Originally Posted by imjustshane
We wanted to do something special for our players but not destroy the network tables, we think this will do just that.
We have a few more ideas how we can use the tables in the future, should be an exciting addition to what we can do.
At least for hu hypers this really does destroy the network tables. I play on multiple skins; on lock these lobbies really dilute the pool (8 lobbies instead of 4 shown), they pop rarely, but they're more valuable to have (because of the higher rb%). I would hate for my traffic on other skins to suffer because all the action from lock goes to 2 lock players sitting each other on the Double Agent tables. You can be sure regs will have those lobbies whenever they're around, and why would anyone turn down free money to play on regular versions?
Not a bad idea, but I think the implementation is really flawed, especially for husngs where a number of the regs are playing on Lock. This unbalances the game for players on other skins.