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03-22-2012 , 07:52 AM
I will also post in the individual threads but thought it best to make a notice of this.

It has been very obvious this withdrawal method hasn't lived up to our expectations and in light of this we have made the decision to remove this option from today.

All outstanding payments will still hit accounts, we have been told these should all hit by the end of the week.

With how slow these payments were and how fast our checks have been we have decided to discontinue Direct Bank Transfers and instead increase the number of checks allowed per week to 3.

If anyone has any questions either post in here or reach out to me directly.
03-22-2012 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
I will also post in the individual threads but thought it best to make a notice of this.

It has been very obvious this withdrawal method hasn't lived up to our expectations and in light of this we have made the decision to remove this option from today.

All outstanding payments will still hit accounts, we have been told these should all hit by the end of the week.

With how slow these payments were and how fast our checks have been we have decided to discontinue Direct Bank Transfers and instead increase the number of checks allowed per week to 3.

If anyone has any questions either post in here or reach out to me directly.
Thank you Shane. This is the smartest decision you guys have made. Hopefully I will receive my outstanding bank transfer by the end of the week. Will update when i receive.

Requested 2/25
03-22-2012 , 12:40 PM
We had high hopes for this but the processor just wasn't able to deliver on the time frames they promised.

It ended up causing far more stress than any good it did.
03-22-2012 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
We had high hopes for this but the processor just wasn't able to deliver on the time frames they promised.

It ended up causing far more stress than any good it did.
You mean its still causing more stress than any good because I still do not have my bank transfer from Feb 28th... This better be the last time I hear, "they should all hit by the end of the week."
03-22-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane

All outstanding payments will still hit accounts, we have been told these should all hit by the end of the week.
03-22-2012 , 01:53 PM
When contacting support regarding my bank transfer that i havent received, they told me they will "put a trace on it". When will i get information about this "trace"?
03-22-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gbdank
You mean its still causing more stress than any good because I still do not have my bank transfer from Feb 28th... This better be the last time I hear, "they should all hit by the end of the week."

03-22-2012 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by lampshade9909
When contacting support regarding my bank transfer that i havent received, they told me they will "put a trace on it". When will i get information about this "trace"?
The processer has pushed this process off till early next week as they believe all the outstanding transfers will hit by the end of the week.
03-22-2012 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
The processer has pushed this process off till early next week as they believe all the outstanding transfers will hit by the end of the week.
I feel so assured now that you have told us a time to expect our bank transfers. Not even a simple apology in any of your posts or in the one PM response I have received from you. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, it's the processor's fault. Here is a Business 101 revelation...I am your customer, I am not the processor's customer. You are responsible no matter what your affiliates do or don't do. Such awful business.
03-22-2012 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by iraiseducks
I feel so assured now that you have told us a time to expect our bank transfers. Not even a simple apology in any of your posts or in the one PM response I have received from you. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, it's the processor's fault. Here is a Business 101 revelation...I am your customer, I am not the processor's customer. You are responsible no matter what your affiliates do or don't do. Such awful business.
Seriously, every response I've received about my bank transfer (and I haven't received all that many) has basically been, "It's not our fault, the processor was supposed to give you your money, we don't know where the money is." I didn't choose the processor. YOU, apparently, gave my money to a shady/incompetent third party, so what are YOU going to do about it? This entire experience has completely destroyed any trust I had in Lock. Any good will the online poker community had towards Rizen should have completely dissipated by now, and as for Shane...well, I don't actually have any idea who he is.
03-22-2012 , 10:18 PM
Originally Posted by SomeDork
Seriously, every response I've received about my bank transfer (and I haven't received all that many) has basically been, "It's not our fault, the processor was supposed to give you your money, we don't know where the money is." I didn't choose the processor. YOU, apparently, gave my money to a shady/incompetent third party, so what are YOU going to do about it? This entire experience has completely destroyed any trust I had in Lock. Any good will the online poker community had towards Rizen should have completely dissipated by now, and as for Shane...well, I don't actually have any idea who he is.
I mean really? Seriously??? Its like these people live in a ****ing bubble!! THEY HAVE TO USE SHADY PROCESSORS!!!! Does no one have any common sense? The reliable, fast, well put together processors will not touch online poker. Lock has a very limited choice. Stop blaming them and pull your head out of your ass and actually think for one damn second about the environment we live in right now.

We are lucky enough to have a site that has actually made an effort to speed up cashouts by making new options available...and many people have recieved there money because of there efforts. Shane and Rizen are doing an outstanding job keeping everyone informed. I would have snapped by now dealing with these morons on a daily basis.

Keep up the good work Shane and Rizen, not everyone out there is an idiot and some of us do appreciate the hard work.
03-22-2012 , 10:48 PM
People complaining about bank transfers need to start doing P2P transfers. Seriously, you already are using 2+2 and don't have to deal with this processor business if you stop being nits about a few percentage points of vig.
03-22-2012 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Running Uphill
I mean really? Seriously??? Its like these people live in a ****ing bubble!! THEY HAVE TO USE SHADY PROCESSORS!!!! Does no one have any common sense? The reliable, fast, well put together processors will not touch online poker. Lock has a very limited choice. Stop blaming them and pull your head out of your ass and actually think for one damn second about the environment we live in right now.

