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AQs UTG with 16bb AQs UTG with 16bb

05-10-2014 , 03:54 AM
PokerStars - $0.45+$0.05|75/150 NL - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3

BB: 1,575.00
Hero (UTG): 2,445.00
UTG+1: 943.00
MP: 2,595.00
CO: 8,228.00
BTN: 1,849.00
SB: 4,180.00

SB posts SB 75.00, BB posts BB 150.00

Pre Flop: (225.00) Hero has Q A

Hero raises to 2,445.00 and is all-in

Is this a good shove or would a raise be better? To how much?
What's our shoving range here?
What's our raising range?
05-10-2014 , 07:22 AM
i have no shoving range in this spot and raise 66+ ATs+ AJo+ KJs+
05-10-2014 , 08:00 AM
I shove 0 hands here.

Min open my whole raising range which includes aqs
05-10-2014 , 08:07 AM
If we minraise and get called we're playing out of position, unless one of the blinds calls us. Not sure if that's worth it. My bluffing range in these games is literally 0 since people just float every cbet and half the double barrels with A high. Maybe not this late though.

What if we get shoved on by someone? Are we calling or folding?
05-10-2014 , 08:28 AM
Shoving isn't horrible fwiw and I have no issues with that play, but opening is better.

If you get called, play some poker.

Not raise/folding AQs for 16BB in a 50c game.
05-10-2014 , 07:33 PM
Im not shoving here, happy to min/raise and call jams. As fidstar said if you get called play some poker
05-10-2014 , 10:22 PM
Shoving here allows villains to play perfectly against you. You are taking away any opportunity to outplay weaker players.

At a 50c game you should have a significant advantage over many players, given that fact that you seem to think about the game, and you should not be afraid to play postflop with AQs vs players that will call you min raise with Ax Kx etc.

You are painting yourself into a corner shoving here, introducing too much variance into your game.

This is a classic symptom of being results oriented. You may have been burned by calling stations in the past when you have a strong starting hand. And now by jamming you are trying to shut out the hands you have dominated but will win vs you some of the time.

This is fighting variance.

Mini raise, play post flop you have a decent hand. You whiff, let it go. You hit get maximum value. Don't level yourself in a 50c game. Practice the things that are going to make you better.

Open shoving is better when you are trying to level the field vs superior players. Vs lesser players you are allowing them to play perfectly by folding garbage or calling when they have you beat.
05-10-2014 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Yeodan
If we minraise and get called we're playing out of position, unless one of the blinds calls us. Not sure if that's worth it. My bluffing range in these games is literally 0 since people just float every cbet and half the double barrels with A high. Maybe not this late though.

What if we get shoved on by someone? Are we calling or folding?
Depends on the person.

Can the 3bet light? Are they a fish?

Generally though not open folding AQs with 16BB in a 50c game unless its an obvious nit.

You really are looking to induce a 3bet here aren't you?
