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07-21-2011 , 02:47 PM
I had some issues with Lock Poker. Eric "Rizen" Lynch was a gentleman and we were able to come to a fair conclusion. I think Eric is an asset to that site and wanted to let people know that Lock Poker does listen and stand by their word.
I hope that they continue to do good things and bring back the integrity to Internet Poker.
07-21-2011 , 02:58 PM
Care to elaborate?
07-21-2011 , 03:10 PM
Thanks horse. I'm glad we were able to come to a resolution as well and I wish you nothing but the best in the future, especially when it comes to your health. Best of luck in the future!

07-21-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by horseracing
I had some issues with Lock Poker. Eric "Rizen" Lynch was a gentleman and we were able to come to a fair conclusion. I think Eric is an asset to that site and wanted to let people know that Lock Poker does listen and stand by their word.
I hope that they continue to do good things and bring back the integrity to Internet Poker.
Certainly not thread worthy w/o any relevant details!
07-21-2011 , 03:42 PM
+1 to Lock Poker being a bright light in a dim online poker world.
07-21-2011 , 04:21 PM
Hey lock how about allowing US players to join.
07-21-2011 , 04:33 PM
Why post without elaborating?
07-21-2011 , 04:45 PM
I'm too lazy to find the other thread, but he had an issue with Lock.

How was the situation resolved, if you can answer this horseracing or rizen?

Last edited by MyMaseratiDoes185; 07-21-2011 at 04:47 PM. Reason: spelling
07-21-2011 , 05:15 PM
OP if you decide to make a thread instead of sending a PM to whoever you need to thank, please include all the details.
07-21-2011 , 05:17 PM
details or gtfo
07-21-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by uscjustallin
details or gtfo
Trust me when I say you dont want to hash throu the OP. It was more or less horse babling on and on and on about how important and rich he is. He seemed to have a legit issue with lock, but his loud IMBETTERTHENYOUALL attitude made the thread a joke. I am glad the legit problem was solved, but I suggest laying of the keyboard when your hopped up on drugs and or booze horse(OP).

Heres the OP if you care to waste 30 minutes of your life. Just click on his name and look at the threads hes started. About 50% of them are locked...that says it all.

Last edited by Iplayragstoo; 07-21-2011 at 05:32 PM.
07-21-2011 , 06:48 PM
From the old thread, OP is an actual horse that plays online poker.
07-21-2011 , 10:09 PM
Everything pretty much was a lack of communication.
I just was rehabing after a heart attack.Prior and after the heart attack the only drugs I take are prescribed by my doctor and I do not drink.
The days of threads being locked were caused my the other people making outrageous comments not by me.
I am just thankful to wake up every day. I have a new outlook on my life. And when I am well as always my poker does the talking. My financial situation is between me and my family so I need not mention here. I am just happy after Eric Lynch and I chatted we were able to understand where each other was coming from and things were resolved quickly. I have nothing but positive things to say about Eric.
I am just happy to be alive .Every day for me is a blessing.(:
07-21-2011 , 11:40 PM

Welcome back!!!!

Glad it worked out for you. Amazed that Lock refunded you on those tourneys. That's pretty incredible service on their part.

All who are asking for details: Just look up horse's old posts. Click on his name and go to his old threads that he started. I found them amusing. He was super-duper freaking out about registering for the wrong tourneys or something and was being kind of weird and challenging Rizen to play heads up and then continuing to bitch him out, etc. While Rizen was beyond professional at every turn.

It was pretty amazing to read actually. Good stuff. Maybe I'll link the threads later but I'm too lazy right now.
07-22-2011 , 07:32 AM
When something concludes there is no wrong or no right.
If countries settled their differences by sitting down at a poker table instead of nuclear war the world would be a better world.
As I stated there was a communication issue and once things were talked
out the air was cleared.

Lock wants not to have dissatisfied customers and were very fair.

I am and will always be confident in my game and look forward to playing Eric
in a future tourney and may the best man win.

In the end Eric Lynch has shown to be a class act.The bottom line is Lock Poker cares and this is a good sign for internet poker.I think that is the most important. I think after some bad situations a lot of people are sensitive when it comes to internet poker.
Whether they refunded anything was not the issue.Communication was the issue. And Eric was there.
Depending on the situation I am open to play anyone.At this point my health is my primary concern.
Secondary I am involved in a major business deal so at the moment poker is secondary. To me Eric seems like a guy who could bring stability and integrity to internet poker. Yes due to some communication misunderstandings Eric and I got off on the wrong foot.That is in the past. The most important part is there being integrity in internet poker. We need to band together not look to fight with each other.We may play against each other but essentially we need to work together to rebuild internet poker.

