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2p2 Q @ A for Shane 2p2 Q @ A for Shane

06-18-2013 , 04:15 PM
The idea of someone like Shane is good in theory, but he lies over and over and picks and chooses which threads and questions he wants to answer.

Shane, you're repping a site on a major forum, it's your job to answer questions asked. If he can't do that honestly (or at least without flat out making things up) then he needs to be kicked off the forum and Lock needs to bring someone else in.

As regular posters we get infractions for the dumbest of things, yet Shane can flat out lie to people? The worst part is people believe him because he works for the site.
06-18-2013 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by RollingUP
it's your job to answer questions asked. If he can't do that honestly (or at least without flat out making things up) then he needs to be kicked off the forum and Lock needs to bring someone else in.

So Shane is either too lazy or too inept to answer these questions so they should bring someone else in who can?

Is Shane making these lies up on his own or is something else causing that?

If its not Shane than what would bringing in someone else do?
06-18-2013 , 04:43 PM
It doesn't matter who is the rep here and I'm not sure why none of you can understand this...!!! Shane is a customer rep who is the liaison between Lock Management and us, the customers. In all likelyhood, Shane is relaying the information that upper management is providing him, or is telling him to provide us. How is this such a hard concept for you people to grasp.. In turn, from all accounts on these forums, Shane has helped expedite some players withdrawls. Do many of you posters on this forum honestly think that if a different rep stepped in, all the sudden we'd all magically have all the answers we want? No. Absolutely not. A new rep would simply be given guidelines on what they can and cannot answer, and what they can and cannot say. Its not like Shane has free reign to divuldge any information he wants.. cmon people that's just ludacris. I'm on all the players sides, although I'm sure some of you people and trolls will say different. I have a large chunk of money on there currently and would love nothing more than to report a payout.

I can say, as an active player, and long time customer on lock, I would rather have Shane here answering the questions he can than to have to deal non stop with generic computer generated responses thru support.

Just unreal how shortsighted some of the posts are becoming without any real thought behind them.

06-18-2013 , 04:46 PM

Lock is the issue, not Shane.

It doesn't matter if Joseph comes back or if Jen Larson herself shows up -- nothing would be different.
06-18-2013 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
So you believe Shane has actually implemented a cashout that would otherwise not have happened if he wasn't here?
By reading a few of the forums, I would say yes.
06-18-2013 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Mennas Joint
It doesn't matter who is the rep here and I'm not sure why none of you can understand this...!!! Shane is a customer rep who is the liaison between Lock Management and us, the customers. In all likelyhood, Shane is relaying the information that upper management is providing him, or is telling him to provide us. How is this such a hard concept for you people to grasp.. In turn, from all accounts on these forums, Shane has helped expedite some players withdrawls. Do many of you posters on this forum honestly think that if a different rep stepped in, all the sudden we'd all magically have all the answers we want? No. Absolutely not. A new rep would simply be given guidelines on what they can and cannot answer, and what they can and cannot say. Its not like Shane has free reign to divuldge any information he wants.. cmon people that's just ludacris. I'm on all the players sides, although I'm sure some of you people and trolls will say different. I have a large chunk of money on there currently and would love nothing more than to report a payout.

I can say, as an active player, and long time customer on lock, I would rather have Shane here answering the questions he can than to have to deal non stop with generic computer generated responses thru support.

Just unreal how shortsighted some of the posts are becoming without any real thought behind them.

06-18-2013 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by jay94
By reading a few of the forums, I would say yes.
Then your a damn fool
06-18-2013 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mennas Joint
I can say, as an active player, and long time customer on lock, I would rather have Shane here answering the questions he can than to have to deal non stop with generic computer generated responses thru support.

The questions he can answer have nothing to do with Shane himself or anything responsible with receiving a cashout or not.

What the heck is wrong with some of you people.
06-18-2013 , 11:01 PM
Although Shane is just an employee and Lock ultimately is to blame for the current issues, it doesn't change the fact that Shane has flat out lied in some of his responses. He had the choice to answer honestly or to not answer nothing at all. By not telling the truth he supports the way Lock is treating its players and this makes him part of the problem, not just a guy doing what his bosses are telling him to do.
06-19-2013 , 02:11 AM
Shane ignores questions and has a difficult time treating his customers with respect, etc.

