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Unconventional Pre-Flop Opening / Limping Strategies Unconventional Pre-Flop Opening / Limping Strategies

08-16-2015 , 04:09 AM
Hello all,

My basic PF strategy consists of never open limping and always raising to 3x if I am first to enter the pot. I would like to be able to incorporate limps and 4x raises into my game plan, however I am concerned about balancing my ranges/not appearing too transparent.

Obv, low PPs and Axs hands are candidates that could be good to limp, however doesn't such a limping strategy leave us open to exploitation by observant players and isn't it obvious that we have a set anytime it goes, limp, call raise, go off on flop?

Up until now, I've avoided limping altogether as I don't like the idea of being exploitable by observant players, but recently I have been thinking that I may have been passing up a lot of EV in doing so.

Any HSNLers make this work for them? The only two big name players that I have seen use this strategy are Ivey and Oppenheim.

Also, realizing that I might be losing a lot of value by not 4xing certain hands. How do you all mix a 3x and 4x and limping strategy?

Lastly, does it make more sense to open raise a hand like 56s than 22? A hand like 56s is going to play better on later streets and allow for more bluffing opportunities than a hand like 22, which is pretty much going to have to nail it every time to be good assuming it's mostly going to be a "one and done" hand on the flop. By taking the aggressive line with 22, we are always putting in 3bbs, sometimes as many as 12bbs, vs when limping we are typically putting in 4-8bbs at most.

Up until now I have always thought that a standard, uniform raise strategy was ideal, but recently I have been thinking that in doing so I've been severely limiting the vast options and raise sizes available in NLHE that it is a mistake not to consider them.

Last edited by ThaSharif; 08-16-2015 at 04:21 AM.
08-17-2015 , 01:20 PM
are you talking live or online?
08-20-2015 , 08:07 AM
Just live. I wouldn't dream of considering such a strategy online.
