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One player with 2 Huds at Lock One player with 2 Huds at Lock

12-04-2012 , 07:23 AM
Yeah, it's real. I'm playing at LockPoker (cake) 6-max and today happened again. Is the second time. One guy, always the same guy, seat in my tables and he crushs my game, because when he gets his cards, the Huds change to the wrong players e he has TWO HUDS!!!! Anybody knows what is going on? Why this happens? When this guy comes to my tables, I have to leave. I can't play this way!
Please help.
Thanks for reading.

Sorry by my english.
12-04-2012 , 08:11 AM
Originally Posted by yamarashi
Yeah, it's real. I'm playing at LockPoker (cake) 6-max and today happened again. Is the second time. One guy, always the same guy, seat in my tables and he crushs my game, because when he gets his cards, the Huds change to the wrong players e he has TWO HUDS!!!! Anybody knows what is going on? Why this happens? When this guy comes to my tables, I have to leave. I can't play this way!
Please help.
Thanks for reading.

Sorry by my english.
We might need screen shot to better understand what your talking about. And if your saying what I think your saying how dose this give him an advantage?
12-04-2012 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Citizenwid
We might need screen shot to better understand what your talking about. And if your saying what I think your saying how dose this give him an advantage?
Thank you. This is a screen shot, but should be bigger. Anyway, as you can see this is a 6-max table, 6 players, 7 HUDs . I don't know if this is a HEM problem or why this happen. I play poker for 3 years, in several sites, and never saw nothing like this. Is so weird. And when this guy seats, the HUDs changed to the wrong players. In annoying.

12-04-2012 , 12:19 PM
He must be a Double Agent.
12-04-2012 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by yamarashi
Thank you. This is a screen shot, but should be bigger. Anyway, as you can see this is a 6-max table, 6 players, 7 HUDs . I don't know if this is a HEM problem or why this happen. I play poker for 3 years, in several sites, and never saw nothing like this. Is so weird. And when this guy seats, the HUDs changed to the wrong players. In annoying.

Its for sure a HEM problem you might want to send this screen shot to them.
12-04-2012 , 02:30 PM
Had same problem with user "JoeMontana" but the last time I was with him it didn't happen.

It was pretty crazy and I messaged HEM and they gave me directions to fix it but since it was 15 different things I needed to do and would have taken 1-2 hours and too much focus I decided to deal with it being screwy.
12-04-2012 , 04:17 PM
Thank you guys. I will send it to HEM support.
12-04-2012 , 04:30 PM
HEM won't do anything. They don't really support HEM 1 because they want you to buy HEM 2.
12-04-2012 , 04:36 PM
I was using HEM2 with this bug
12-04-2012 , 08:50 PM
Yeah HEM2 does this too. Closing and restarting HEM tends to help, but it's def annoying.