Rizen was a reasonably decent rep before. He is an example of a decent and professional representation who is somewhat reasonable.

It is clear to me that Shane controls the tone of the message he intends to send. And his choice is poor.
If Shane isn't going to genuinely participate in the forum and communicate then he should not be here in my opinion.

All he has to do is ADDRESS the very simple questions I have asked. The ones where he said he just doesn't have enough time to deal with them....even though I asked them almost a month ago and it would take him 10 minutes to answer. It's not hard.

Lock has several issues...including barely-existent payouts and completely terrible email support. Another one of those issues they have is their terrible representative on 2+2.

Without signs that they are attempting to better these issues, 2+2 should take further steps against them. On May 3 it was announced by Mason that 2+2 had in fact done just that...removed the banners, disallowed all promotional posting, stated that a new Lock rep would join the forum and communicate more productively, etc.

Well, the last part about the new Lock rep joining and communicating more productively has not happened and that should be addressed.

I fail to see how Lock would be incapable of processing a customer's cashout without Shane's presence on 2+2. Shouldn't they be able to process cashouts irrespective of that? If all of our cashouts are dependent on Shane's existence on here then that is a big problem.

Shane has an email and a skype account. Hell, let him keep his account here on 2+2 so people can PM him if they like for all I care. If it's so important to get in touch with him directly then keep that avenue open.

But 2+2 thought it prudent to bring up that idea way back on May 3 that a new rep should be brought in. We sucked it up with Shane for a few more weeks and he is still terrible.

Again, my questions are not that unfair to him or them. I asked them out of genuine interest and also because I thought the community would be interested as well. And I never at all thought he would just completely ignore them so blatantly. I truly thought he would offer some sort of typical Shane-like response that would probably be kind of vague and would require follow-up Q's. But the dialogue seemed important to me.

Instead, he just outright refused to respond to them at all. I was surprised even though I probably shouldn't be.

Just ban him from posting and insist on somebody else...or nobody else. There should be some sort of incentive/motivation to communicate somewhat genuinely with the community on here. The negative reinforcement of "you are doing badly...therefore you are gone" is pretty much all we have in that direction, right?
06-19-2013 , 02:31 AM
What exactly do you think a different rep would accomplish.. The fact that he would answer 'your' questions? I'm not here to cause arguments, but the issues everyone is having w Lock goes far beyond Shane, he is just an easy scapegoat as he is virtually our only means of communication with management.. If you think Quinn or any one of those names would be able to provide more info than we are given, well, you are simply lying to yourself. No matter what 'answers' any rep gives will get torn and shredded to bits by the community as long as payouts are slow.. Actions speak louder than words no? So in other words, the name of the rep answering the questions is irrelevant as nobody will find ANY answer satisfactory as long as payouts are as they are..
06-19-2013 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Mennas Joint
What exactly do you think a different rep would accomplish.. The fact that he would answer 'your' questions? I'm not here to cause arguments, but the issues everyone is having w Lock goes far beyond Shane, he is just an easy scapegoat as he is virtually our only means of communication with management.. If you think Quinn or any one of those names would be able to provide more info than we are given, well, you are simply lying to yourself. No matter what 'answers' any rep gives will get torn and shredded to bits by the community as long as payouts are slow.. Actions speak louder than words no? So in other words, the name of the rep answering the questions is irrelevant as nobody will find ANY answer satisfactory as long as payouts are as they are..
I disagree on the "no matter what answers any rep gives" part, only because I believe despite the cashout issues, if there was a true genuine attempt to deal with players in a respectful way instead of the way it's been to date, then a lot of the utter frustration would have never manifested. A lot of it comes from avoidance, non-answers, being dishonest, and whether or not it's by design is immaterial - on a human level, person to person, you can respect someone and try to help them however you can without going off the reservation. This hasn't happened, and has horridly exacerbated the entire situation.

