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Lock WU Withdraw Lock WU Withdraw

04-12-2013 , 06:36 PM
Shane can i please get some answers about my cashouts I was told on Monday that I will have my MTCN by the end of the week and to contact them if i dont well its the end of the week and still nothing. so i contact them and they say oh i see we are waiting on your MTCN you should have it in the coming days which is what they have been telling me for 3 months already this is getting ridiculous I have paid over 4K(over 12K total) in rake the last 3 months in a row and I cant even get a cashout for 2K I mean come on.
04-12-2013 , 07:09 PM
WU cash out request- 1/7
verified- 1/24
sender info- 3/7

This transaction failed. Multiple emails back and forth with Lock support etc. They told me my next cash out request would be expedited and I would be placed on the priority list.

Request- 3/7
Processed 3/28 (Today, support said they sent me an email containing sender info/MTCN on this date. I did not receive anything in my email or history section until today)
Sender info - 4/12
MTCN - 4/12
CIH - 4/12

Hope this provides some hope for all of you waiting on cash outs. Good luck to every one
04-12-2013 , 11:40 PM
Requested: 2/14
Verified: 4/2
Sender info: Still waiting

So I guess I have a while to wait yet based on this thread or is it so hit or miss that I could still get sender info tomorrow?
04-13-2013 , 02:22 AM
So Lock charged me a $200 fee on my WU cashout on two separate occasions when it was the only one of the calendar month. Upon emailing them, they said they'd put the $ back in my poker balance after I picked up funds. So instead of a 2k withdraw, I am essentially doing a 1.8k withdraw and $200 just waiting in limbo for 6 weeks. They kept their word last time, but why did it happen again? Seems like bs to me.

Does this happen to anyone else?
04-13-2013 , 04:34 AM
Requested: Feb 9
Verified: April 2
Sender info:???
MTCN: ???
04-13-2013 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by MattDaBeast
So Lock charged me a $200 fee on my WU cashout on two separate occasions when it was the only one of the calendar month. Upon emailing them, they said they'd put the $ back in my poker balance after I picked up funds. So instead of a 2k withdraw, I am essentially doing a 1.8k withdraw and $200 just waiting in limbo for 6 weeks. They kept their word last time, but why did it happen again? Seems like bs to me.

Does this happen to anyone else?
Yea, I complained about this earlier. It's a shady way to keep your account balance from hitting 0.
04-13-2013 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by northkato
Yea, I complained about this earlier. It's a shady way to keep your account balance from hitting 0.
It's a WU fee. HOW on earth can it ever be "shady" when they don't HAVE to refund you this in the first place? Ok so Lock should instead substract it and not put it on your account either. Lock is now no longer shady in your eyes. Fair deal to them i assume.
04-13-2013 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Mccormick
It's a WU fee. HOW on earth can it ever be "shady" when they don't HAVE to refund you this in the first place? Ok so Lock should instead substract it and not put it on your account either. Lock is now no longer shady in your eyes. Fair deal to them i assume.
They shouldn't advertise that they give a "free" withdrawal if they're going to deduct fees from it. If they take 10% of your withdrawal when you're trying to cash out your balance, then you haven't cashed out your balance. It's a shady way to keep people with a balance on their account. The support even told me the fee wasn't supposed to be taken out of my withdrawal, but that they weren't willing to fix it.

Now, let's think of what purpose taking a temporary fee would serve other than to keep you from removing the full balance of your account...
04-13-2013 , 12:05 PM
Up until recently they always deducted the 10% off the top and then refunded it when processed. This has been SOP for awhile. Only with my last WU from March did they not take it off the top, so it must be a new policy. Which was actually a bit annoying because I was planning to leave a specific amount in my account and so sized my withdrawal expecting the refunded fee to back in the account. So it left me a bit shorter than I wanted but fortunately I ran the balance right back up.
04-13-2013 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Mccormick
It's a WU fee. HOW on earth can it ever be "shady" when they don't HAVE to refund you this in the first place? Ok so Lock should instead substract it and not put it on your account either. Lock is now no longer shady in your eyes. Fair deal to them i assume.
It's dishonest, if not outright lying, to tell me that it would be a no-fee withdraw and then charge said fee on multiple occasions. Each time leaving my money in limbo for an undetermined amount of time and making my cash out process slower. I was given no explanation for why this was done, either.

