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Bitcoins as a cashout option? G911 says Lock looking into offering bitcoin. Bitcoins as a cashout option? G911 says Lock looking into offering bitcoin.

03-24-2013 , 04:15 PM
Obv reason Lock cannot use bitcoins to cash out BC they don't have player funds to get btc.....
03-24-2013 , 05:57 PM
The great thing about lock using bitcoins, is the player could CHOOSE to cash out that way or not. If you want the normal cash out methods (like WU or paper check) you could choose to use that option instead.

I for one actually think bitcoins will eventually get shut down by the government. However, I still would rather take the risk of a flash crash or wallet getting hacked or government shutting down bitcoin, for the 30 minutes I'd actually "own" them...that's a WAY smaller risk then having my money tied up on lock for 2+ months.

In other words, I think lock poker is more likely to go bankrupt/shut down over a 2 month time span, then bitcoins are over a 30 minute time span.
03-24-2013 , 05:58 PM
And if you hate/don't want to use bitcoin, you don't have to. Just let it be an "option" is all I'm saying.
03-24-2013 , 06:36 PM
bitcoin can't be shut down. The best the government can do is regulate it; the FinCen already has guidelines on it.
03-24-2013 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Jonathan Wu
bitcoin can't be shut down. The best the government can do is regulate it; the FinCen already has guidelines on it.
Yes it can be. (I don't want to derail this thread so I'll only going to say one example then leave the issue alone)

If any single organization got over 50% of the bitcoin computing power, they could destroy bitcoins as we know them.
03-24-2013 , 07:44 PM
I left the 51% attack out because it is highly unlikely and obvious/easy to defend. You can look up "neutralizing 51 attack," and also what a 51% attacker can or cannot do. And note if the price continues to climb the next few years, not even the NSA will have enough hashing power to pull off the attack.

"The hypothetical NSA 51% attack gets spotted within the first 2-3 blocks. After quick consultation between the pool runners (15 to 30 minutes into the attack), they all email their users to immediately proxy their clients and blackhole the offending IPs."
03-24-2013 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jonathan Wu
bitcoin can't be shut down. The best the government can do is regulate it; the FinCen already has guidelines on it.
Originally Posted by RikaKazak
Yes it can be. (I don't want to derail this thread so I'll only going to say one example then leave the issue alone)

If any single organization got over 50% of the bitcoin computing power, they could destroy bitcoins as we know them.
Originally Posted by Jonathan Wu
I left the 51% attack out because it is highly unlikely and obvious/easy to defend.
It may prove harder to sustain bitcoins than "shut them down".

Bitcoins have value because they are perceived to have value. An innovation in theoretical virtual currency has given them a uniqueness and rarity. This prevents them from being simply copied. But there is nothing stopping someone from introducing another type of bitcoin. And another, and another.
There is already Litecoin and Namecoin. And several more up and coming. Amazon is even working on their own bitcoin. There may be a tipping point where they lose their perceived value.
03-25-2013 , 03:22 PM
As said before, bottom line is they could/should as it would be easiest/cheapest. But they don't have the money.

People on here talking about a 2% chance of your money getting stolen and not being able to track if money was/wasn't sent, obv don't know anything about bitcoin.
03-26-2013 , 07:08 AM
I don't get it how everybody is scared or reserved about BTC. I've been using BTC's for all sorts of transactions for a long time now using my own BTC wallet and 2 of the larger BTC exchanges out there.

There is simple rules to maintaining your BTC wallet. Keep your block chain updated, keep backing up your wallet and store those backups. I got my wallet on a stick and the backups in two very secure places and my wallet has never been compromised.

Using BTC wallet is the same as using your skrill or paypal accounts. If you fall victim to a scammers email or don't saveguard your accounts then being ripped off is what happens and that goes for any financial transaction no matter what processor or service you're using.

I'm a strong believer in BTC being the future of online poker and FX trading. In fact one of the brokers where I'm trading forex is currently looking into offering BTC as a deposit/withdraw option and any poker site jumping on the bandwagon will lead the way.
03-26-2013 , 11:08 AM
i could easily look at the blockchain and see if they actually sent it.. lock can't just say, "We sent it you must have been hacked" without actually sending the bitcoins..

