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Detroit Detroit

04-29-2020 , 10:41 AM
What's up big D? Anyone hanging out in the 'clubs'? There are a few I've seen but most are a touch underwhelming most of the time.

Hopefully there's some breakthroughs in finding the scope of this CV19 which will at least allow some sort of 'comfort' going forward. Even when/if we get to go back out there will be (better be!!) a tremendous amount of apprehension when it comes to just going back to our normal 'optional' activities .. which may have a larger long term impact on those places than the short term shutdown provided, with or without government assistance.

Hope all are well ... to that end, I've not heard of anyone in the WM poker scene being directly affected by this pandemic so far. There was one confirmed case of a person that had visited GLake but nothing more came of it (and no confirmation that they played any poker). Obv I'm not a full pulse, but I'd say that I've sort of stayed in touch with quite a bit of the scene in one way or another and they probably would've brought that to my attention. GL
Detroit Quote
04-29-2020 , 11:23 AM
The consensus in the NVG thread about the WSOP cancellation is that Poker returning is a long way off.

Detroit Quote
04-29-2020 , 03:10 PM
It's going to take a long time to reverse the fear mongering that's been spread about this situation. The initial data made this thing look terrifying, and the media reports stoked that. 10% Fatality rate! We'll be overrun in a week! Look at Italy!

The reports from that hack Neil Ferguson should have been thrown out immediately, not used as justification for the most unprecedented house arrest in history. He should be shot (in a limb).

All of the new data (and some of the old data) suggests that there's a very large asymptomatic share, very low mortality in anyone under 50, and that most deaths occur in people over 70. We haven't overrun our hospitals either. This isn't anywhere as bad as we were sold, even if it does end up killing 200k people or more.

It'll take a while once people start breaking the lockdowns (either with our without government blessing) and we don't see massive deaths among the bulk of the population for people to really feel safe again. I suspect most of the summer we'll see a steady burn of new cases and deaths as people get back to activities slowly, but the average age of the dead will still be in the 70's. Hopefully that desensitizes people enough that we'll be back to more 'normal' by September.

I don't expect any concerts until 2021. Sports will be back in the fall, with limited seating most likely (everything will look like a WNBA game!), but at a minimum back on TV. Normal day to day activities should be mostly back at lower than normal traffic levels.

Casinos will try to be open in a month or two. Easy enough to turn off some of the slots to get distancing. Don't expect table games, but they'll try. I have a hard time seeing Poker back in 2020. The Charity rooms are screwed.
Detroit Quote
04-30-2020 , 08:43 AM
A friend of mine said that she played in an online tournament this past weekend through Greektown somehow. $100 buy-in with rebuys. I can't seem to get any more details out of her yet And I haven't been able to confirm it. Does anybody know anything about that?
Detroit Quote
04-30-2020 , 09:14 AM
im assuming an employee at greektown is probably a poker bros agent and greektown has nothing to do with it.
Detroit Quote
04-30-2020 , 09:27 AM
PB .. probably (good assumption)

GT .. not even a remote possibility that GT would 'officially' risk a Gaming violation over some juice in a donkamont tournament.

There very well could be a database/text network that a Floor or Dealer put together and reached out to see if there was any interest. Just like Amway, there's a trickle down effect in the poker scene as the word spreads, thus creating interest. There's plenty of home game group texts as well. GL
Detroit Quote
04-30-2020 , 11:20 AM
Is there a PokerPro table in our casino future?
Detroit Quote
04-30-2020 , 01:04 PM
I've played with no Dealer on cruise boats and at Four Winds (MI) before. I didn't really mind them but I certainly don't enjoy them as much as when the Dealer is at the table. And I think any conflicts between Players might escalate a bit more without the mediary right there.

