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Is it unethical to change seats in live/online HSNL games? Is it unethical to change seats in live/online HSNL games?

07-26-2008 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by technologic
meh i know tommy angelo wrote that seat changing can make the difference between someone being a dog to a, if you like money, you should think about seat changing...
yea but that's not the point of thread. Of course it's going to piss off people but again not the point of the thread. This is the question of whether or not if people should be allowed to do this sine it gives and unfair advantage to fishies who don't know what the hell is going on.

I really don't know the answer but all I know is that once it crosses the line it will become a war of musical chairs
07-26-2008 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by technologic
meh i know tommy angelo wrote that seat changing can make the difference between someone being a dog to a, if you like money, you should think about seat changing...
yea but that's not the point of thread. Of course it's going to piss off people but again not the point of the thread. This is the question of whether or not if people should be allowed to do this sine it gives and unfair advantage to fishies who don't know what the hell is going on.

I really don't know the answer but all I know is that once it crosses the line it will become a war of musical chairs
07-26-2008 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
whats up riverboatking

dont remember which thread but i made a shout out about the sick ownage you put on me with that T hi call!
07-26-2008 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking

dont remember which thread but i made a shout out about the sick ownage you put on me with that T hi call!
oh ya it was in the "ansky wtf" thread.
07-26-2008 , 01:29 PM
Basically what RBK said.

Just don't make the fish feel like a mark.

Last edited by HoosierAlum; 07-26-2008 at 01:30 PM. Reason: Whats up Stoops?
07-26-2008 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
its just one of the things that differentiates scum grinders from real poker players
07-26-2008 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by Rekrul
it's a really gay move that ****** players do
Using the word "gay" is acceptable, but using it as a negative adjectives is unacceptable hurtful, hateful, and biased. Moderators need to prevent this.
07-26-2008 , 02:24 PM
The above statement is pretty gay, no... incredibly gay.
07-26-2008 , 02:25 PM
It is standard in poker to switch seats to take advantage of position on a player. Certainly ethical. Just go to any poker room and watch.

I usually say something like I have a bad neck and need to switch, however, I am sure it is usually obvious what I am doing.

It has a positive expectation.
07-26-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Monoxide
The above statement is pretty gay, no... incredibly gay.
The above demonstrates a person who wants to show the world how big a fool he an be.

Do you really not understand that people find this hurtful, hateful, and that it is clearly wrong?

I am not gay and I take offensive. I am certain my gay friends would be even more offended.

If you want to post here, act properly, be respectful, and don't try to insult any group of people. Be constructive in your posts.
07-26-2008 , 07:48 PM
07-26-2008 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by amulet
The above demonstrates a person who wants to show the world how big a fool he an be.

Do you really not understand that people find this hurtful, hateful, and that it is clearly wrong?

I am not gay and I take offensive. I am certain my gay friends would be even more offended.

If you want to post here, act properly, be respectful, and don't try to insult any group of people. Be constructive in your posts.
not to get 'deep' on a message board b/c no one gives a **** ...

but i had someone tell me this in person, and didnt realize before that it was so offensive.
07-26-2008 , 08:23 PM
I really go back and forth about this. There are plenty of times I have thought it made no dif which seat i was in live, but I switch anyway cause I hate sitting in the 1 seat, and it really has nothing to do w/ EV. Does that make it unethical? On the other hand, when someone clearly does it to grab position on the lone fish in the game, while everyone else at the table doesnt move, it seems kinda shady. I don't think unethical is quite the word, but I do think there is something a bit off about it.
07-26-2008 , 10:27 PM
wat it's perfectly fine, really depends on how you're going about it, just saying something dumb like "I ran hot in that seat last time" makes a big difference to the fish imo
07-26-2008 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by amulet
The above demonstrates a person who wants to show the world how big a fool he an be.

Do you really not understand that people find this hurtful, hateful, and that it is clearly wrong?

I am not gay and I take offensive. I am certain my gay friends would be even more offended.

