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2.50 180 bubble ft spot 2.50 180 bubble ft spot

01-10-2012 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by arrtvandelay
either way sb reshove range is definitely wider than calling range. what we gain in FE may or may not be equal to what we gain by inducing. making a case for inducing here is anything but being results oriented. AX hands worse than AJ are 11% of all hands while pocket pairs worse than JJ are only 4%. it's great to make him fold 22-88, it's awful to make him fold A2-A9 and that represents a larger % of villain's holdings that we have massive equity against, and we're discounting his other broadway hands and KXs he might be reshoving also. the only thing we definitely want villain to fold are his pair hands - and that's being results oriented.
Raise/call, and this is why. 11% range vs 4%. you're loving it 3x as often and even if you do flip vs a hand that you would be shoving out, your equity is ok, and your not crippled still having enough chips left to play.
But, like cpt.hero mentioned, vs a very solid reg, you should be shoving to merge your range, because as he pointed out shoving will keep your range balanced, in fact your range in that situation should be entirely shove or fold.
01-10-2012 , 10:36 PM
He said my call was horrible and so -Ev

lmk what u guys think

he's just jealous of ya skrills bro
02-10-2012 , 04:23 PM
add more tables imo

Last edited by Alexnorge; 02-10-2012 at 04:23 PM. Reason: you 26 tabling nerd
02-10-2012 , 05:49 PM
^^^sick bump
02-12-2012 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by tomsom87
R/C >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Push >>>> anything else.
the worst answer itt imo

r/c >>>>>push>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anythin g else
02-12-2012 , 10:34 AM
why would anyone induce a 13BB stack?

A reg below 14BB would push for value, since he cant expect you ever folding. When regs have less than 14BB behind, why should i ever raise to induce?
They are not going to spazz out with worse.

Thus to me its more likely the question wether to raise fold or push. But since i am not raise/folding 13BB i am pushing...
slightly maybeee to an extreme nit, but def not to a reg.
To me its that simple.

In reverse, i think i have even more fold ev when i raise in this spot...but def. i wouldnt even openraise to induce somethuing stupid here.
02-13-2012 , 12:51 AM
very nice i love raising to induce
02-13-2012 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by poporella
why would anyone induce a 13BB stack?

A reg below 14BB would push for value, since he cant expect you ever folding. When regs have less than 14BB behind, why should i ever raise to induce?
They are not going to spazz out with worse.

Thus to me its more likely the question wether to raise fold or push. But since i am not raise/folding 13BB i am pushing...
slightly maybeee to an extreme nit, but def not to a reg.
To me its that simple.

In reverse, i think i have even more fold ev when i raise in this spot...but def. i wouldnt even openraise to induce somethuing stupid here.
lol the 13 bb's guy wasnt inducing anything, he just 3bet shoved against his minraise. The preflop shove was my first option, but its fine to minraise call shoves here duo to stack sizes.
02-13-2012 , 03:03 AM
it doesnt matter wether you have 13bb or the other one!
02-13-2012 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by ShellysAshes
Well played. Raise/calling here is so superior to shoving. If you shove and sb is a decent reg then their calling range has us dominated.
By raise/calling we widen sb's range. The situation is perfect given that bb is short, meaning we could possibly be raising here happy to get it in with the bb but not so happy about a sb shove.
I would've classed the 3b shove as solid play too, however, their criticism of your call indicates that solid logic wasn't the factor driving their solid play.
Agree mainly with this except the bit in bold. A decent reg will notice you do not induce with hands like this and call accordingly with a range we are going ok against (ignoring the fact we almost always have the best hand)
02-13-2012 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by poporella
why would anyone induce a 13BB stack?

A reg below 14BB would push for value, since he cant expect you ever folding. When regs have less than 14BB behind, why should i ever raise to induce?
They are not going to spazz out with worse.

Thus to me its more likely the question wether to raise fold or push. But since i am not raise/folding 13BB i am pushing...
slightly maybeee to an extreme nit, but def not to a reg.
To me its that simple.

In reverse, i think i have even more fold ev when i raise in this spot...but def. i wouldnt even openraise to induce somethuing stupid here.
If you raise call the top of your range then it allows you to have a more protected r/f range allowing you to steal wider
02-13-2012 , 03:45 AM
i like both moves. My move will be judged vilain depended and what my image looks like atm.
I like min raising itb with stack >15 BB with rags and monsters. Not sure if it worths to balance my range there thought
02-13-2012 , 03:53 AM
When we raise here we dont have Trash in our Range because of the BB Stacksize and therefore the SB cant resteal so much in theory.

I agree to the logic here but i've seen ton of ppl at 2,5$ games that doesnt seem to understand that. If the reg knows we are decent player then it makes sence
02-13-2012 , 04:57 AM
with 13bb effective, I usually shove with all of my range. R/C won't be bad either to induce SB shove as it looks like you'll r/c against bb and r/f against sb. But is sb is very good reg your game is exploitable in future.
02-13-2012 , 10:24 AM
i dont mind the reg's shove but berating your call is just LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.

r/c or shove is w/e. if he 3bshoves light asuming your r/f vs him alot i'd say the r/c is pretty good here?
if you never r/f and shove the bottom of your range i'd say your raise is pretty bad here.
