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Lock Poker has questions to answer [ref girah scandal] (X post from NVG) Lock Poker has questions to answer [ref girah scandal] (X post from NVG)

08-16-2011 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by LockRizen
I can assure everyone that I am paying very close attention to what the community is saying, and not just ignoring you and hoping it goes away.

I know there will be more information forthcoming, but I cannot elaborate any more than that in an official capacity until an official statement is made.

well put

Originally Posted by LockRizen
I don't agree with this. As a player in the current environment I don't blame anyone who assumes the worst or takes precautions. Unfortunately over the last 2-3 years events in the industry have made everyone (rightly) cynical towards all things online poker.

It is our job to do what is necessary to get these players back, and I sincerely hope that at some point we are able to earn the business back. I don't think anyone withdrawing their money is 'pathetic' though. As players (and consumers in general) the biggest voice we have is our wallets, and I would expect all players to exercise that right regardless as to my personal belief on their stance.

also well put

Hopefully a thorough statement is forthcoming. There are a lot of people interested in bringing thier action to Lock if and when they open to US players again. Proper handling of this situation would go a long way towards keeping that interest level high and maintaining the confidence of current players. Assuming that is what you want.
08-16-2011 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by WhereDidMyEVGo
Hopefully a thorough statement is forthcoming. There are a lot of people interested in bringing thier action to Lock if and when they open to US players again. Proper handling of this situation would go a long way towards keeping that interest level high and maintaining the confidence of current players. Assuming that is what you want.
That ship sailed long ago
08-16-2011 , 09:38 PM
To further answer Mark275, I'm crossposting this from:

Originally Posted by MinusEV
The dumper had never played on the site before, they played at stakes almost never seen at the site and he "lost" 100K at the tail end of a "who can win the most" competition to a guy who was in the running for it?

I'm not sure what your definition of 'obvious' is, but to me, that'll pretty much do.


Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Let's not forgot that the owner of the account that dumped to Girah, the "SamChauhaun" account, was in the name of DogIsHead, who was certainly known to be associated with Girah.

This should have been obvious to anyone who did even two minutes worth of research into the players. The fact that they tried to make it look like a real match is just more evidence that they were trying to get away with it so that they stood a better chance of not raising any suspicions so that Girah could win the competition.
08-16-2011 , 11:42 PM
I guess i was wrong, thanks for making me open my eyes and i agree that he should be stripped of the contest win, how can he not? wow
08-17-2011 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by Mark275
I guess i was wrong, thanks for making me open my eyes and i agree that he should be stripped of the contest win, how can he not? wow
He was stripped of the win shortly after the contest ending and also after suspicions were raised on 2+2 about what looked like very suspicious circumstances at the end of the contest. The questions for Lock are why didn't they identify the (obvious looking chip dump of $100k) and why they kept jose as a site pro even though he cheated.

Rizen coming across very straightforward and responsive itt - I hope Lock will be the same when their statement is forthcoming. Hopefully they will answer questions here to show openness.
08-17-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by LockRizen
I can assure everyone that I am paying very close attention to what the community is saying, and not just ignoring you and hoping it goes away.

I know there will be more information forthcoming, but I cannot elaborate any more than that in an official capacity until an official statement is made.

Any timeframe on additional statement/information?
08-17-2011 , 11:02 PM
you guys are looking bad as each day goes by...
08-18-2011 , 02:35 AM
Lock has the same people issuing statements as Full Tilt it seems
08-18-2011 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Rubberneck
Any timeframe on additional statement/information?
I'm hesitant to give an exact time frame, but I'm hopeful it is much sooner rather than later.