I think we all hope that there's some sort of 'break thru' which will allow everyone to get 'accessed' somehow. It's the unknown that is hanging out there that has everyone on alert status. We wont know what we should've done until 'after' ... and most of that will be opinion as well! GL
Detroit Quote
04-30-2020 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by answer20
I think any conflicts between Players might escalate a bit more without the mediary right there.
Not a worry. There's almost nothing for them to argue about. Nobody can act out of turn, or short the pot, or string-raise, none of that stuff. There are still things that can cause trouble, but most of the issues you typically see are not possible anymore.

Cheers, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)
Detroit Quote
05-01-2020 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by Greg (FossilMan)
Not a worry. There's almost nothing for them to argue about. Nobody can act out of turn, or short the pot, or string-raise, none of that stuff. There are still things that can cause trouble, but most of the issues you typically see are not possible anymore.

Cheers, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)
I agree.

When I played on the ship I thought it was a more sociable game.

The table was the final arbiter and I don't remember any disagreements.
Detroit Quote
05-01-2020 , 09:18 AM
Casino's in MI (along with bars, restaurants, and theaters) ordered to stay closed until May 28. Not a huge surprise. The Detroit area is still pretty hard hit.

Manufacturing is starting to trickle back. Masks, thermal cameras, and copious amounts of sanitizer are everywhere. Hopefully there's no double peak in cases, they keep trending down even with a lot of return to work, and we can keep slowly opening up. Angrist is probably right in that poker is off the table (no pun intended) for the medium to long term. B&M poker and social distance are mutually exclusive.
Detroit Quote
05-01-2020 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by Greg (FossilMan)
Not a worry. There's almost nothing for them to argue about. Nobody can act out of turn, or short the pot, or string-raise, none of that stuff. There are still things that can cause trouble, but most of the issues you typically see are not possible anymore.

Cheers, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)
I'm not worried about 'technical' poker issues. But there's still suck-outs and 'bad' calls ... as well as religion and politics. From my experience kids tend to fight more with parents out of the room ... so to leave the 'he started it' wide open.

I enjoyed my cruise ship experiences as well, but those weren't Regs .. they were people that you will never see again in an environment that hopefully was fun ... 'you're on vacation' ...

I try not to be a Debbie Doubter nor do I anticipate not being able to handle spots myself. It's just that I really feel the push of a Dealer can really be a reset for the game (and some Players) as well as provide some semblance of authority 'right there' .. not just within 20 yards at the check in desk. GL
Detroit Quote
05-01-2020 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Greg (FossilMan)
Not a worry. There's almost nothing for them to argue about. Nobody can act out of turn, or short the pot, or string-raise, none of that stuff. There are still things that can cause trouble, but most of the issues you typically see are not possible anymore.

Cheers, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)
But with some folks almost nothing is still enough. I suffered a minor assault at a PPro table on a shift. Had nothing to do with the game but it did build up, one sided, over time. Eye in th sky caught it all and he took all the heat. But if a floor had been present it probably would not have happened.

Also seen 0lenty of Optah vi9lations and collusion at These tables even on land with floors. Limited such experience but seems the floors at such rooms were always weak and poor.

On ships I always liked etables but not on land. Of course if that is the way casinos go maybe my opinion will change.
Detroit Quote
05-01-2020 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Koss
Casino's in MI (along with bars, restaurants, and theaters) ordered to stay closed until May 28. Not a huge surprise. The Detroit area is still pretty hard hit.

Manufacturing is starting to trickle back. Masks, thermal cameras, and copious amounts of sanitizer are everywhere. Hopefully there's no double peak in cases, they keep trending down even with a lot of return to work, and we can keep slowly opening up. Angrist is probably right in that poker is off the table (no pun intended) for the medium to long term. B&M poker and social distance are mutually exclusive.

