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Urgent: Miami money swap! Urgent: Miami money swap!

11-12-2007 , 04:40 PM

Me and 2 other danish poker players are on holiday here in Miami Beach. We got here on the 10th and have had some sick credit card problems.. We brought 12k cash and have had to lay a 9k deposit for our hotel room so all of a sudden money is tight and we could really use some irl $ in exchange for online.

We are willing to swap for online $ at pretty much any site: stars, tilt, prima, ub whatever just say so

We are willing to give 500$ extra online for the much appreciated help

We are trying to sort it out otherwise but thought that this was worth a try as well. If people need confimation that we're not shady or anything we should be able to get some posters to vouch since we're just lurkers.

We're staying at the shore club btw and can do the swap in the lobby for instance


Skov, Tox, KasperC
11-12-2007 , 04:41 PM
10k btw
11-12-2007 , 06:52 PM
Just wanted to say that I vouche for KasperC, he is a well known Party NL600 regular and Tox was top20 ME this year and plays the highlimits on various sites.

Gl Kasper and greetings to the other Ballers
11-12-2007 , 07:35 PM
Pics of $9k hotel room?
11-12-2007 , 08:09 PM
Pics of $9k hotel room?
11-12-2007 , 08:50 PM
I can vouch for Kasper as well. NL600 and NL1000 reg as mentioned.
11-12-2007 , 09:32 PM
All three are personal friends of mine and I can vouch 100 % for them aswell.
11-12-2007 , 11:47 PM
I can vouch as well. All three are regs in the Danish poker community, and are well known to most of us. 100% trustable guys.

GL over there.

- AB
11-13-2007 , 01:37 AM
If you are winning at NL1k online why dont you hit to a cardroom in floria ? they will give you cash.
11-13-2007 , 02:01 AM
Pics of $9k hotel room?
Watch out for this guy seems he may have taken some money and not transfered.
11-13-2007 , 02:34 AM
@ vouchers


@ salesbeast

Thanks for the headsup

@ lerker

plz dont cheat us off any money... but

@ Seb86

We're not here to play poker. We do that every day back home. Just here to relax, party and have fun

So.. no one in Miami has any $?
11-13-2007 , 04:28 AM
I would do it, but Im not in miami atm.

PM g_dollaz (spelling?), or get in contact with boosted J as he is in the area somewhat.

I miss the nobu there. And the outdoor pool lounge is one of my favorite spots.
11-14-2007 , 12:15 AM
Hard Rock is like 25 mins away.
