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45man FT Bubble 45man FT Bubble

11-26-2013 , 11:38 AM
PokerStars - $1.36+$0.14|150/300 Ante 25 NL - Holdem - 7 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

SB: 4,500 (VPIP: 13.93, PFR: 12.39, 3Bet Preflop: 5.26, Hands: 124)
BB: 8,835 (VPIP: 10.53, PFR: 5.41, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 40)
UTG: 1,638 (VPIP: 25.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 26)
UTG+1: 5,965 (VPIP: 13.33, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 15)
MP: 887 (VPIP: 0.00, PFR: 0.00, 3Bet Preflop: -, Hands: 4)
Hero (CO): 8,613
BTN: 1,445 (VPIP: 33.33, PFR: 12.50, 3Bet Preflop: 0.00, Hands: 9)

7 players post ante of 25, SB posts SB 150, BB posts BB 300

Pre Flop: (pot: 625) Hero has J K

fold, fold, MP raises to 862 and is all-in, Hero calls 862, BTN raises to 1,420 and is all-in, fold, fold, Hero calls 558

Flop: (4,327, 3 players) 9 Q 4

Turn: (4,327, 3 players) A

River: (4,327, 3 players) 6
11-26-2013 , 11:54 AM
Just shove, BB have to call you very tight.
11-26-2013 , 03:37 PM
this is a good enough hand to isolate with

you cant just flat though because SB/BB can put you in a tough situation

reraise to like 2k ish imo to show em you mean business...probably fold to a shove from SB/BB
11-26-2013 , 07:47 PM
Calling is good, imo shoving is terrible and raising is bad.

Vandammm, your reason for saying we can't flat is wrong. Are you suggesting that if we raise, then SB/BB can't put us in a "tough situation"? 3-betting is obviously worse given how short the SB is, and BB is probably gonna 4b-shove the same 3-betting range (from when we call) if we 3-bet (which, again, is worse than if we just call-fold).
11-26-2013 , 10:08 PM
Do NOT shove, absolutely unnecessary to offer up your stack to the BB who has u covered. If someone raises it is because they have a better hand than KJ. U played it just right
11-27-2013 , 03:04 AM
Originally Posted by Microdegen
Calling is good, imo shoving is terrible and raising is bad.

Vandammm, your reason for saying we can't flat is wrong. Are you suggesting that if we raise, then SB/BB can't put us in a "tough situation"? 3-betting is obviously worse given how short the SB is, and BB is probably gonna 4b-shove the same 3-betting range (from when we call) if we 3-bet (which, again, is worse than if we just call-fold).
sounds legit, and it seems (for a very tiny sample) that BB won't be jamming light or anything so his 3b range is the same as his 4b shove range it would seem

so call>fold>jam>3b
