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Lock Poker rep very unprofessional Lock Poker rep very unprofessional

06-13-2012 , 02:21 PM
I figured I could email lock poker about this, but I'd just get the runaround if they even bothered to respond.

The other day I contacted someone named shane who is a rep at lock poker and director of affiliate marketing is his official title I believe. The reason I messaged him was due to my concern about other affiliates at lock giving out under the table deals. I KNOW this is happening because I know people doing it. However he completely denied that these deals exist and then made some condescending comments:

Disco: everyone i know is giving out 60% rakeback
Disco: so i want to be able to give that out
shane.lockpoker: That doesnt exist
shane.lockpoker: 36% is the limit
Disco: well, everyone i've talked to thats an affiliate for lock is giving that out
Disco: so, how am i ever going to sign anyone up if i can't offer that too?
shane.lockpoker: I dont know which part of that doesnt exist confuses you

Someone that represents lock poker should not be saying such condescending things. After sending him proof that people are indeed giving out 60% rb he still denies it and throws in another jab:

shane.lockpoker: Im not letting anyone sign up people for 60% rakeback
shane.lockpoker: 60% rakeback doesnt exist
shane.lockpoker: Im the police not you.

So, someone that is supposed to represent lock poker in a professional manner is a) completely denying the existence of deals everyone knows exist and b) talking in a very condescending tone to someone that's genuinely interested in bringing them business and keeping affiliates on a level playing field and c) making somewhat threatening statements such as "I'm the police not you", hinting that I need to stop bothering him and he can do whatever he wants without answering to me or anyone else.

Is this how lock treats it's customers and affiliates? This, coupled with the fact that it took them almost a week to answer my initial e-mail about becoming an affiliate, then 2 more days before they actually contacted me on skype, is enough for me to stay away from dealing with lock. I urge you to do the same. The complete lack of professionalism in every way is shocking.
06-13-2012 , 02:28 PM
Ummm, you re-questioned him like he didn't know what he was talking about. That in itself is probably insulting to him.

lol @ you.
06-13-2012 , 02:31 PM
I'm with Shane on this one. What part of you're not getting more than 36% rakeback don't you understand?
06-13-2012 , 02:32 PM
Seems standard. They denied doing this on Merge as well.
06-13-2012 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by **********
if by "requestioned" you mean that I pointed out the fact that I know people are giving out better than 36% and i know he's not being honest with me, then yes I requestioned him. The point is though, that I'm the customer, I'm always right. After I "requestioned" him, instead of saying what he said which is very condescending and belittles my intelligence, someone that acts professionally should have said "I'm sorry sir, but that is not the case. However I will look into this for you." This is how BCP reps would have done it, or Pokerstars reps. They also would not have issued some sort of power threat saying they are the police not me. The lack of professionalism in my conversation with him was even worse than what I got used to back in FTP days.
As someone who has worked in retail since I was 16 years old I can say with a smile on my face that the customer is not always right. That's such a joke and a cliche' and you know it.

The customer deserves to treated as such, valued and respected so they come back again and again. But to say the customer is always right is such a fallacy.

Get over yourself, bitching and moaning in this thread is not going to get you over the 36% limit. Especially now that you have made it publicly available that you are trying to get more than the 36% site standard

lol @ you again.
06-13-2012 , 02:47 PM
And you talk about shane being condescending then call me a tool. Going to get no where fast ITT.
06-13-2012 , 02:53 PM
seriously? the irony of this thread.
06-13-2012 , 03:05 PM
under the table
1. Sl. intoxicated.
2. Fig. secret; clandestine.

06-13-2012 , 03:09 PM
its threads like this that discredit these forums, and why I stopped visiting for a while.

would love to see the proof posted in this thread that u claim u have.

If not, please stop wasting everyones time with this nonsense.
06-13-2012 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by **********
lol, i can call you whatever i want because we have no professional relationship.
Nah, not quite. 2+2 does have rules against this sort of thing. But doesn't bother me. You're just continuing to make yourself look foolish. I was going to try and help you but decided it's not worth it. Have a good one.

