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.5 180men 99 ep .5 180men 99 ep

10-30-2011 , 05:39 PM
PokerStars NLHE Tournament, ($2.28+$0.22), t125/t250/t25 blinds, 9 handed, 31%/21.5%/16.5%/12.5%/9%/6%/3.5% payouts
Hand exported from the SitNGo Wizard. How to import this hand into the SitNGo Wizard.
UTG: t7755 28 BBs{Player|UTG|7755|Fold|25}
UTG+1: t2490 9.1 BBs{Player|UTG+1|2490|Push|2490|Average|24}
UTG+2: t2525 9.2 BBs{Player|UTG+2|2525|Push|2525|Overridden|12}
Hero: t2884 10 BBs{Player|Hero|2884|9s|9c}
UTG+4: t742 2.7 BBs{Player|UTG+4|742|Fold|25}
CO: t1704 6.2 BBs{Player|CO|1704|Fold|25}
BTN: t1853 6.7 BBs{Player|BTN|1853|Fold|25}
SB: t5076 18 BBs{Player|SB|5076|Fold|25}
BB: t2995 11 BBs{Player|BB|2995|Fold|25}

Preflop: Hero is UTG+3 with 99
1 fold, UTG+1 pushes t2490 (12+), UTG+2 pushes t2525 (6+), Hero calls
10-30-2011 , 05:56 PM
Fold. Shove JJ+, AK imo.
10-30-2011 , 06:39 PM
get in
10-30-2011 , 08:10 PM
Readless fold, because of positions I might fold TT too but if I'm in the SB for e.g. I prob consider TT a close get in. So JJ AK seems fine
