Originally Posted by LOLRussians
Lock is owned and operated Jennifer Larson, who has always been an incompetant owner, Lock just lucked out due to Black Friday.... Lock is becoming more of a joke every day...
Calvin Ayre wrote an artical about Lock....
The poker network dilemma – Jennifer Larson/Lock Poker case study
Yeah, but this is from over 2 years ago and w/o arguing whether the guy's right or wrong, even a 3d grader with limited reading skills can see from word one of his "article" he's biased and has a chip on his shoulder towards the Lady; and, I'm not arguing whether your chip on the shoulder is valid or not, but I remember your posts from the casino bonus thread a year + or so ago also.
This sucks what happened today and I'm real crapped out, but I don't know her so can't really speak as to what's really going on at Lock. I miss PokerStars and REALLY miss them on days like today, but the reality is...they're no longer willing to brave the waters to offer Americans poker and she is.