Last edited by AUGUY55; 06-13-2012 at 03:30 PM.
06-13-2012 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by **********
lol, i can call you whatever i want because we have no professional relationship. but, when the director of affiliate marketing for lock poker that is supposed to be building a professional relationship with affiliates like me, starts being condescending it's an issue.
Maybe you should release what affiliate you are and they can decide if it's worth keeping you.

Seriously what a disgrace you are to someone you are trying to make money off of...
06-13-2012 , 03:37 PM
Im siding with Disco on this one, and can't believe that you people are giving him problems for bringing something to the forefront that should be addressed. All affiliates should have an equal playing field. How is it fair that some affiliates are getting such special treatment.

Let's take Razor Blades that Walmart Buys from BIC. Let's say they are able to get these Razor Blades at 1 dollar each

Now Let's take Target trying to buy from BIC, the same Razors. Bic is being dick heads and will only sell to Target for 2 dollars. even know Target knows their selling Razors to Walmart at 1 dollar.

Overall, Walmart is able to pass on some savings to the customer and is able to ALWAYS have the cheaper razor

Target can't sell at the price Walmart is because their deal sucks.....

The great majority of the population notices Walmart always having cheaper Razors, hence they buy it there.

Same problem with this whole rakeback, It's problem.
06-13-2012 , 03:38 PM
On top of that, the unprofessional attitude is a HUGE problem. GUESS WHAT LOCK, ONLINE POKER IN THE USA IS NO LONGER A MONOPOLY!
06-13-2012 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by psych923
On top of that, the unprofessional attitude is a HUGE problem. GUESS WHAT LOCK, ONLINE POKER IN THE USA IS NO LONGER A MONOPOLY!
06-13-2012 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by psych923
Im siding with Disco on this one, and can't believe that you people are giving him problems for bringing something to the forefront that should be addressed.
If I were an affiliate, I'd be upset at this guy choosing to bring the discussion here. There is an affiliate forum.
06-13-2012 , 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by **********
lol, i can call you whatever i want because we have no professional relationship. but, when the director of affiliate marketing for lock poker that is supposed to be building a professional relationship with affiliates like me, starts being condescending it's an issue.
I don't understand how this is even an argument.

Last edited by LivingOffZSun; 06-13-2012 at 05:19 PM.
06-13-2012 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Max Cut
If I were an affiliate, I'd be upset at this guy choosing to bring the discussion here. There is an affiliate forum.
I can understand this sentiment. Though if you were an affiliate you probably shouldn't be referring to yourself, as the police. Especially not, when speaking to a client.
06-13-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by **********
I figured I could email lock poker about this, but I'd just get the runaround if they even bothered to respond.

The other day I contacted someone named shane who is a rep at lock poker and director of affiliate marketing is his official title I believe. The reason I messaged him was due to my concern about other affiliates at lock giving out under the table deals. I KNOW this is happening because I know people doing it. However he completely denied that these deals exist and then made some condescending comments:

Disco: everyone i know is giving out 60% rakeback
Disco: so i want to be able to give that out
shane.lockpoker: That doesnt exist
shane.lockpoker: 36% is the limit
Disco: well, everyone i've talked to thats an affiliate for lock is giving that out
Disco: so, how am i ever going to sign anyone up if i can't offer that too?
shane.lockpoker: I dont know which part of that doesnt exist confuses you

Someone that represents lock poker should not be saying such condescending things. After sending him proof that people are indeed giving out 60% rb he still denies it and throws in another jab:

shane.lockpoker: Im not letting anyone sign up people for 60% rakeback
shane.lockpoker: 60% rakeback doesnt exist
shane.lockpoker: Im the police not you.

So, someone that is supposed to represent lock poker in a professional manner is a) completely denying the existence of deals everyone knows exist and b) talking in a very condescending tone to someone that's genuinely interested in bringing them business and keeping affiliates on a level playing field and c) making somewhat threatening statements such as "I'm the police not you", hinting that I need to stop bothering him and he can do whatever he wants without answering to me or anyone else.

