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Lock VIP Lock VIP

08-30-2011 , 11:05 AM
Is there anyway to check what VIP level you are currently on? I haven't been able to find anyway =/
08-30-2011 , 11:36 AM
It will tell you your status in the vault section of the stats tab on the left hand side.
08-30-2011 , 12:33 PM
How exactly do I get to the vault section? I haven't played on lock since before black friday and it seems like they have changed it around
08-30-2011 , 12:38 PM
On your lock lobby screen there is a tab that says "stats"...once you click on that a web page will open..On the left hand side of the web page it tells you your VIP status and how many pts you till the next tier.
08-30-2011 , 12:43 PM
Awesome thanks a ton... kinda weird thats where they put it I would have never found it haha
08-30-2011 , 04:58 PM
McStraddle is correct, if you have any other questions let me know. Thanks for being so thorough and helpful McStraddle.

09-10-2011 , 11:45 AM
This guy Dende, aka "neilmosunic" on Cake poker, scammed me for $100 on Cake. I sent him $100. He said he was going to western union and that it would take 20 minutes and he would PM me when he got back. Started seeming fishy there, because I went on PokerTableRatings to look up his account, and he was already playing hands MINUTES AFTER I SENT THE MONEY(losing most of it to the turn of 70BB/100, he is awful),

as you can see here

When you click "sessions" you can see. He started playing with my money at 5:55pm CDT. His PM saying "kk gonna head out, will take me about 20 minutes ill sent ya a pm when I get back" was sent at 5:56pm CDT.

About 25 minutes go by, I send PM mentioning I see him playing and saying I guess I got scammed. He sends PM back, gives me a MTCN number. Which you can see is made up and bogus if you go to the website and paste the number in on the tracking thing on the right. There is no such transaction. 8327192082 is the number.

paste 8327192082 in the tracking thing on the right. You can see that there is no such transaction.

All this SHOULD be enough proof to do something about this guy... Anyone care to help, and tell me where I should turn to?
09-10-2011 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Football.
This guy Dende, aka "neilmosunic" on Cake poker, scammed me for $100 on Cake. I sent him $100. He said he was going to western union and that it would take 20 minutes and he would PM me when he got back. Started seeming fishy there, because I went on PokerTableRatings to look up his account, and he was already playing hands MINUTES AFTER I SENT THE MONEY(losing most of it to the turn of 70BB/100, he is awful),

as you can see here

When you click "sessions" you can see. He started playing with my money at 5:55pm CDT. His PM saying "kk gonna head out, will take me about 20 minutes ill sent ya a pm when I get back" was sent at 5:56pm CDT.

About 25 minutes go by, I send PM mentioning I see him playing and saying I guess I got scammed. He sends PM back, gives me a MTCN number. Which you can see is made up and bogus if you go to the website and paste the number in on the tracking thing on the right. There is no such transaction. 8327192082 is the number.

paste 8327192082 in the tracking thing on the right. You can see that there is no such transaction.

All this SHOULD be enough proof to do something about this guy... Anyone care to help, and tell me where I should turn to?
PM a mod?????
09-12-2011 , 04:33 PM
I'm the rep for Lock so can't really do anything about this on Cake, but if the transaction took place in the marketplace here i would definitely let a mod over there know and they can help you proceed.



Originally Posted by Football.
This guy Dende, aka "neilmosunic" on Cake poker, scammed me for $100 on Cake. I sent him $100. He said he was going to western union and that it would take 20 minutes and he would PM me when he got back. Started seeming fishy there, because I went on PokerTableRatings to look up his account, and he was already playing hands MINUTES AFTER I SENT THE MONEY(losing most of it to the turn of 70BB/100, he is awful),

as you can see here

When you click "sessions" you can see. He started playing with my money at 5:55pm CDT. His PM saying "kk gonna head out, will take me about 20 minutes ill sent ya a pm when I get back" was sent at 5:56pm CDT.

About 25 minutes go by, I send PM mentioning I see him playing and saying I guess I got scammed. He sends PM back, gives me a MTCN number. Which you can see is made up and bogus if you go to the website and paste the number in on the tracking thing on the right. There is no such transaction. 8327192082 is the number.

paste 8327192082 in the tracking thing on the right. You can see that there is no such transaction.

All this SHOULD be enough proof to do something about this guy... Anyone care to help, and tell me where I should turn to?