Would players be pissed at long wait times? Of course they would be, and justifiably so in most cases. But I firmly believe if Shane or whoever decided to be a human being instead of sticking so rigidly to the way they've handled things since December or even further back...this wouldn't have caused the amount of hate it has. There's no way around it - the cashout times are unacceptable. No one says they are. But by giving players platitudes and leading them on the way that's been done to date, it's fanned the flames far worse then they would have been if simple CS techniques that have been around for ages were properly utilized.
06-19-2013 , 09:24 AM
@imjustshane Can you provide proof that things have improved? I've looked over the threads and it seems that things have gotten worse. It looks like people are getting tired of posting the same stuff over and over.

Around the 12th of May Melanie Weisner, Bryan Pellegrino, Matt Stout and Jen Larson asked for the community to wait three weeks for things to improve. How can we gauge whether things are better or not?

Since the beginning of May some skins on the network have closed and some credible people in the industry have down graded Lock Poker's reputation to D- as far as cashouts are concerned. Even your involvement in the forum has decreased. It doesn't look better for Lock Poker, only worse.
06-19-2013 , 09:54 AM
As of 11:59pm EST on 6-18-13...

Current reported cashout timeframe for checks: 164 days (5 months, 14 days)
6 checks reported received from May 1st to present (wait-times of 160, 165, 188, 180, 154, and 139 days)

Current reported cashout timeframe for WU: 90 days (3 months)
49 WU cashouts reported received from May 1st to present (quickest: 17 days; longest: 141 days)

Last six WU cashouts reported were: 116 days, 21 days, 105 days, 53 days, 53 days, and 125 days

Current Vig Value: 39.11

I know of at least 30 players waiting for cashouts over two months overdue (longest wait is 162 days for WU, 154 for check) but that's not counting those that have posted in the various threads (just people from this report).

Those are the numbers as they are reported here on 2+2, at any rate.
06-19-2013 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz
As of 11:59pm EST on 6-18-13...

Current reported cashout timeframe for checks: 164 days (5 months, 14 days)
6 checks reported received from May 1st to present (wait-times of 160, 165, 188, 180, 154, and 139 days)
These are the reported cashout times for the people who have actually received checks. What about the cashout times for those who never received a check?

I do not know those six people who claimed they received a check, im sure they probably did. But I know of six people just in the bay area alone that have not received anything in 2013. So this estimated time of 5 months is wayyyy misleading.
06-19-2013 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz
As of 11:59pm EST on 6-18-13...

Current reported cashout timeframe for checks: 164 days (5 months, 14 days)
6 checks reported received from May 1st to present (wait-times of 160, 165, 188, 180, 154, and 139 days)

Current reported cashout timeframe for WU: 90 days (3 months)
49 WU cashouts reported received from May 1st to present (quickest: 17 days; longest: 141 days)

Last six WU cashouts reported were: 116 days, 21 days, 105 days, 53 days, 53 days, and 125 days

Current Vig Value: 39.11

I know of at least 30 players waiting for cashouts over two months overdue (longest wait is 162 days for WU, 154 for check) but that's not counting those that have posted in the various threads (just people from this report).

Those are the numbers as they are reported here on 2+2, at any rate.
@imjustshane according to @IHasTehNutz and their figures it looks like nothing has improved. @formula72 has indicated that it is worse than ever.

Perhaps a 2+2 member can get Melanie Weisner, Bryan Pellegrino, Matt Stout or Jen Larson to address the above numbers? Currently, on PokerScout there are only 311 cash players on the whole network. Lock Poker looks like it's going out of business for a lot of reasons. It's definitely become a worse situation for players since May.
06-19-2013 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by IHasTehNutz

Last six WU cashouts reported were: 116 days, 21 days, 105 days, 53 days, 53 days, and 125 days
The time differences for these cashouts are ridiculous. There is CLEARLY another variable with regards to 'time of cashout request' to 'time of received funds'..