Is this how lock treats it's customers and affiliates? This, coupled with the fact that it took them almost a week to answer my initial e-mail about becoming an affiliate, then 2 more days before they actually contacted me on skype, is enough for me to stay away from dealing with lock. I urge you to do the same. The complete lack of professionalism in every way is shocking.
As I said to you in the chat your relationship with me was business to business. You started this relationship by claiming someone had a deal which isnt allowed and wanting the same deal. You didnt press the matter for the good of the poker community, you just wanted the same deal.

I took the information you gave to me and cut the affiliate loose because we dont want that rubbish. Rakeback is 37%, if you want to earn more our VIP program gives up to 55%. As I said to you I despise the deal you were trying to get for yourself.

I also find it interesting that you take the 'professional' angle when you tried to angle shoot and get me to move all of the players tracked to the affiliate you were accusing over to your tracker.

You approached me as an unprofessional affiliate and were treated as such, you then turned around and claimed to be a player so I should have treated you as a player not an affiliate. Though Im pretty sure if you got the 60% deal you were asking for this thread wouldnt have been created.

Just wanted to add some context to the "you arent the police, I am" statement since that does seem a bit random and I do sound a little crazy there. That was in response to this:

[13/06/12 9:32:32 PM] (name removed): so, can i get some sort of proof that he's no longer a lock affiliate?

The proper response there should have been "we dont disclose that information to other affiliates" but I was frustrated at that point.

Last edited by imjustshane; 06-13-2012 at 05:32 PM. Reason: Addition - police explantion
06-13-2012 , 05:55 PM
Well I agree that shane.lockpoker doesn't know how to keep his word. he is 100% unprofessional .. If a rep says they will get back to you Very next day.. and its been over a week ,then his word = Trash , which = Unprofessional
06-13-2012 , 06:05 PM
I don't know Disco at all, but I've also heard of affiliates getting 60%. I have no clue why people would lie about what kind of rake they're getting? Obviously Shane is going to deny any preferential treatment of high rake producing customers, affiliates, friends of employees, or people that keep stables on their site.

Shane is a straight shooter, but he does come off as sarcastic/aggro at times when he should be swallowing his pride and acting professional.

Last edited by lvcjarrett; 06-13-2012 at 06:08 PM. Reason: I feel like such a troll
06-13-2012 , 06:12 PM
60%+ is number the affiliate probably came up with for the highest Vip level including point conversion and deposit bonuses. There is no true 60% RB. It's all about advertising the best deal, but you gotta pay attention to the fine print. I've seen merge affiliates offer 60%+ RB as well, but that's for their highest vip level with points and deposit bonuses factored in.

Last edited by RAVegas; 06-13-2012 at 06:18 PM.
06-13-2012 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by lvcjarrett
I don't know Disco at all, but I've also heard of affiliates getting 60%. I have no clue why people would lie about what kind of rake they're getting? Obviously Shane is going to deny any preferential treatment of high rake producing customers, affiliates, friends of employees, or people that keep stables on their site.
Just want to clarify that 60% rakeback doesnt exist.

The system pays out a flat 37%.

Some affiliates use the VIP to sell players on "rakeback equivalent" of 55% which I dont love but is within the rules.

Anyone offering player above that I'd love to hear about it. It makes no sense for the room and honestly if that is your only sales tactic then you aren't much of an affiliate and I'd prefer you weren't part of our affiliate program.

So feel free to send me tipoffs and I will gladly level the playing field.
06-13-2012 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane

Some affiliates use the VIP to sell players on "rakeback equivalent" of 55% which I dont love but is within the rules.

Actually this sounds correct. TBH The 60% or 65%...I can't recall exactly was by an affiliate of another skin when Lock was in the Merge Network. Sorry Shane. The next logical question is how does one become an affiliate?
