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180m, 4,50$, 4 Players left - QJo Button raise planning to call shove 180m, 4,50$, 4 Players left - QJo Button raise planning to call shove

08-25-2011 , 03:29 PM
4 Players left in 180 man-Tourney, when that hand occured.

History: Villain played 10/8/6,5 but was showing aggressive tendencies since we are getting shorthanded. A couple of hands before i raised the button and Villain shoved on me. So that hand I was planning to r/c with QJo against villain in the BB and fold to Bigstack-shove in the SB.

Was wondering if that was too loose. Thoughts?

PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, 4.5 Tournament, 800/1600 Blinds 150 Ante (4 handed) - PokerStars Converter Tool from

Hero (Button) (t29054)
SB (t123116)
BB (t16955)
UTG (t100875)

Hero's M: 9.68

Preflop: Hero is Button with J, Q
1 fold, Hero bets t3555, 1 fold, BB raises to t16805 (All-In), Hero calls t13250

Total pot: t35010
08-25-2011 , 04:09 PM
The stats you provided are pretty pointless unless it's over a large(and recent) sample size...

What kind of range are you putting him on?

Basically, put the opponent on a 3 betting range and run it in poker stove.
08-25-2011 , 07:03 PM
Your image is pretty important here imo.

If he 3bet shoved on you last orbit, I'd expect his range to be tighter this time around, which makes this a pretty gross spot. Was t3555 also the size of your last BTN raise?

Personally I would have open shoved - r/c with QJo feels really icky to me. Payout jump from 4th to 3rd is pretty significant in terms of % of the prize pool, so I'd expect ICM to have a fairly substantial impact on your calling range.
08-25-2011 , 10:40 PM
ugh so gross I probably shove and not feel good about it.
08-26-2011 , 01:13 AM
Think open shoving is better than r/c shortie. SB can reshove on you really really wide (if he knows what you're doing) knowing you have to call a lot tighter, ICM etc.

Obv have to call as played, odds are sick
08-26-2011 , 01:34 AM
unless you have a strong read that SB is super tight you should shove
08-26-2011 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
Your image is pretty important here imo.

If he 3bet shoved on you last orbit, I'd expect his range to be tighter this time around, which makes this a pretty gross spot. Was t3555 also the size of your last BTN raise?

Personally I would have open shoved - r/c with QJo feels really icky to me. Payout jump from 4th to 3rd is pretty significant in terms of % of the prize pool, so I'd expect ICM to have a fairly substantial impact on your calling range.
My Image: I didn't get out of line very much at the FT. I even thought to myself that I should openshove QJ but it feels so bad.

Thought that BB would reshove with any A2+, K9+ maybe connectors 109+ (but i'm not sure about that).

HTML]If he 3bet shoved on you last orbit, I'd expect his range to be tighter this time around,[/HTML]
Really? If I fold once to his shove he might try to exploit that? That's why I planned calling with the crappy QJ. My raise-size was the same.
08-26-2011 , 11:29 AM
Knowing BB plays tricky and with open shoving being lol stupid (especially in a non turbo), easy open fold. As played if you're confident his shoving range is that wide you do have to call if my terrible maths serves me correct.
08-26-2011 , 01:42 PM
rf better, we only call for exploitability concerns basically but there arent any since our opponent sucks
08-28-2011 , 11:26 AM
std open imo unless SB will 3b frequently (which he should). if thats the case openfold or limp/3bshove but it does prob not get enough folds so just openfold in that case.
^^dont think we can r/f vs the 10BB stack so r/c vs him > openfold seems perfectly fine to me.