What is it shane? Obviously FIFO doesn't apply...
06-19-2013 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by FT37
The time differences for these cashouts are ridiculous. There is CLEARLY another variable with regards to 'time of cashout request' to 'time of received funds'..

What is it shane? Obviously FIFO doesn't apply...
Its pick and pay when preferred.
06-19-2013 , 12:02 PM
Shane, instead of your only posts consisting of "got you down on the list" and "your cashout is now a priority" Can you answer some clarifying questions for those players who have/had a vested interest in Lock Poker.

With the steep decline in traffic, poor player confidence and a mass exodus of players from the Revolution network is Lock Poker even earning enough to cover their overheads? Even after they have paid out unsustainable high rakeback %s and bonuses to their current player pool?

IF Lock Poker were to bankrupt their 'operational funds' account, will ALL players on the network receive their account balances? As we have been told many times that Lock Poker segregates player and operational funds.

What is Lock Poker's plan for the next 12 months regarding cashout processes? Telling us that they are going to improve based on tarot card readings or 'gut instincts' doesn't give us confidence (excuse my sarcasm..) How does Lock Poker plan on improving cash out times for the future? Be it up skilling of current staff, change of processors, more processors etc.
Whatever you are doing isn't working, and just hoping that it will is not going to work, some sort of action (change really!) needs to take place and soon. Or unfortunately this company will be insolvent, whether it be tomorrow or 12 months time...
06-19-2013 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by DonSwanLeon
Currently, on PokerScout there are only 311 cash players on the whole network.

Pokerscout: Currently 754 cash players
06-19-2013 , 04:35 PM
What do you mean cash players? Does that include tournaments? You mean all people who play for cash as opposed to play money?

754 people? That's nothing. I sent a link before showing that all other sites do western unions in less than 7 days. I am pretty sure those sites have triple that amount of players. I am waiting for 400$ WU from April 28th. 8 weeks and I am still in requested status. I have another 900$ that I am withdrawing once I get that 400$ and then I will never again play on lock poker. It sucks bc I liked Lock and I played on Lock everyday. Not anymore! They messed up and now noone is going to play on there anymore. LOCK ****ED UP. You can't pay players, noone is going to play anymore. 754 people and I am waiting 8 weeks (and probably more) for a stinkining 400$? THERE IS NO REASON FOR THAT THAT!! I am pissed off.
06-19-2013 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
These are the reported cashout times for the people who have actually received checks. What about the cashout times for those who never received a check?

Originally Posted by formula72
So this estimated time of 5 months is wayyyy misleading.
Would be more accurate if I had more information. I don't catalog those waiting via the threads because not all of them will come back and report when they receive their funds. If there was a more concentrated effort of players with cashouts of over two months to get me this information, my report on this issue in the above linked Daily Market Report would be a lot more reflective.
06-19-2013 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by kristi007
What do you mean cash players? Does that include tournaments? You mean all people who play for cash as opposed to play money?
You have to ask what they mean with "cash players"

Originally Posted by kristi007
754 people? That's nothing. I sent a link before showing that all other sites do western unions in less than 7 days.
Do all these other sites have as well the high rewards like Lock has?

You take out one thing(withdrawal times) then compare and then complain, makes no sense imo.

If you rake on Lock $3000/month you can have $3000 rakeback. How much is the rakeback on these other sites processing WU withdrawals in less than 7 days, so that we can compare this as well?

Originally Posted by kristi007
You can't pay players, noone is going to play anymore.
As you can see on
there are still alot of people playing on Lock.
06-19-2013 , 05:58 PM
I think its becoming clearer and clearer that Lock is in fact barely afloat. I'd love to be wrong here, as I've been playing on Lock for over two years now and it hasn't been all bad, but there is just a pattern of behavior that is strongly indicating a sinking ship.
06-19-2013 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by konar
I think its becoming clearer and clearer that Lock is in fact barely afloat. I'd love to be wrong here, as I've been playing on Lock for over two years now and it hasn't been all bad, but there is just a pattern of behavior that is strongly indicating a sinking ship.
**** if konar is saying it good game to all of us