08-18-2011 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by LockRizen
It is our job to do what is necessary to get these players back, and I sincerely hope that at some point we are able to earn the business back.... As players (and consumers in general) the biggest voice we have is our wallets, and I would expect all players to exercise that right regardless as to my personal belief on their stance.
Indeed. Many of us have been critical of DIH, Poker Royalty and Lock for not doing their due diligence in verifying the outlandish claims (i.e. winnings) of the Portuguese "prodigy".
In the same respect, we consumers should do our due diligence before depositing money with online poker sites. It's not as simple as saying "I don't trust any of them". If consumers do their research and choose trustworthy companies, and companies work harder on self-regulation and better customer service, the whole poker community will benefit, as fraudsters and fly-by-night operators will be forced out of the market due to their ineptitude.
08-18-2011 , 03:44 PM
Here is the latest official statement:

"Lock is currently pursuing legal action against Jose so we are unable to make a substantial comment at this time. We do realize that ongoing silence can lead to people jumping to conclusions. What happened goes against the very core of our player based philosophy and we intend on exercising our legal rights in the most severe degree. We will keep you updated as things progress"
08-18-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by LockRizen
I can assure everyone that I am paying very close attention to what the community is saying, and not just ignoring you and hoping it goes away.

I know there will be more information forthcoming, but I cannot elaborate any more than that in an official capacity until an official statement is made.

Originally Posted by LockRizen
Here is the latest official statement:

"Lock is currently pursuing legal action against Jose so we are unable to make a substantial comment at this time. We do realize that ongoing silence can lead to people jumping to conclusions. What happened goes against the very core of our player based philosophy and we intend on exercising our legal rights in the most severe degree. We will keep you updated as things progress"
Thats the statement you were referring to?...A statement is forthcoming...the statement is we can not make a substantial comment at this time.....?
08-18-2011 , 10:12 PM
Rizen, there are alot of people in the US who post BF just aren't playing. I am one of them. I will wait untill online Poker is legalized and then make my decision as to where to play. Right now I view Lock in the same light as Cake poker. At the very least your company is incompetent and possibly corrupt.

How Lock handles this will have alot to do with how I perceive your Company going forward. Not being forthcoming with the poker community and hiding behind the "lawyer says don't speak" isn't going to cut it. They need to be completely honest and start answering questions NOW. Otherwise, I and many others will choose to not play or play elsewhere.
08-18-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by bronx bomber
Rizen, there are alot of people in the US who post BF just aren't playing. I am one of them. I will wait untill online Poker is legalized and then make my decision as to where to play. Right now I view Lock in the same light as Cake poker. At the very least your company is incompetent and possibly corrupt.

How Lock handles this will have alot to do with how I perceive your Company going forward. Not being forthcoming with the poker community and hiding behind the "lawyer says don't speak" isn't going to cut it. They need to be completely honest and start answering questions NOW. Otherwise, I and many others will choose to not play or play elsewhere.
I definitely think they should answer your questions and not be more concerned about the legal action they are taking against Girah.

Also, the fact that you would compare them to Cake is really a joke.

I actually play on the site and don't really think they need to say much of anything. Other than not catching the "chip dump", which wasn't completely obvious (since from what I last heard they played for a couple hours). What shows their incompetence or corrupt nature?

Last edited by ptwp330; 08-18-2011 at 10:30 PM.
08-19-2011 , 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by ptwp330

Also, the fact that you would compare them to Cake is really a joke.
Every one of your posts since March is about Lock poker or the Merge network. EVERY POST SINCE THE ACCOUNT WAS CREATED. You're a joke too.
08-19-2011 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by ptwp330
I definitely think they should answer your questions and not be more concerned about the legal action they are taking against Girah.

Also, the fact that you would compare them to Cake is really a joke.

I actually play on the site and don't really think they need to say much of anything. Other than not catching the "chip dump", which wasn't completely obvious (since from what I last heard they played for a couple hours). What shows their incompetence or corrupt nature?
You don't think it's enough that a newly created account had $100k deposited to it which it then lost in one session to one of their own pros playing much higher stakes than normal right at the end of the Bluff Challenge, this was just enough to ensure he won the challenge and was not picked up by their full audit of Girah's account?

I mean, come on, how many people are depositing $100k on Lock and losing it in one session, and how often do those kinds of stakes run on Merge?
08-19-2011 , 12:35 PM
Personally, I think if lock is pursuing legal action that is great. Having something like this ruled on by an actual legal body adds a ton of legitimacy to the industry which has seemed to shun the legal system in the past.

