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*** January 2012 NC thread! *** *** January 2012 NC thread! ***

01-01-2012 , 08:04 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! everyone have a good one? i woke up at about 5pm today and was in bed all day... overdid it a little :s
01-02-2012 , 03:44 AM
In for rungood. Bring on january! Happy newyear!
01-02-2012 , 06:18 AM
Happy new year!
01-02-2012 , 02:41 PM
All beginning of winter, I kept blowing off poker once mw3 came out, and now that its exams time, i obviously have more than enough motivation to play... (as it is possible to play poker on computer in library, where theres no ps3)

Originally Posted by frenchfries
Happy new year!
pumped for first day of poker?
01-02-2012 , 03:03 PM
Happy ny everyone and good luck @ the tables
01-03-2012 , 08:25 AM
How many of u play mostly 45man?
01-03-2012 , 09:14 AM
me (however just started and playing $1.50)... what about you?
01-03-2012 , 09:27 AM
I play 45 and 90 man 0,50cent
01-03-2012 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by dadude77
me (however just started and playing $1.50)... what about you?
3's, 7's and starting to do 15's
01-03-2012 , 02:15 PM
GL all, this is the year the world ends right?
01-03-2012 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by striiing
GL all, this is the year the world ends right?
why would it?
01-03-2012 , 05:46 PM
GL all and happy new year. Forget that Mayan calendar stuff grind like there's no tomorrow anyway.
01-03-2012 , 06:30 PM
if there was no tomorrow im not sure i'd be playing poker today
01-04-2012 , 10:18 AM
i guess if there was no tomorrow i would gambol my roll today
01-04-2012 , 05:34 PM
20 december 11:59PM

01-05-2012 , 05:21 AM
20.12.12? Wut?
01-09-2012 , 08:12 AM
Anyone up for a small bet in the weekend coming?
01-10-2012 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by mckrogh
Anyone up for a small bet in the weekend coming?
I'd like to but I have exams in the way.

I'll be up for some propbets though when they are over but I haven't played online yet this year.
01-10-2012 , 09:17 PM
what kind of bet you talking about?

where you study ste?
01-11-2012 , 04:16 AM
Just a small weekend volumebet...
01-11-2012 , 08:06 AM
180s ?
01-11-2012 , 10:45 AM
45's? lol
01-12-2012 , 03:44 AM
01-12-2012 , 05:09 AM
im in exams til next friday too.. and then next saturday im going back to america with my gf to see my family for 2 weeks no real grinding on stars until around february
01-12-2012 , 05:49 AM
sigh... what are u studying?