Last edited by horseracing; 07-22-2011 at 07:40 AM. Reason: typo
07-22-2011 , 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Iplayragstoo
Trust me when I say you dont want to hash throu the OP. It was more or less horse babling on and on and on about how important and rich he is. He seemed to have a legit issue with lock, but his loud IMBETTERTHENYOUALL attitude made the thread a joke. I am glad the legit problem was solved, but I suggest laying of the keyboard when your hopped up on drugs and or booze horse(OP).

Heres the OP if you care to waste 30 minutes of your life. Just click on his name and look at the threads hes started. About 50% of them are locked...that says it all.
Hey you guys better watch what you say, or you may get sued. Heres a nice PM that Horse sent me.

"Your realy close to forcing me to put your comments in the hands of my Lawyer.Libel is serious and since I have a stepdaughter your comments have effected her tremendously as she is wondering if I drink or do drugs which I do not "
07-22-2011 , 06:19 PM
Horse, I think you should still sue them. You complained that their cust serv was awful because they didn't immediately call you back...even though they said they weren't going to do that. Nothing has changed there.

I hope everything is ok with your family and you weren't overtramautized by the stress of the situation.

Did lock pay you back the whole amount? Pretty incredible if they did. Kind of think they should have stood their ground more in the light of your odd accusations.

Ate you going to saratoga this week?

Do you still bowl? Have you ever had a perfect game? I bet that was really stressful too.

Really sorry this thread isn't getting more love. Oh well.
07-22-2011 , 07:45 PM
When a person like me is in the midst of some high end business and people
accuse me of doing drugs or drinking I consider it serious. My stepdaughter was
upset over the comment and it was just a horrible mean lie.

I may be a key player in internet poker who knows.

The key here is communication between Rizen and I got confused. I have gained a lot of respect for him. I wish Rizen and the site succeed.Surely Eric's personal life is never going to be anything I need to know about. I just feel
he conducted business in a excellent manner and think he will go far.

I just had a heart attack .Heart disease runs in my family. I would not do drugs and without a doctor saying ok would not have a drink. I am not a poker youngin.
07-22-2011 , 08:31 PM
But what about the bowling?

Are you going to sue for the stress on your girl? Previously you were threatening to sue almost everyone including Rizen and 2+2. Your lack of follow through is disappointing.
07-23-2011 , 02:35 AM
Originally Posted by Iplayragstoo
"Your realy close to forcing me to put your comments in the hands of my Lawyer.Libel is serious and since I have a stepdaughter your comments have effected her tremendously as she is wondering if I drink or do drugs which I do not "
Mr.Horseracing, please be easy on yourself and everyone else. I would like to tell you that people here say things sometimes which should be interpreted with a grain of salt. "Iplayrags" just tried to put forth the facts by giving a link to your previous threads.He may have used inappropriate language which is unfortunate, but I am sure that does not amount to libel.

If u have reasons to think that your step daughter has started to believe that you do drugs or drink, I am sure you are capable enough to tell her the facts about yourself. If she is big enough to read 2+2, she must be big enough to understand that she should not believe random people on internet.

We are all here to help each other, lets not destroy this environment by threatening to sue on drop of a hat. You are a smart man Mr. Horseracing and I believe u will do very well healthwise and pokerwise. Take care.
07-23-2011 , 06:49 AM
My stepdaughter had a father would abandoned her. She has no reason to believe I do drugs. She is 12 and very fragile and worried about being abandoned again.

Initially because of some communication miscues I was frustrated by Lock Poker. Once communication got the the proper emails they were fair to work with.

I was wrong about my expectations of live support. Huge sites like Ebay or Paypal do not offer people you can talk to. I may have expected too much in
an internet age.

As a businessman unless I saw someone drink or do drugs.Or had in front of me documents that confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt that they drank or did drugs, how can I accuse someone of doing so?I play live but I am not in the limelight so until I play some larger events putting me under the microscope makes no sense.Right now my health is my priority.