If you want to post here, act properly, be respectful, and don't try to insult any group of people. Be constructive in your posts.
Your thoughts on the commonly used term "gay bet"?
07-27-2008 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by amulet
The above demonstrates a person who wants to show the world how big a fool he an be.

Do you really not understand that people find this hurtful, hateful, and that it is clearly wrong?

I am not gay and I take offensive. I am certain my gay friends would be even more offended.

If you want to post here, act properly, be respectful, and don't try to insult any group of people. Be constructive in your posts.
This is also so gay I lack the ability to put the gayness in words. Thats how gay it is.

Thats what time it is.

Last edited by Monoxide; 07-27-2008 at 02:00 PM.
07-27-2008 , 04:46 PM
dumb question for the pro-movement crowd: Shouldn't you be more inclined to move in order to get position on the good players? Fish are playable from any position.
07-27-2008 , 05:29 PM
Monoxide, stay out of this thread unless you are going to contribute constructively or I'll be forced to take action.
07-27-2008 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Monoxide
This is also so gay I lack the ability to put the gayness in words. Thats how gay it is.

Thats what time it is.
Clearly you are homophobic, I think you need to consider getting some help, and dealing with your issues.

This is my last post about word "gay". I regret that the thread was somewhat hijacked.

Please back to the poker, and the "is this unethical" discussion.
07-27-2008 , 07:50 PM
god damn you are all paranoid. who gives a ****? it's not illegal.
07-27-2008 , 08:10 PM
The question is concerning ethics, not legality.
07-27-2008 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by shaniac
dumb question for the pro-movement crowd: Shouldn't you be more inclined to move in order to get position on the good players? Fish are playable from any position.
in general u are best off grabbing position on the fish, being in more pots w/ them and being able to isolate etc
07-27-2008 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Ansky
in general u are best off grabbing position on the fish, being in more pots w/ them and being able to isolate etc
I was going to ask the same question as Shane.

I believe that its more important to get position on the most aggressive players than it is to get position on the fish but I would defer my opinion to those with much more experience than me.

All things being equal you are more likely to play hands against loose players than tight players because the loose players are obviously playing more pots. Isn't it more important to have position in the majority of the hands that you play than it is to have position on the worst players?

While it is nice to be able to play as many pots with the fish as possible, the fish won't be in every hand and if you have aggro players on your left who can recognize when you are isoing and can repop or float you light then it seems that you are going to be at a huge disadvantage.

Assume that you are a naturally aggressive player coming into a live 25/50nl game where avg stack is 10kish:

1-Pretty good LAG
2-TAG who is tight/predictable
3-Good LAG
5-tight passive fish
6-loose passive fish
8-Spewy/Super aggro on all streets

I'm taking seat 4 every time at that table, are most of you taking seat 9?
07-27-2008 , 11:56 PM
Switching seats in a live full-ring game isn't unethical, its standard practice. And most live fish either don't realize the intentions/ramifications of such a maneuver, or they simply don't care because they're rich and know they're the fish. If anything, if they think somebody is doing that to gain an advantage on them, they may just stop giving that player as much action as they otherwise would, perhaps negating any extra advantage they might have gotten. Most of the times that I switch seats in a live game its to gain position on either the worst player at the table or the best LAG, the main difference being the LAG knows what i'm doing. Sometimes i'll move out of the 1 or 9 seats simply because I prefer the other ones, if it doesn't lead to a disadvantage.

Online or in a shorthanded game I think its pretty lame to move seats, but I dunno if I'd call it unethical.
07-28-2008 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Ansky
I really go back and forth about this. There are plenty of times I have thought it made no dif which seat i was in live, but I switch anyway cause I hate sitting in the 1 seat, and it really has nothing to do w/ EV. Does that make it unethical? On the other hand, when someone clearly does it to grab position on the lone fish in the game, while everyone else at the table doesnt move, it seems kinda shady. I don't think unethical is quite the word, but I do think there is something a bit off about it.

If its a fullish game with somewhat of a mix of players I don't think its a big deal. But if its like 4 handed with 3 regs and 1 fish I think its kinda lame.

My favorite is when someone tries to switch seats in a super juicy game and gets owned by someone stealing their spot.
