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Lock Poker cashout thread (10 WEEK MINIMUM WAIT) - not a transfer thread (see OP) Lock Poker cashout thread (10 WEEK MINIMUM WAIT) - not a transfer thread (see OP)

06-12-2013 , 10:13 AM
It's good to see some of these oldest cash outs finally cleared.

Call it a glimmer of hope, but I hope this doesn't encourage more people to play/deposit until/if they demonstrate a) a real and significant improvement in cashouts going forward, for at least (IMO) six months and b) the ability to stop lying repeatedly to their customers and demonstrate significant improvement in customer service.

Personally, I think the relief some are feeling now might create enough good will to make some forget that it's basically unforgivable Lock let it get to this point in the first place. No one should ever have to beg for their own money back, or be treated so badly by an entire customer service team.


Congrats again to those who have finally gotten paid, I hope others get paid soon as well.
06-12-2013 , 10:20 AM
Have things at Lock improved? I thought there was a firm deadline at the beginning of June that things would improve significantly for ROW players in regards to cashouts. Has Lock lived up to this? The pros have been very quiet recently.
06-12-2013 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by okcthunderfan
Have things at Lock improved? I thought there was a firm deadline at the beginning of June that things would improve significantly for ROW players in regards to cashouts. Has Lock lived up to this? The pros have been very quiet recently.
Seems like just in the last few days a few people have gotten paid. Let's wait for sustained improvement before giving anybody any credit for improvement. There are still a ton of people waiting. Check a couple posts back for a great summary of most people's feelings.

Oh yeah, ***k the Thunder. :/
06-12-2013 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by AWEBB3
I requested a cashout on April 28th, it has yet to even be verified. Is this normal?
Same here i requested 4/30 and still just "requested"...getting close to 7 weeks now...
06-12-2013 , 10:59 AM
Sorry I get bitter during the playoffs. Uncalled for.
06-12-2013 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mohawkgolf
BOOM got my check for $2975 today!
Just to recap:
12-4-2012: Check Requested
3-28-2013: Check Sent(7-10 days)
6-10-2013: Check Recieved

Better late than never baby
Hahaha, check sent on 3/28 from Lock's Moon Base payment processor. Would have been faster to send it by carrier turtle.
06-12-2013 , 09:19 PM
Nearing 8 weeks and still waiting for WU payout. You'd think for 10% they'd move it along.
06-12-2013 , 10:31 PM
My check requested March 5th was processed today June 12th (14 weeks). Will see when I receive it.
06-12-2013 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by IRNUTS
Just hit the 4 month mark:

Requested: 2/10
Verified: 4/1
06-14-2013 , 09:50 AM
I just got my check requesting it on 1/22.
06-15-2013 , 02:32 AM
Tomorrow will mark 11 weeks while waiting for my cash out via check. It was requested on 3-23.
06-15-2013 , 03:27 AM
requested 12/8
approved 12/31
verified 1/9
processed 3/28
received ??????
06-17-2013 , 09:02 AM
Just got check right on time (4 months after request as usual)

Ive never had problems getting checks, it just takes patience. Timeline is always the same: After 2 months my request is processed and 2 months after that the check is at my door. I wish it were faster but its always been reliable.
06-17-2013 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Paul Valente
Just got check right on time (4 months after request as usual)

Ive never had problems getting checks, it just takes patience. Timeline is always the same: After 2 months my request is processed and 2 months after that the check is at my door. I wish it were faster but its always been reliable.
Lucky you then, its been over 4 months and my check still hasn't been processed
06-17-2013 , 02:22 PM
I have been waiting on a western union withdrawal since march 20 this **** is ridiculous I need my money!!!! Does anyone know how to get in touch with Shane.
06-17-2013 , 02:26 PM
shane.lockpoker on skype
06-17-2013 , 04:20 PM
Still sitting at requested since I made the request 4/11
06-17-2013 , 06:13 PM
LOL @ accepting four month payouts as being patient.....

no money = no money

they dont even give you interest on your stolen funds
06-17-2013 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by 0bscura
Still sitting at requested since I made the request 4/11
Requested: 4/30

Right there with you
06-18-2013 , 09:29 AM
Is there a correlation to faster withdrawal speeds if you cash out under a certain amount? Say like 500? And which option usually works faster? Just trying to figure out if some of the delay is due to big cash out amounts and smaller amounts are being received faster than large sum cash outs. I'm sure it's very varied though.
06-18-2013 , 10:14 AM
Requested: 3/11
Verified: 4/11

Just passed 3 months.
06-18-2013 , 10:54 AM
Requested 01/28
Processed 04/20
Received 06/17
06-18-2013 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by CalBandGreat
Requested: 1-11
Verified: 1-12
Processed: 6-7
Received: ??
I got my check on 6-14 and it cleared the bank the next day! Very frustrating process, I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get this check. I requested another check and they quoted me 6-8 weeks. I will make sure to send updates on the status of my next check.
06-18-2013 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Regret$
Hahaha, check sent on 3/28 from Lock's Moon Base payment processor. Would have been faster to send it by carrier turtle.
Does anyone have an email address or phone number for this Shane guy?
06-18-2013 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Qwatkins
Does anyone have an email address or phone number for this Shane guy?