We are lucky enough to have a site that has actually made an effort to speed up cashouts by making new options available...and many people have recieved there money because of there efforts. Shane and Rizen are doing an outstanding job keeping everyone informed. I would have snapped by now dealing with these morons on a daily basis.

Keep up the good work Shane and Rizen, not everyone out there is an idiot and some of us do appreciate the hard work.
Yeah, we're just so privileged to have two guys who get paid money to forward Lock Support the same emails we've already sent them. It's beautiful, noble work that they do.

Cashouts take a while now. I accept that. What I don't accept is being told that I would receive my money on FIVE SEPARATE DATES and not receiving it on any of those dates. Why exactly am I supposed to feel lucky? Because they're trying? Okay.

"[M]any people have recieved there money because of there [sic] efforts"? Seriously? You make it sound like they're running a charity. It's really not that complicated: I want my money and I don't want to be consistently and dismissively lied to about when I'll receive it. So yeah, I'm the moron.
03-23-2012 , 04:38 AM
Originally Posted by SomeDork
Yeah, we're just so privileged to have two guys who get paid money to forward Lock Support the same emails we've already sent them. It's beautiful, noble work that they do.

Cashouts take a while now. I accept that. What I don't accept is being told that I would receive my money on FIVE SEPARATE DATES and not receiving it on any of those dates. Why exactly am I supposed to feel lucky? Because they're trying? Okay.

"[M]any people have recieved there money because of there [sic] efforts"? Seriously? You make it sound like they're running a charity. It's really not that complicated: I want my money and I don't want to be consistently and dismissively lied to about when I'll receive it. So yeah, I'm the moron.
I agree, but chances are, Lock Support was telling us the same information that they were being told by the processor. What else can they do in that situation?

Glad to hear that Bank Transfers have been removed. Still waiting on mine....from February 25th....
03-23-2012 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by yurk
People complaining about bank transfers need to start doing P2P transfers. Seriously, you already are using 2+2 and don't have to deal with this processor business if you stop being nits about a few percentage points of vig.
P2P transfers lol...What a racket that is...10-20% on cashouts? no thanks.
03-23-2012 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by DeNutza
P2P transfers lol...What a racket that is...10-20% on cashouts? no thanks.
I agree it's far from ideal, but if you need your money expediently, it may be worth sucking it up. If you're a pro or anything close to it, you should just look at it as a tax for getting money off quickly.
03-23-2012 , 11:14 AM
@DeNutza: It depends if paying vig is going to effect your bottomline and whether you would rather pay the vig (if your paying 20% than your doing it wrong) or rather would want to sweat out Merge support and wait 8 weeks.
03-23-2012 , 11:49 AM
3/23 now and still no bank transfer. Req 2/25. Shane specifically stated that all outstanding payments would be taken care of by the processor by the end of this week. Since everyone seems to receive their transfers before 11 AM EST I assume that I will not get mine today. Amazing how many time frames you give us yet none of them are accurate. You might as well just blindly guess a day 2-3 months from when we requested and you have a better shot at getting the date right.

Just please either get my withdrawal in my bank account or send me an expedited check in the mail immediately. The support has been horrendous throughout this and is causing me to consider taking my business elsewhere.
03-23-2012 , 04:35 PM
Still nothing here, too. Requested 2/23, approved 2/25.
03-23-2012 , 05:15 PM
Nothing here also. Requested 2/27, approved 2/28
03-23-2012 , 05:50 PM
Same here. Requested 2/24, approved 2/25.
03-23-2012 , 07:07 PM
Bank Transfer Processed 2/28
Still have not received it
Shane posted yesterday that their incompetent, lame processor had pushed back getting the rest of the outstanding bank transfers to us until the beginning of next week (which in Lock terms means...just shut the **** up and hope you get it when you get it).
03-24-2012 , 04:31 PM
requested 2/26 still nothing here aswell, have received 2 replies from lock support of the 10+ i have sent one promising my money 3 weeks ago...have had rizen forward my email twice aswell and have not had one reply to either of the emails he forwarded over a week ago.
03-26-2012 , 11:52 AM
so how long will check withdrawls take to be recieved?
03-26-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sabice
3/23 now and still no bank transfer. Req 2/25. Shane specifically stated that all outstanding payments would be taken care of by the processor by the end of this week. Since everyone seems to receive their transfers before 11 AM EST I assume that I will not get mine today. Amazing how many time frames you give us yet none of them are accurate. You might as well just blindly guess a day 2-3 months from when we requested and you have a better shot at getting the date right.

Just please either get my withdrawal in my bank account or send me an expedited check in the mail immediately. The support has been horrendous throughout this and is causing me to consider taking my business elsewhere.
I think he specifically passed on what was told to them, and I think he also updated that the end of last week got bumped to early this week fairly quickly after. I don't think he got involved in trying to help out here on the forum until after the change over on the Cashier and looks like he jumped through hoops smoothing out 2 outa the 3 cashout options in fairly quick order as they also had initial "glitches" it appears. Apparently this one couldn't be fixed and the decision was made to scrap it.

It could very well be possible that time he usually spends here bumping heads is now being spent addressing/babysitting the conclusion of this very issue. Of course it could just be not feeling like dealing with all our "damned if you do, damned if you don't" outlooks. I'd venture a guess that everyone gets their money though, if not as fast as all's "high hopes" dashed...then probably a tad faster than it used to be when this particular option wasn't even possible to begin with.

Should know soon enough either way.
