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reraise reg allin post ante reraise reg allin post ante

03-01-2012 , 05:41 PM
Poker Stars, $7.34 Buy-in (150/300 blinds, 25 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players

MP2: 2,215 (7.4 bb)
MP3: 1,545 (5.2 bb)
Hero (CO): 3,281 (10.9 bb)
BTN: 1,795 (6 bb)
SB: 4,074 (13.6 bb)
BB: 5,470 (18.2 bb)
UTG+1: 2,373 (7.9 bb)
UTG+2: 5,071 (16.9 bb)
MP1: 2,465 (8.2 bb)

Preflop: Hero is CO with Q 9
3 folds, [color="red"]MP2 raises to 2,190 and is all-in, Hero ????

Villain is reg
repop range IF villain had 10bb 44+,A5s+,K7s+,Q9s+,JTs,A8o+,K9o ?
Given his 7bb we repop ??
03-01-2012 , 05:43 PM
In addition this hand,

Hand 2: repop range?
(villain is reg)
too wide?

Poker Stars, $7.34 Buy-in (125/250 blinds, 25 ante) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players

MP3: 3,210 (12.8 bb)
CO: 4,125 (16.5 bb)
BTN: 4,833 (19.3 bb)
SB: 5,048 (20.2 bb)
BB: 2,474 (9.9 bb)
UTG+1: 3,435 (13.7 bb)
UTG+2: 1,300 (5.2 bb)
MP1: 2,120 (8.5 bb)
Hero (MP2): 4,102 (16.4 bb)

Preflop: Hero is MP2 with A 9
2 folds, MP1 raises to 2,095 and is all-in, [color="red"]Hero raises to 4,077 and is all-in
03-01-2012 , 07:05 PM
Hand 1: 44+ A5s+ A7o+ KTs KJo QJs+ maybe a little wider depending on how lose the reg is. Your re-shoving range for 10bb seems quite loose imo

Hand 2: A9s is probably doing decent against his range but with so many people left to act and the fact you are deep with most of them might make me fold this. ATs i would probably most re-shove though
03-01-2012 , 07:23 PM
Hand 1: We have nearly 11bb and tonnes of FE.
Sure quite a lot of regs are shoviing 67s 9To etc but we still need way more equity to be iso'ing our 10bb stack here.
Hand 2: 66+ATs+AJo maybe.

Kinda hard without HUD stats, labbelling a reg doesnt really make much difference unless we know how loose he is, v's a 18/13 type reg id be way more inclined to ISO wider, but v's 11/9 nits like me, ill be adjusting massivley.
03-01-2012 , 07:26 PM
Maybe i'm iso-ing a little wide
03-01-2012 , 08:07 PM
Hand1, wait for a better spot

Hand 2, I give the allin a little more respect because it is from MP1. I happily get it in if we are both in later position, from this position there is too much risk that someone behind wakes up with a big hand IMO.
03-01-2012 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by kkindopp
Hand1, wait for a better spot

Hand 2, I give the allin a little more respect because it is from MP1. I happily get it in if we are both in later position, from this position there is too much risk that someone behind wakes up with a big hand IMO.

03-02-2012 , 04:11 AM
Fold 1, hand 2 depends on villain, I'd probably consider close fold here vs. most people, but I would isolate even if he is in the same position if I'm say BTN or later, I guess. I'd isolate here too depending on villain
03-02-2012 , 05:53 AM
hand one seems way to wide, and I love shoving wide
03-04-2012 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by OMGClayDol
Fold 1, hand 2 depends on villain, I'd probably consider close fold here vs. most people, but I would isolate even if he is in the same position if I'm say BTN or later, I guess. I'd isolate here too depending on villain
03-04-2012 , 10:34 AM
#1 fold
#2 fold, otb i would iso.
03-05-2012 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by poporella
#1 fold
#2 fold, otb i would iso.

unless in hand two they are really good or you hate them