Besides the Big 3 I couldn’t tell you any manufacturing shop that’s been closed up. Most of them figured out the BS work around by claiming you’re essential because you supply parts to “company on essential list”. I know I’ve been working and I’m going to be sad once everyone else goes back to work because the drive has been heavenly
Detroit Quote
05-01-2020 , 10:12 PM
Motor City back in the day used to have one of those machines. It never really caught on
Detroit Quote
05-02-2020 , 01:47 AM
>>>>This isn't anywhere as bad as we were sold, even if it does end up killing 200k people or more.<<<<

How can something that causes 200,000+ deaths not be that bad? No need to answer. It's a LOL rhetorical question. Imagine 200,000+ corpses and 200,000 mourning families. Not bad? Must be the new alternative reality.
Detroit Quote
05-04-2020 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
Besides the Big 3 I couldn’t tell you any manufacturing shop that’s been closed up. Most of them figured out the BS work around by claiming you’re essential because you supply parts to “company on essential list”. I know I’ve been working and I’m going to be sad once everyone else goes back to work because the drive has been heavenly
Fair enough, I'm a big 3 guy so I guess I live in that bubble. Although I assume with them down that means that their suppliers were probably also shut down or barely running. Don't worry too much about your drive though. Us office drones are going to be on extended work from home, even as the laborers go back to the plants. I can basically do about 85% of my job from home, so I expect to actually have to go in a few times per month. I also live about 15 minutes from work, so my plan is not to spend 8 hours a day there. If there is an hour of work I need to do, I'll go in for an hour then do the rest from home. I expect this to be more common, so the usual 7-8:30 and 4-5:30 rush hours will probably be reduced as a result.
Detroit Quote
05-04-2020 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedown Street
>>>>This isn't anywhere as bad as we were sold, even if it does end up killing 200k people or more.<<<<

How can something that causes 200,000+ deaths not be that bad? No need to answer. It's a LOL rhetorical question. Imagine 200,000+ corpses and 200,000 mourning families. Not bad? Must be the new alternative reality.
It's usually only killing old people though, so it's not bad. My father died during all of this (inconclusive whether it was covid, in my mind 50% chance). No biggie though since he was over 70.
Detroit Quote
05-04-2020 , 06:12 PM
It's "No biggie" that your own father died, since he was over 70?

What a Shithead!
Detroit Quote
05-04-2020 , 06:42 PM
You can't sense my sarcasm lol?
Detroit Quote
05-04-2020 , 09:20 PM
My bad. Hard to tell the difference sometimes these days between sarcasm and just ****ed up. Oh the humanity! LOL
Detroit Quote
05-05-2020 , 07:46 AM
There is an underlying sense in society that as long as someone doesn't die 'before their time' that it's more 'OK' than otherwise. And I think that age is around 70 for a lot. As long as someone made it to retirement and got to enjoy some of it we're not as taken aback compared to deaths caused by other circumstances.

My Dad worked until 75 and made it just past 85 so he/we got a pretty full dose of life! Hopefully all the Dads/Moms out there make it to 'their time' since passing away as a result of this new 'villain' wouldn't fall into that category IMO. GL

Last edited by answer20; 05-05-2020 at 07:59 AM.
Detroit Quote
05-07-2020 , 12:31 PM
Well this isn't good:

Not terribly surprising though.

I really wish we'd stop using "vaccine" as the goalpost. That might take 3 years, or we may *never* get one.
Detroit Quote
05-21-2020 , 03:14 PM
What’s everyone’s opinions on when the charity rooms are going to open?
Detroit Quote
05-21-2020 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by UmphLove
What’s everyone’s opinions on when the charity rooms are going to open?

Seriously though, it's very hard to tell. Whitmer seems to want to keep things locked down really hard for a long time, even with the limited changes this week. Either way you cut it you can't have a room with 'social distancing'. People aren't going to play 4-5 handed.

Basically everything depends on how the re-opening goes in other places. People are scared and aren't going to go flooding out to businesses right away. Even if you lifted all restrictions today it'd take 3 months to get back to 'normal' activity. If we get a huge rebound of deaths (cases don't matter) then poker is screwed for a year. If the better projections hold true and things stay relatively mild through the summer, .... maybe September.
Detroit Quote
