Originally Posted by PierreFermat
Significantly lower traffic the past two weekends. This is really demoralizing how pathetically horrific this is being run into the ground. Every opportunity to make this successful is possible but lack of desire or care to at every level is quite sad.
Unrelated to poker I still don't get how a casino doesn't offer food later in the night at any location besides Dunkin and just a variety of small and strange/interesting things you notice as it starts to spiral down hill.
The more I read these posts about Encore poker, the more it feels to me like a competition problem. They have no competition, in Boston, keeping them in check. All the poker players are basically a captive audience. The closest other poker rooms are and hour away in NH or a couple of hours to Springfield or CT (does RI even count?). How many poker players would drop Encore if another place, say an MGM, opened up and offered up poker w/ the rakes and perks they have in Springfield? Sounds to me like the state needs to correct their mistake. What did ever happen to that third casino anyway?
Just as well, I'll be in Boston next week and will probably try to play at Encore, because, well, without a car, where else am I going to go?