Rizen, can you point to any public documents (like court filings) as they occur? This should not go against your legal counsel since I am sure there will be public documents of some type, and public documents are, well, public. But lock will know when and where they appear much better than us.

Edit - by shun the legal system in the past, I don't meanbreak the law, I mean poker sites tend to solve things outside of the legal system. For instance, afaik no site has ever tried to take someone they caught cheating or otherwise violating their tos to court. Rather they confiscate funds, ban accounts, and do such things in a very opaque manner.
08-19-2011 , 02:47 PM
I will do everything I can. The statement even says we'll update on further progress, and I would imagine that confirming public documents exist is perfectly fine. I haven't confirmed with anyone but it's hard for me to believe I would be asked not to do this.


Originally Posted by fnord_too
Personally, I think if lock is pursuing legal action that is great. Having something like this ruled on by an actual legal body adds a ton of legitimacy to the industry which has seemed to shun the legal system in the past.

Rizen, can you point to any public documents (like court filings) as they occur? This should not go against your legal counsel since I am sure there will be public documents of some type, and public documents are, well, public. But lock will know when and where they appear much better than us.

Edit - by shun the legal system in the past, I don't meanbreak the law, I mean poker sites tend to solve things outside of the legal system. For instance, afaik no site has ever tried to take someone they caught cheating or otherwise violating their tos to court. Rather they confiscate funds, ban accounts, and do such things in a very opaque manner.
08-19-2011 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by stormblower
You don't think it's enough that a newly created account had $100k deposited to it which it then lost in one session to one of their own pros playing much higher stakes than normal right at the end of the Bluff Challenge, this was just enough to ensure he won the challenge and was not picked up by their full audit of Girah's account?

I mean, come on, how many people are depositing $100k on Lock and losing it in one session, and how often do those kinds of stakes run on Merge?
I thought it was highly suspicious back when it happened, but they can't assume every idiot that burns through a ton of money in a couple hours to a "prodigy"(at least what people thought at the time) is anything more than a bad player with lots of money. Without a proven connection between Girah and the other player I wouldn't really expect them to do anything other than maybe keep a close eye on the accounts for any more suspicious activity.

Suspending Girah without hard evidence would have been worse. Cake suspended a player and took his money wrongly and look what happened with that. That was a much worse situation, which is why I think comparing Lock to Cake, calling them corrupt, or incompetent when we don't know what actions they took behind the scenes is really premature.

I think more answers surrounding what happened with the chip dump and what they found at the time would be ideal, but it could be tied to any legal action they might be trying to take. For me as a player on the site I am satisfied with how they have handled the situation.
08-19-2011 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by bronx bomber
Every one of your posts since March is about Lock poker or the Merge network. EVERY POST SINCE THE ACCOUNT WAS CREATED. You're a joke too.
I play on Lock, so I comment about the site I play on. I am sorry that I don't post about sites that I don't play on and demand they give me answers and call them corrupt or incompetent without any evidence.
08-21-2011 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Mark275
^^^ casper if ur serious lol that was pretty pathetic of you to do, i mean you took your money off a site that had cheaters doing bad things? newsflash! happens on everysite and once they get all the info theyll fill us in, till then chillout
Casper responded himself, but I'd like to say that there is absolutely no reason to criticize him for seeing something he didn't like and no longer supporting the company. That's the way its supposed to work.
08-22-2011 , 10:26 AM
I hate to say this, but I expect to be disappointed with whatever comes out of this "investigation."

PLEASE prove me wrong!!!!!!
08-23-2011 , 05:39 PM
WP Lock, just sweep it under the carpet.
08-23-2011 , 05:41 PM
there employee's are maybe out having coffee's and dohnuts with FTPs, they both seems to take a decade to answer anything
08-23-2011 , 07:35 PM
^^ I waited 24 hours for an email reponse that was incompetent and didnt at all address the question I asked. Now 48 hours later and they still wont respond.
Rizen wont respond to my PMs in 48 hours as well.
As I spoke RIZEN responded to my PM and is trying to assist me. RIZEN the shining light in a pokerroom thats being surrounded by dark.
