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Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE)

07-10-2011 , 07:06 AM
Ironman Structure Sheets are up on the web site.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 07:09 AM
First time poster, long time lurker, and native Delawarian here. Can't tell you how much i enjoy having a poker room and casino literally 10mins from my doorstep.

I was compelled to finally post after choping the 10pm 65 deep stack 3ways tonight for 979. had a blast, lots of good players and interesting people to gamble with.

I will be playing at Dp a lot more now that the tournament schedule is set up (and pretty juicy if you ask me) and of course being rolled better always helps.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 09:15 AM
August tournament schedule is also up. Not much change from July except the super satellites in August 19th and a $340 25K event on August 6.

I would like to see a triple chance tournament sometime. Start with 2500 chips and two tokens which can be redeemed anytime for 2500 more chips each.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 09:15 AM
Heading up to play for a few days. Whats left on the coverall board has it resest lately?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 09:33 AM
The coverall board had a few squares left as of 3pm yesterday. 2 royal flsuhes, 2 five-high straight flushes, and 3 king-high straight flushes. It was last reset 7/1 at midnight.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by Deaconblues85

I was compelled to finally post after choping the 10pm 65 deep stack 3ways tonight for 979. had a blast, lots of good players and interesting people to gamble with.
You've gotta be the "finish him" guy, right?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 01:10 PM
No actually I was the youngest white guy at the final table, black shirt and headphones plaid shorts, brown hair. The finish him guy was one of the choppers though.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by subs
i doubt ill play the 20r again... but for the love of god add a 3k/6k/500 level... we hit the 2k/4k to 4k/8k jump with like 16 left on sunday and 13 paid... would have been nice if there was at least some play left... id guess the biggest stack when we hit 4k/8k had about 20bb
Anyone know what time this has been ending? Thinking about playing but have to be back in Baltimore at 10. Thanks.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 02:06 PM
That's about the time it will end.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-10-2011 , 02:09 PM
Thanks. Cash it is.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by jjk22
You've gotta be the "finish him" guy, right?
Oh, Ok - I was next to you in the 1 seat, your dad was really out of his mind that I didn't want to chop at 10.

See you next time, let's take down the Ironman!
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 10:00 AM
Lol that wasn't my dad, my dad wouldn't be caught dead in a poker room. During the break that guy and is buddy were smoking with me and my buddy, who busted in 14th, sayin we should chop 9 ways. I was uber short stacked at the time so I told them I was for it. They did take it a little too seriously though. Plus 9way chops are pretty lame unless ur short stacked and everyone agrees to an even chop.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 10:08 AM
Freeroll tomorrow and a full day of poker planned. Arrive at 8:30 AM and sit for a free seat into the noon. 25 K Freeroll at 3 PM. GL to all the regs.

New rules. No chop until the final table. Pay 21 to 30 @ $250. 11 to 20 @ $500. Final table plays for 12.5K and can chop. That's the way I understand it anyway.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 10:37 AM
am coming for freeroll----any interest in HORSE tommorow---10 AM----
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by layemdown
Ironman Structure Sheets are up on the web site.
This is going to be epic. I'm worried that this might be the first and last time this event goes, so im playing for sure.

Im predicting massive player implosions about 16 hrs in. How many folks can honestly say they've ever even played 24 hrs straight? Im certain that my game goes downhill after 12-14 hrs or so...this should be something else!

Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelOar
This is going to be epic. I'm worried that this might be the first and last time this event goes, so im playing for sure.

Im predicting massive player implosions about 16 hrs in. How many folks can honestly say they've ever even played 24 hrs straight? Im certain that my game goes downhill after 12-14 hrs or so...this should be something else!

I started a thread in MTTc live on the Delaware Park Ironman.

I noticed that the Commerce ran a $1600 event with similar (if not harder) break structures in 2009. No breaks in that one and meals served at the tables. 19.5 hours to finish it. No chops allowed in that event. DP will allow them. There will also be some minimal breaks at DP, but five times the starting stack and more players. Could it break some kind of record?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 07:45 PM
How often does 4/8LHE run during the week? Any chance it gets going tomorrow around 11?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 09:26 PM
How late do we really think that ironman will go? 200 runners? tops?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by AZK
How late do we really think that ironman will go? 200 runners? tops?
I can't see it finishing sooner than 24 hpurs. I think 24 to 30 is a good number. The wild card is the high starting stack and number of entrants. The Commerce@ $2100 with 68 runners went 19.5..... it can't go less than that. I think dinner on Sunday.....round 30. Just a guess and not educated at that.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-11-2011 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by MichaelOar
This is going to be epic. I'm worried that this might be the first and last time this event goes, so im playing for sure.

Im predicting massive player implosions about 16 hrs in. How many folks can honestly say they've ever even played 24 hrs straight? Im certain that my game goes downhill after 12-14 hrs or so...this should be something else!

I just don't have that kind of stamina anymore. Six or ten years ago I did. As certain pros like Dan Harrington have pointed out, younger players definitely have an advantage in that department.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-12-2011 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by layemdown
I can't see it finishing sooner than 24 hpurs. I think 24 to 30 is a good number. The wild card is the high starting stack and number of entrants. The Commerce@ $2100 with 68 runners went 19.5..... it can't go less than that. I think dinner on Sunday.....round 30. Just a guess and not educated at that.
Assuming 200 runners, I estimate that the final table will start around level 26...

Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-12-2011 , 10:06 AM
FYI - if you have points saved up, either with poker play or with supplemental slots/table play...go to the front customer desk and see if you have enough for parking passes. Better than paying the $4 if you have it in comps.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-12-2011 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
FYI - if you have points saved up, either with poker play or with supplemental slots/table play...go to the front customer desk and see if you have enough for parking passes. Better than paying the $4 if you have it in comps.
Do they have parking passes as well as the Valet. If they do have parking passes, where does this enable you to park in relation to the poker room?
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-12-2011 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by QuadsInDE
How often does 4/8LHE run during the week? Any chance it gets going tomorrow around 11?
Apparently the limit games above 2-4 have not run during the week ever since they added the 2-4 and killed the 3-6. Maybe others have seen the 4-8 run, but I haven't. I have seen the 4-8 run most saturdays, about half of the fridays and maybe thursday nights once a month, but I do not recall seeing anything running during the daytime during the week....except for the 2-4, which I refuse to play.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
07-12-2011 , 06:31 PM
Fun day today............ Lost 75.00 in cash winning (bad) a free $65.00 seat (good) into the noon. Played the noon down to almost 4:45 running back and forth to the tournament room for the 3 PM freeroll. I was ready to chop the noon which paid five at the final table 10 ways, but couldn't get anyone to agree though I was ahead in chips. By the time we did chop it 6 (good), the freeroll was at level 6 and I was a little short over there (bad). Running between the rooms did little for the quality of either game, and I was crippled in the 25K on first real hand I played with my AK vs AA vs 10 Q suited. Of curse q 10 picked up the triple up.

I talked to K2 and he expects the Ironman to go for 28 hours. His estimate is based on the main event they had playing the same structure. He calculated the actual hours played minus the breaks to get to that number. Look for a 4 PM end on Sunday afternoon.
Delaware Park (Wilmington, DE) Quote
