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Did Lock lose funds in the Cyprus banking crisis? Did Lock lose funds in the Cyprus banking crisis?

04-30-2013 , 04:20 AM
Kilowatt (Dan Druff) says that a Lock insider revealed to him that Lock lost money in the Cyprus bank crisis (he says 2012 but I assume he means 2013):
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
I'll mention it again.

Lock had the player funds in Cyprus, and lost it all during the Cypriot banking crisis of 2012.

They are now broke and cannot cover cashouts.

As I have offered several times, I will pay for an independent, accredited auditor to verify that Lock is still holding all player funds.

I am sure that Jennifer Larson will not take me up on this, because no auditor is going to report the existence of money that has long vanished.
Shane, I'll make this as straightforward as possible (hoping for a response in the same spirit!): Was Lock affected in any way by the Cyprus banking crisis?
04-30-2013 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by raidalot
Kilowatt (Dan Druff) says that a Lock insider revealed to him that Lock lost money in the Cyprus bank crisis (he says 2012 but I assume he means 2013):
Shane, I'll make this as straightforward as possible (hoping for a response in the same spirit!): Was Lock affected in any way by the Cyprus banking crisis?
I heard the same thing Druff did. In fact I was told that they got wiped out pretty hard.

I hope this is not the case and if it is then I hope they find a way to start either paying players in a somewhat timely fashion or sell the network to someone who can
04-30-2013 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by raidalot
Kilowatt (Dan Druff) says that a Lock insider revealed to him that Lock lost money in the Cyprus bank crisis (he says 2012 but I assume he means 2013):
Shane, I'll make this as straightforward as possible (hoping for a response in the same spirit!): Was Lock affected in any way by the Cyprus banking crisis?
I can confirm that Lock has NEVER banked in Cyprus.

I also find it odd that Dan Druff is claiming to have a Lock Insider with information clearly this wrong.
04-30-2013 , 05:50 AM
How we can trust what you are saying.

Lock is not transparent. They are just feeding us BS.
04-30-2013 , 05:58 AM
Shane, 100% theoretically If lock/ Revolution/the network however u structured it between u and cake(or whatever % you own of it, rumor 40% to 100% to only selected assets) were to go under what would be the affect on players balances held on these different skins be? i.e. Juicy/Cake skin, intertops skin.
Could the lock "skin" go under and have it not affect the whole network?
This is 100% hypothetical of course
04-30-2013 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by BackBlood
Shane, what are you going to do about this.

It is pathetic that you are essential making the money on my account worthless.
This is the message I get from your support. The incompetence on your end is so ridiculous high, that no wonder everyone rightly thinks you are scamming us.

You are stealing peoples money!

Sort this out.
I play everyday on lock, and made a transfer to an account which never deposited, and they send me the money back, and now I can NEVER withdraw. Its pathetic.
I will have news on these types of situations later today or tomorrow.
04-30-2013 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by TicKinTiMeBomB
Shane, 100% theoretically If lock/ Revolution/the network however u structured it between u and cake(or whatever % you own of it, rumor 40% to 100% to only selected assets) were to go under what would be the affect on players balances held on these different skins be? i.e. Juicy/Cake skin, intertops skin.
Could the lock "skin" go under and have it not affect the whole network?
This is 100% hypothetical of course
Please Respond shane im very interested in an answer, dont want this overlooked
04-30-2013 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
I will have news on these types of situations later today or tomorrow.
13+ weeks for this w/u withdraw and the cashier department has stopped returning emails....

If they didn't lose it all in Cyprus, where did all the money go?
04-30-2013 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
I will have news on these types of situations later today or tomorrow.
48hrs and the clock is ticking.
04-30-2013 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by zerosum79
48hrs and the clock is ticking.

Shane not following through with a promise? No way!?

04-30-2013 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by zerosum79
48hrs and the clock is ticking.
im sure there double checking deposits I mean facts before a statement comes
04-30-2013 , 02:15 PM
Rather than post the same thing everywhere, here is my response to Shane in another thread that addresses all of the above:
04-30-2013 , 02:20 PM
By the way, Shane also said the following recently:

Originally Posted by imjustshane
We looked into this (third party verification of segregated funds) a while back. Our legal department advised against it and we didnt go ahead with it.

The problem isn't just finding someone you trust, but more a case of creating a road map to all players funds. Once created if this information was leaked or fell into the wrong hands then everything falls down. The risk is far too great.
So conveniently their "legal department" (aka co-owner Bryce Geoffrey) decided that it's too much of a "risk" (LOL) to verify to the public that they actually have everyone's money.

You know... because the tiny chance that a highly respected auditing firm would leak their financial data is much more potentially damaging than the widespread belief that your company is broke.

Seriously, Shane, I know you're not dumb enough to believe the crap you write. I hope you at least go to sleep at night realizing you're a scumbag shill, and aren't under Sebok-like delusions that your job is to help poker players.
04-30-2013 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Rather than post the same thing everywhere, here is my response to Shane in another thread that addresses all of the above:
Nothing in that post has anything to do with Cyprus bank crisis other than your hearsay accusations. Provide the community with proof and we will listen.
04-30-2013 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by fredd-bird
Nothing in that post has anything to do with Cyprus bank crisis other than your hearsay accusations. Provide the community with proof and we will listen.
I don't have any proof to provide. If I did, I would have posted it already.

This was told to me by an inside source. It's up to you what you want to believe.

However, I don't think you can legitimately make the case that Lock still has the player funds. Regardless of whether they lost it in Cyprus or just stole all the money, Lock is clearly insolvent. All of their recent actions make that very clear.
04-30-2013 , 02:50 PM
Cyprus does seem like a good choice for Lock -- criminals, tax evaders, and money launderers from around the world had flocked there because of the weak oversight. Their banking system was 5x the size of thier GDP. It's certainly not an unreasonable possibility.
04-30-2013 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
I don't have any proof to provide. If I did, I would have posted it already.

