Originally Posted by RhodyGuy
I'm confused by the bolded. MLife Platinum's, Mohegan Soar's, and Foxwood Diamond's are precisely the clientele that they ARE targeting. Players holding those level cards are not t-shirt grinders with few exceptions.
Again, not yet confirmed but did want to point that out.
Yes, mea culpa.
Considering that they are currently, and not open 2 months, being sued for various operational misconduct, if they are not seeing the results they expect from a promotion, they will end it. It's not right but they must feel that they can weather/withstand any additional forthcoming consequences.
They seem to be operating like an Indian casino, full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes.
I wonder if this promotion had some fine print that states they can end the promotion at their discretion, at any time, for any reason. Otherwise their lawyers suck. Seem to me like that would be a crucial and substantial language criteria to any promotional contract.
The growing pains are a pita to their average customer, i.e. comp tabulation issues, lack of any substantive tournament schedule info, fixed parking info, etc.
It will be a great poker destination once they iron out the kinks.
I think they're not focusing on tournaments because their main focus is on slot, pit games, hotel & dining clientele. We're always the last branch of gaming revenue to get any respect or consideration.