Originally Posted by Veteran68
Up until recently they always deducted the 10% off the top and then refunded it when processed. This has been SOP for awhile. Only with my last WU from March did they not take it off the top, so it must be a new policy.
In my case, this withdraw took $200 off the top 2 days ago.
04-13-2013 , 02:16 PM
Requested 1/22 finally cih ppl if u want speedy reply post ur concern on their Facebook page
04-13-2013 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by dragonfang1
Requested 1/22 finally cih ppl if u want speedy reply post ur concern on their Facebook page
Hi, whats their official facebook page? Is it:

Also did you simply post on their wall under an advertisement?

thanks for clarification
04-13-2013 , 04:18 PM
Request date: 3/12/2013
Sender info and MTCN: 4/12/2013
04-13-2013 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by The Horny Rhino
Request date: 3/12/2013
Sender info and MTCN: 4/12/2013
Lol, I can't wait to get passed over by April requests.
04-13-2013 , 05:41 PM
Happy to see everyone getting their money but I'm still waiting for my 1/28 withdrawal. Hopefully within a week
04-13-2013 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by WarrenBuffetTrade
Hi, whats their official facebook page? Is it:

Also did you simply post on their wall under an advertisement?

thanks for clarification
yes, when you do that someone will contact you right away! gl
04-13-2013 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by dragonfang1
yes, when you do that someone will contact you right away! gl
Did you already have sender info when they helped you, and was it for more or less than $850?
04-14-2013 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by The Horny Rhino
Request date: 3/12/2013
Sender info and MTCN: 4/12/2013
Same exact dates for me.
04-14-2013 , 02:42 AM
unreal people getting paid within a month i been waiting sine 1/21 and a 2nd withdraw on 3/8
04-14-2013 , 05:36 AM
Originally Posted by ShadowPoker
Did you already have sender info when they helped you, and was it for more or less than $850?
no sender info it was close to 800
04-14-2013 , 06:06 AM
This is so sickening. People being paid within the month while some of us are on about 3 months and still waiting.

Congrats to those who are getting paid. Can't wait to include myself in the group...
04-14-2013 , 08:25 AM
Like a few other people, I requested a max cashout on 1/21.
It was verified shortly afterwards.
About a week ago I got the sender info, but still no MTCN.

I've also exchanged multiple e-mails with lock support, and I'm getting sick of being flat out lied to by them.

On 2/24 (3 days after I sent my first e-mail asking about the delay), I was told by Mary of Lock Support that "Your payout has been verified and it is in the queue to be processed in our upcoming batch. Your Western Union withdrawal will be approved shortly. "

I contacted again on 3/16, and received a reply the next day (again from Mary) stating "Our Cashier had informed me that your payout will be Authorized very soon and will be included in the next Western Union batch. This should occur shortly"

I replied stating that their previous e-mail had informed me that I would be in the next batch, to which I received the following reply from Quinn, " Our apologies for the delay. It should not be much longer at all. Please expect your withdrawal to process this coming week. "

I wrote again on 4/2 asking for more information, since clearly "this coming week" had come and gone. Quinn replied by informing me that "Due to processor limits, pickup info delivery can take longer than normal. But we can assure you that your payout is on the top of the list and you will receive your MTCN along with the rest of your pickup info soon. ".

Soooooo, they keep telling me "This week, it'll be this week". Until I finally begin to ask them to explain WHY it's taking so long, at which point they no longer give me a time estimate. While I appreciate that they don't want to flat out lie to me any more, I do not appreciate being jerked around for 3 months.
04-14-2013 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
We had a processing backlog, thats being worked through. (the majority of the outstanding WU batch is due to be cleared late this week according to the last update I received) As we move forward to improve things for players we create new relationships with new processors and as that happens sometimes an old batch will be later than a new batch.

Players usually look at processing as a very singular situation, but one processor alone couldnt handle the volume that we need to process.
Mine didn't get cleared. Happy 3 month anniversary to me!

Requested 1/14
Sender info 3/7
Still Nothing
04-14-2013 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by NashVegas
Mine didn't get cleared. Happy 3 month anniversary to me!

Requested 1/14
Sender info 3/7
Still Nothing
My cashout is from 1-25 and no mtcn.

Shane can Lock at least notify us that our cashout request has been sent to the slow fracked up processor so we'll know that we shouldn't expect our money for 2-4 months? It won't make us happy but I believe this will mitigate the players anger expressed in these forums.

04-14-2013 , 09:25 AM
11 weeks since requested
Been verified for over 2 months

No real answers from support, although their responses are quick. If cash outs are taking up to 3 months at a time I could get an amazing 4 withdrawals a year!
