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How should small pocket pairs be played in early levels,B2B? How should small pocket pairs be played in early levels,B2B?

09-13-2011 , 02:39 AM
    Poker Stars, $13.77 Buy-in (25/50 blinds) No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 9 Players
    Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite. View Hand #10560882

    MP1: 1,345 (26.9 bb)
    MP2: 1,445 (28.9 bb)
    MP3: 3,100 (62 bb)
    CO: 1,470 (29.4 bb)
    BTN: 2,575 (51.5 bb)
    SB: 3,380 (67.6 bb)
    Hero (BB): 1,465 (29.3 bb)
    UTG+1: 120 (2.4 bb)
    UTG+2: 2,025 (40.5 bb)

    Preflop: Hero is BB with 7 7
    6 folds, BTN raises to 150, SB folds, Hero raises to 500, BTN raises to 2,575 and is all-in, Hero calls 965 and is all-in

    Get the Flash Player to use the Hold'em Manager Replayer.

    B2B play,my pair should be good.So I 3bet preflop but has to call his allin and gamble. I dont want to just call the raise preflop,because 77 plays bad post flop.Or should I just simply fold?
    Which is the best way to play the 77 here?

    Last edited by TeamTrousers; 09-13-2011 at 08:53 AM. Reason: no results needed
    09-13-2011 , 02:47 AM
    for all intet purpose you have 30 bigs, I wouldn't mind the 3 bet maybe make it 400, but it's a fold to the 4 bet shove - as per hand

    generally i think you can still call the button raise and try to spike a set etc if the board is wet you may find a chance to check raise bluff, but if button is anyway decent he won't cbet a wet board and will check behind to control the pot! it plays different if middle position opened the button 3 bets and you make a small 4 bet/call but generally i think you have to many chips to be gambling! if button is a nut job yeah but if solid (has not got out of line) play straight up
    09-13-2011 , 03:51 AM
    I think the general rule is the if the initial bet is 1/10th of your stack or greater and you want to 3bet, then you should shove all in as there won't be alot of room to maneuver if you 3 bet small and get called. You pretty much have to shove most flops. I think cases can be made for shoving, calling, and folding here.
    09-13-2011 , 07:25 AM
    Fold to 4 bet shove but u can call and try to spike a set...

    In the early stages i think set mining is better
    09-13-2011 , 09:46 AM
    Reads on BTN would be useful.
    09-13-2011 , 11:18 AM
    why fold to 4bet shove? this is button vs blind. I call here and expect to be behind WAY less than ahead or flipping. I'm not putting 1/3 of my stack in and folding here EVER. Button can be 4bet-shoving such a wide range.
    09-13-2011 , 11:34 AM
    Its a $15 game. Assuming randoms are going to 4bet shove hands that we crush is burning money imo. Even bad randoms likely have a huge chunk of hands like AJ and 55 that are in their flatting range and *not* in their 4bet range. Assuming a 4bet range of 77/AQ then we are only 35%. If you want, we can make that range 66/AJ and we are still only 40%.

    Honestly, I probably flat pre, but if I am going to 3bet, then I'm shoving.
    09-13-2011 , 04:21 PM
    folding here against almost everyone. sometimes shoving.

    flatting is bad bc his button range wont pay you off when you hit your set and its for ~7% of your stack. to call out of bb with pairs i need a raise and a call.

    hate 3betting to 4-500 or whatever. now that you did, folding sucks and calling sucks.
    09-13-2011 , 04:32 PM
    Flatting is only bad if your sole intention is to setmine postflop.
    09-13-2011 , 04:55 PM
    with 77 you're just not making enough. even if you're a good hand reader/opponent is bad, It's not worth the amount of focus it takes away from other decisions (assuming hero is mass tabling).
    09-13-2011 , 08:59 PM
    IVEY your a NIT NIT if your are saying to fold 77 here in a generic situation like this. Now in certain situations, then yes folding 77 to villains standard open raise can be a option in certain situations. But not in a generic situation.

    Flat calling just to set mine is bad, but flat calling if your not just set mining, is just fine.

    minreraising to 300 is ok, because its small enough that can fold to a 4 bet shove, and if they flat call, your in a much stronger position, then if ya had just flat called.

    And a resteal shove is ok as well..

    I hate a big reraise to 450 to 550 because then calling a 4 bet shove,is bad, and folding to a 4 bet shove,is bad. I dont like being put in that tough situation
    09-13-2011 , 09:31 PM
    again another thread where the only rebuttal to my post is calling me a nit.

    cash games down the street. look at the leaderboard, then look at your roi. they are all huge nits in the early levels. 3bet folding ranges just dont exist.

    we are not passing up any value here, we are passing up variance and maintaining stack size.

    icm is a tax on the equity needed to make a play profitable. your expected roi is another tax. marginal spots are not needed in low stakes when you can sit back and have great spots handed to you

    Last edited by realPhilIvey; 09-13-2011 at 09:41 PM.
    09-14-2011 , 12:21 AM
    I can agree with realPhilIvey. At this blind level and at these stakes, it's far better to error/mistake on the nittier side than it would be to wrongfully stack off loose here or call and make much larger mistakes post flop. That's all he's trying to say. It's a marginal spot without good reads.

    Definitely spots where three bet jamming or three bet calling are better though. Flat is also fine in some spots if you're good post flop. It's really read dependent and opponent dependent and without those reads it's better to error on the nittier side.
    09-14-2011 , 02:24 AM
    Thank you all,guys.You are very helpful.
    09-15-2011 , 06:57 AM
    if it's a reg on the button I'make it 350 and fold to a shove. If it's a random, I just straight fold.
    09-15-2011 , 08:09 AM
    If its a turbo i 3bet get it in

    If not i flat and play the flop
    09-15-2011 , 09:16 AM
    Shoving should be profitable against decent btn opening ranges.3b/c with 77 isn't necessarily better than shoving,since most of villains 4bet range is flipping/dominating us,balancing isn't a huge issue most often.
