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r With A7s vs stealer call or raise hear? r With A7s vs stealer call or raise hear?

07-18-2014 , 11:02 AM
Villain ATS is 54 but he has stolen 3/3 times so far. I shoved over he button raise two hands ago. Do we like flatting or should i shove for max fold equity and exploit FT pay jumps

PokerStars - $3.19+$0.31|4000/8000 Ante 800 NL - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

MP: 179,148 (VPIP: 20.83, PFR: 17.43, 3Bet Preflop: 11.11, Hands: 243)
Hero (CO): 301,647
BTN: 79,539
SB: 186,677 (VPIP: 18.32, PFR: 17.08, 3Bet Preflop: 7.07, Hands: 263)
BB: 66,496 (VPIP: 19.77, PFR: 20.55, 3Bet Preflop: 10.00, Hands: 86)
UTG: 98,993 (VPIP: 14.58, PFR: 12.37, 3Bet Preflop: 5.88, Hands: 530)

6 players post ante of 800, SB posts SB 4,000, BB posts BB 8,000

Pre Flop: (pot: 16,800) Hero has 7 A

fold, MP raises to 16,000, Hero...
07-19-2014 , 02:07 AM
I don't really like flatting here TBH. SB is a prime stack size to squeeze, and we would be committed if BB comes over the top, getting 2:1 pot odds if he shoved and MP folded. Our hand is a little meh to flat with here. I'd much rather have a hand that can float more comfortably if we get HU with MP, like a Queen-Jack or KT, where overcard & other draws can come into play (we're LDO shoving a flush draw flop if we get one with A7 sooted).

This situation makes it difficult. MP shouldn't be super light here, attacking an 8BB big blind and a 10BB BTN, and two resteal sized stacks. The big problem is that his whole calling range should dominate us and cost us lots of money when he does have it (though, how much of that dominating range can we fold out?). We have almost a third of the chips on the table. We should certainly be keen to an opportunity like this to continue building our way to the big paying top 2 spots.

Anyways, ramble is over. I consider this more of a shove/fold scenario (I doubt you want to be cute and 3! it to 6.3BB). I prob shove in the heat of the moment. Seems like a super abusable spot where MP can't really call with many hands.
07-19-2014 , 10:20 PM
if the villain is aware of icm then we can shove because for them to call they need to wake up with a very huge hand... if he is not or can call light then then definitely do not shove. I You have plenty of options here you can fold, 3bet small, or shove depending on villain + villains behind. I think personally in game id 3bet small
