gets.
There is a 440$ tourney this saturday in Columbus?
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-11-2013 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Derek4real
There is a 440$ tourney this saturday in Columbus?
No, the new schedule doesn't go into effect until July 19th, so the first $440 tournament will be the second Saturday in August. There's a thread for the Columbus casino with all the details.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-12-2013 , 12:24 AM

Just got back from the Thursday tourney. 81 entrants. I took 4th place! I was literally down to my last 1200 in chips with 19 players left. in the small blind with 4s. Catch a 4 on the flop and tripled up.

Still push and pray time, caught 56 suited and limped late after 2 callers. Shortstacked so had to take a shot. Big blind pushes with 9s - others fold. I called and caught a small straight.

Enough chips to make it to the final table. Moved up in chips when kings held up against AQ suited and doubled up. Ended up in 4th.

One of the most exciting nights in a while. Thought I would share the story with you, even though you probably don't care
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-13-2013 , 10:15 AM
Are the WSOPC main events seats truly added to the prize pool? Or is $1675 taken out of the prize pool?

If they are really added, the rake isn't bad.

$170/210=just under 81%. About 1.5% to 4% below where it should be, but adding the $1675 seat to the prize pool with 167 players on Sunday, means it is really closer to $180/$210=85.7%.

If only 100 players in the Sunday tourney, that is an additional $16.75 added so $186.75/$210.00=88.9%.

I would imagine the Weds. tourney would draw significantly worse than the Sunday tourney. So if only 60 players, $197.91/$210=94.24% added

For the Monday/Tues./Thurs. tournies, 80/110=72.72% which is pathetic.

But once again if they only get 60 players in some of those tournies and the $1675 seat is added, you are looking at $107.91/$110 which is awesome, although the structure really isn't very good with only 6k starting chips.

I did notice these seats are non-transferable which really sucks, so you really need to make sure you can play the Main Event Sept. 28th-30th.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-13-2013 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by indyillini
Are the WSOPC main events seats truly added to the prize pool? Or is $1675 taken out of the prize pool?

If they are really added, the rake isn't bad.

$170/210=just under 81%. About 1.5% to 4% below where it should be, but adding the $1675 seat to the prize pool with 167 players on Sunday, means it is really closer to $180/$210=85.7%.

If only 100 players in the Sunday tourney, that is an additional $16.75 added so $186.75/$210.00=88.9%.

I would imagine the Weds. tourney would draw significantly worse than the Sunday tourney. So if only 60 players, $197.91/$210=94.24% added

For the Monday/Tues./Thurs. tournies, 80/110=72.72% which is pathetic.

But once again if they only get 60 players in some of those tournies and the $1675 seat is added, you are looking at $107.91/$110 which is awesome, although the structure really isn't very good with only 6k starting chips.

I did notice these seats are non-transferable which really sucks, so you really need to make sure you can play the Main Event Sept. 28th-30th.
The language they use in the tournament sheets specifically says "added" which to me implies that it is not taken out of the prize pool. I haven't verified this though. The promotional fund is awash in cash right now - last I saw I think it was close to, if not over 100k, so they can more than afford to give away a few tournament seats.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-13-2013 , 05:14 PM
With the volume of hands they deal and the rate at which the bad beat has been hit I would imagine they are keeping a ton in promotional money. The bad beats have been hitting for 20k. I heard from a dealer that the seats are added via promotional money. The only thing that sucks is that you cannot make a deal at the tables for it and if you already have one you cannot sell it or give it to a friend.

The closest thing to a deal would be if you could convince the last 5 people or so at the final table to split the money and give each of them an extra 200 each to just leave the table and let their hands blind out.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-13-2013 , 05:34 PM
Are they facilitating deals between players in there tournaments ? Or are they leaving that up to the players ?
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-13-2013 , 07:55 PM
Splitting deals can be made for cash but the main event seat must be played down until the end.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-14-2013 , 10:55 AM
How is PLO running here?what days? 5/10 2/5 ,1/2? ...did the game at Hollywood move here (I assume) and if it did are there Lot of new players in the game
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-14-2013 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by paulynuts
How is PLO running here?what days? 5/10 2/5 ,1/2? ...did the game at Hollywood move here (I assume) and if it did are there Lot of new players in the game
Here's what they spread PLO wise:

1/2 PLO with $5 bring-in (100-500)
5/5 PLO (300-1000)
5/10 PLO (500-2000)

Wednesdays and Fridays are still the big days, you'll have one or two 5/10's and two or three smaller games (1/2 or 5/5) usually. Saturdays there's always at least one 1/2, and often a second 1/2 or a 5/5. The next best days are Monday and Thursday, there's almost always a 1/2; sometimes we'll get a 5/10 off Monday. Sunday and Tuesday are the worst days for PLO, I'd say it's 50/50 whether a game gets off on those days.

As you correctly assumed, all the regular PLO players from Hollywood have moved over here. The 5/10 is mostly populated by the same people who played the big game at Hollywood although we will get random players from time to time. There are more new faces and random players in the 5/5 and 1/2, although this can vary from day to day. The other day I was playing 1/2 PLO and there were six people at the table I had never seen before. That never happened at Hollywood.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-14-2013 , 02:09 PM
The seats are added to the prize pool not taken out.

Once you win one seat if you happen to win another it will be taxed and then you get the rest in tournament vouchers which you can use or sell to other players.

I will be playing in every Monday tournament and hopefully one or two more every week. I live tournaments and you can't beat this deal with them adding a $1650 seat to every single tournament.

I'm the guy in his mid 20s always wearing a cubs hat and usually in a hoodie. Feel free to say what's up anytime!
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-15-2013 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Diet Mountain Dew
Are they facilitating deals between players in there tournaments ? Or are they leaving that up to the players ?
you can make deals at the end but the casino cannot have anything to do with it. each player will get paid what they would normally get for busting in whatever place that they bust in. then the players have to chop up the money themselves.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-15-2013 , 02:29 PM
Any idea how many signed up for the Monday 12:15 today? Just curious. Would imagine its down from last week.

Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-15-2013 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by KBallin
Any idea how many signed up for the Monday 12:15 today? Just curious. Would imagine its down from last week.

Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-15-2013 , 06:30 PM
How is the skill level for these tournaments? Are they played by the same 1-2 people that will limp from EP and call a raise from a rock?

Also, does anyone know how many people played the tournament on Sunday?
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-15-2013 , 07:14 PM
Are these worth driving down from Columbus? If so which ones?
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-15-2013 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by papayasown
How is the skill level for these tournaments? Are they played by the same 1-2 people that will limp from EP and call a raise from a rock?

Also, does anyone know how many people played the tournament on Sunday?
If I remember correctly it was 69.

For what it's worth Hollywood had over 100 on Sunday for the $150 10k. I wonder if the $210 price point might be a little too high for the casual player.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-15-2013 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by papayasown
How is the skill level for these tournaments? Are they played by the same 1-2 people that will limp from EP and call a raise from a rock?

Also, does anyone know how many people played the tournament on Sunday?
most of the players are pretty bad. lots of players limping, even when they only have a few blinds left.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
07-16-2013 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by sicEM55
you can make deals at the end but the casino cannot have anything to do with it. each player will get paid what they would normally get for busting in whatever place that they bust in. then the players have to chop up the money themselves.
Adding a seat to every tourney is so juicy. Wish I lived a bit closer. Coming over from Indy Sunday for the noon tourney.
Hard Rock Casino (Cincinnati, Ohio) -- FAQ in OP, updated 2015.03.13 Quote
