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Starting fresh and wanting to improve my game. Starting fresh and wanting to improve my game.

12-06-2011 , 05:39 PM
This may be a little long. Going to talk a little about my poker experience so far and if any of you SnG MTT veterans can provide me with some of your wisdom would be much appreciated.

Well I started playing poker about a year ago and went straight to micro cash games. I came here and read a post "A complete guide to beating the micros" which was extremely helpful for my game. My problem was I wanted to move much to faster and didn't use bankroll management which resulted in me going busto plenty of times. Since then I've played a lot of SnG MTT's as I much prefer it to cash but I struggle a lot.

A major issue I have is tilting and mind set which both really effect my play obviously. I start off really well and feel like all my decisions are calculated and correct most of the time but then I get a horrible beat and I start "gambling" on the rest of my tables. I'm getting it under control as I know I need to not be results oriented and as long as I'm making the right choices that's the best I can do.

I also I'm trying to multi table 12 tables at once for reduced variance and better chances of making it deep but I feel this may not be the best choice and here is where Id like some opinions. For my 100$ BR at the moment I'm playing pretty much the smallest stakes the 1$ 90 man and the 1.50$ 45 mans to help build my bankroll. The only thing is if I don't cash (larger than the 2$ mini cash) then I'm losing like 15$ which is a pretty big issue. What would you guys suggest play like 4 tables till I up my roll?

I'm also trying to get better at placing my opponents on hand ranges but its something I struggle with. I also want to learn how to apply ICM and Nash to my game but having some issues finding good learning tools or articles on them. I feel like I have a solid understanding of basic fundamental poker but beyond that I feel I'm lacking the necessary tools needed to become a winning player.

It's my number one goal at the moment to become a solid winning player in the micro MTT SnG's and I'm posting this to see if any of you went through the same sort of thing and any advice you have to overcome it.

Anyways sorry for the long wall of text and if this belongs in the beginners corner sorry in advance but thought this was more directed towards the MTT SNG community.

TL;DR, Been a losing player for a while, made a 100$ deposit today and want to never have to deposit again (using proper BR management etc). Looking for some wisdom from fellow breakeven or losing players who are now winning players.
