Interesting spot - Line check
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 2
A bar in the city in which I reside has freeroll tournament every wednesday which anywhere from 20-30 people show up. It's $50 for first $25 for second.
We're approaching the break where rebuys are no longer available.
I've built a substantial chip lead on my table mostly taking hands to showdown so my table knows i'm not completely full of it.
So here's the spot:
A player with which I have 5000+ hands history with raises UTG to 3.5bb and it's called by the button. I look down at 10c4c and flat (loose I know, but I know my plan for the flop/have the stack to gamble)
Flop is 10h Kd 4s and I lead out 5bb and get raised by UTG (who likes to use this move against me) to 12.5bb. My read is UTG has a K (ak in particular). Button folds and I call.
Turn is Jh, I check and UTG bets 10bb. I min raise and he shoves for about 20bb more. Hating life at this point but can't get AK out of my head. I call and he flips over JQos. River is ace for broadway.
Can I get away from it on the turn??
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 2
edit: this player has taken the same line against me with bottom pair to the river
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 133
Wauw Wauw Wauw
How can this be played any F-ing worse..
Why lead flop? let him c-bet his bluffs.. if ur read is AK how can u call the raise then?
why the hell raise the turn? And yeah now i put in the extra 20bb's after playing it this horrible..
Also please state the stacksizes at the beginning, not unimportant..
And a rebuy period in a freeroll ?
I dont even know why i am replying on this confusing hand..
Work really sucks i guess..