This was told to me by an inside source. It's up to you what you want to believe.

However, I don't think you can legitimately make the case that Lock still has the player funds. Regardless of whether they lost it in Cyprus or just stole all the money, Lock is clearly insolvent. All of their recent actions make that very clear.
OK fair enough. It has been somewhat common for posters to come into the Lock forum and make claims with proof, then just sit on it that info and brag about it. I don't know why they do that and I don't know you, but this is obviously not the situation for you and sorry for lumping you in with them in my head.
04-30-2013 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
I can confirm that Lock has NEVER banked in Cyprus.

I also find it odd that Dan Druff is claiming to have a Lock Insider with information clearly this wrong.
Cyprus speculation is apparently not correct.

Which probably means its correct.
04-30-2013 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
I don't have any proof to provide. If I did, I would have posted it already.

This was told to me by an inside source. It's up to you what you want to believe.

However, I don't think you can legitimately make the case that Lock still has the player funds. Regardless of whether they lost it in Cyprus or just stole all the money, Lock is clearly insolvent. All of their recent actions make that very clear.
So you dont have proof, you have an anonymous source (who doesn't actually have factual information) and to wrap it up weather or not your information was right or not isn't important, because Lock has no money. You make up your stories to fit your preconceived notion that are never actually correct. I look forward to revisiting these posts of yours in the coming months.
04-30-2013 , 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
So you dont have proof, you have an anonymous source (who doesn't actually have factual information) and to wrap it up weather or not your information was right or not isn't important, because Lock has no money. You make up your stories to fit your preconceived notion that are never actually correct. I look forward to revisiting these posts of yours in the coming months.
Did you just confirm that Lock has no money in this drivel.... looking forward to May promos!
04-30-2013 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
So you dont have proof, you have an anonymous source (who doesn't actually have factual information) and to wrap it up weather or not your information was right or not isn't important, because Lock has no money. You make up your stories to fit your preconceived notion that are never actually correct. I look forward to revisiting these posts of yours in the coming months.
When ROW funds take months to cash out via electronic wallets there are problems......

Stop making policies that hinder cashouts.....

Only reason we are now posting is to stop this people should know exactly what they are getting into...

Why row play here I can not fanthom
04-30-2013 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by imjustshane
So you dont have proof, you have an anonymous source (who doesn't actually have factual information) and to wrap it up whether or not your information was right or not isn't important, because Lock has no money. You make up your stories to fit your preconceived notion that are never actually correct. I look forward to revisiting these posts of yours in the coming months.
Me correcting your spelling here is about as relevant as your replies lately. You continue to avoid the ROW cashout topic. Just tell us why it takes 3 months for ROW players to receive a payout that should take 3 days max.
05-01-2013 , 12:25 AM
Based on his reporting history on a number of issues, I've found Druff to be a pretty good writer on these topics.

Whether or not his source is good or really knows anything is another matter. Good writers in the poker industry routinely use sources that may be close to situations, but their interpretation of things is not always accurate. I've seen sources close to situations on other networks, multiple sources, disagree. Without seeing hard evidence yourself, it's hard to peg which is correct at times.

I don't think Shane's role in this story is all that relevant. He said himself he hasn't even seen proof of any Girah lawsuit and I don't think he would be looking at bank accounts of Lock Poker with his own eyes. So his response is likely the company line (after all, he's the PR), and whether or not you bank in Cyprus, you probably respond that you don't or that you're solvent either way. So that's a non answer (no points against or for) in my opinion.


- If Dan believes his source is good, it's good that he's posted this in the community.

- Absent more specifics (is this a processor close to Lock? An employee? Someone else? Have players ever received a check or seen on a deposit history that their money was coming from or going to a Cyprus company?), I wouldn't trade Lock money any higher or lower based in this story. It's worth keeping an eye on, but it's not enough given all the actual info we have about Lock and Revolution, to factor in towards trading value/any solvency metric.

Those are my thoughts.
05-01-2013 , 03:15 AM
Others and I have pressed Shane repeatedly on why ROW cash-outs are delayed and he's clearly failed to give any logical response, usually giving vague hints that it's somehow related to the US situation (despite not one single example of any other site ever doing the same).

A more logical explanation imo is that fast ROW cash-outs provide an effective means for a US player to withdraw since he can transfer (or dump) his funds to a ROW player who can then cash-out quickly. Thus, when US cash-out times became extended, players started using this route. To stem the outflow of funds, Lock inhibits transfers and delays ROW cash-outs.

Ofc, this would all be unnecessary if the player cash was all available.

Last edited by raidalot; 05-01-2013 at 03:25 AM.
05-01-2013 , 03:47 AM
Originally Posted by raidalot
Others and I have pressed Shane repeatedly on why ROW cash-outs are delayed and he's clearly failed to give any logical response, usually giving vague hints that it's somehow related to the US situation (despite not one single example of any other site ever doing the same).

A more logical explanation imo is that fast ROW cash-outs provide an effective means for a US player to withdraw since he can transfer (or dump) his funds to a ROW player who can then cash-out quickly. Thus, when US cash-out times became extended, players started using this route. To stem the outflow of funds, Lock inhibits transfers and delays ROW cash-outs.

Ofc, this would all be unnecessary if the player cash was all available.

obviously this, and did idiot shane make the outrageous claim that Locks legal department has claimed that an auduit would be bad due to possible leakage of information by the audit firm ...

my god how stupid does he think people are, an auditing firm leaking such information would mean jail-time for its execs not to mention multi-million dollar lawsuits

i hope people get the sense that every word out of the idiot shane account is utter and complete BS