******s shouldn't respond about what they don't understand.
03-26-2013 , 07:45 PM
Read one of Shanes earlier post and apparently lock doesn't want to be painted with the brush that is bitcoins. They would rather be seen as a site that doesn't pay its players within a reasonable amount of time apparently because Lock Poker stands for integrity (lol).
03-30-2013 , 03:50 PM
BTC cracked the $100 mark... love it cause I bought mine at $24
05-13-2013 , 04:42 PM
G911 seems to be the only place we get consistent Lock Poker news, and I don't expect this anytime soon, but G911 is reporting Lock is 'looking into' using Bitcoin as payment option. The last time Lock (shane) commented publicly into this, the idea was shut down because, and this is not an exact quote, 'we looked into it and decided bitcoins were not a viable option' for Lock. Bitcoins would be a massive boost to consumer confidence, as players would know without a shadow of a doubt whether player funds were segregated based on whether or not cashouts took under 24 hours regardless of circumstance. Let's hope they DO offer Bitcoins as a cashout option.

Link to article:
05-13-2013 , 04:47 PM
this i all just noise to stall for time.
Its like someone who has gambling debts and says they are "cash broke" talking to one of their debtors about buying a house next year. The idea is get your loan shark to think you have money since you are thinking about buy a house, but really you are just stalling and trying to change the subject.

Until all requested cashouts are up to date, they will be considered a Ponzi in my book.
05-13-2013 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Fordham
Until all requested cashouts are up to date, they will be considered a Ponzi in my book.

On the off chance that happens, I will simply consider them far too incompetent to ever trust.
05-13-2013 , 07:28 PM
Shane, any comment?

If you do go this way.. about time.

Last month’s collapse, which saw Bitcoin fall from $266 to $105 in a single day, rattled speculators and undermined faith in the currency’s viability.
Last months events wasn't a collapse at all. What we experienced was btc's being heavily overbought after the blockchain split from 50 coins per mined block to 25 coins per block. This caused immediate increase of the coin value by 30% which was expected and the next block change is in 2017 when it gets split to 12.5 coins per block.

The increase pulled the medias attention which pulled the people which caused the coins spiking up to $265 per coin before the market came down to an avg value of 115-130 / coin.
05-13-2013 , 09:45 PM
If they did this I might actually consider playing there... if they ever clear up this mess and start paying out normally...
05-14-2013 , 12:19 AM
05-14-2013 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by TheG0ldenJ3w
Why you feel the need to post that, for about the 6th time (with the extra oh-so-clever addition of all-caps), in a thread for people looking at alternative ways to cash their money out, is beyond me. Regardless, enough already. We get that you think everyone should stop playing at Lock.

As for this we need a new one for every thought or idea someone has? I'm surprised we don't have much in the way of complaints yet as this forum gets harder and harder to read. Maybe I'm just a nit.
05-14-2013 , 12:35 AM
Used bitcoins 3 months never had a problem except taking advantage of the fluctuations. No fluctuations of any kind in the past 2 or 3 weeks as price seems to have stabilized between 110 and 120 per bitcoin although this is subject to change obviously. Bitcoins would be a great soloution if Lock were indeed solvent and able to make the payouts. Bitcoins are still a much more attractive option then getting whatever the price is on the dollar currently thru transferes.

Last edited by ZeckoRiver; 05-14-2013 at 12:45 AM.
05-14-2013 , 02:20 AM
IRT Bobo, I feel this news is pretty significant and deserved its own thread. Dont care enough to raise a fuss about it though.
05-14-2013 , 02:54 AM
Perhaps so, like I said, maybe I'm the only one who cares about the proliferation of threads in here - and certainly it's things like joke threads that are more ridiculous to start.

But I think one problem that is coming into this forum is multiple threads talking about the same thing, which makes it difficult to follow the conversation and not have duplicate ones taking place. Or in this case, there has been a lot of good bitcoin discussion in the last month or two that would be missed in you new thread, so I put the two of them together. Hopefully it doesn't cause too much of a problem. I'm going to change the thread title, though, so it reflects yours as well - hopefully that helps.
05-14-2013 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
They could just say "Hey, I sent it. I don't know what happened." just as they could with bitcoins.
This is not true! Every Bitcoin transaction is publicised on
05-14-2013 , 03:44 AM
Shane's excuses for why Lock wants to stay away from BTC are some of the weakest posts he's ever made in this forum.

There's no chance they'll offer BTC cashouts, imo.
05-14-2013 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by surprised
This is not true! Every Bitcoin transaction is publicised on
Yeah, back then I wasn't as learned about how the blockchain worked as I am now.

The point I was trying to make to ColdClayChip is that bitcoins are really no less safe or reputable than the WU's from third world countries that he was saying he trusts so much.
