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ULTIMATE BET Silent About Insider Cheating Allegations; Millions Suspected Stolen ULTIMATE BET Silent About Insider Cheating Allegations; Millions Suspected Stolen

07-06-2008 , 10:04 PM
Originally Posted by Higgins43
I looked through and couldn't find anything on this but was there any cheating involved in high stakes limit holdem?
i think my roommate said he played nionio at limit 1st and then followed him to nl, but he was drunk as **** when he played him so who knows
07-07-2008 , 01:25 PM
Sorry Ive been out of town the past few days. I talked to Paul 3 or 4 days ago about their statement and he said they're running a little behind schedule but a statement should be out within 1 week (so like 3 or 4 days from now). In it they will release many new accounts including at least 7 of the accounts I gave him and more that they found. We will also be receiving more refunds. Ill keep you updated if I find out anything more but theyll prob just forward their statement to a 2p2 mod before I find out anything new.

BTW he also confirmed (not that that means all that much to me) to me that echoes17 is not a superuser and that its actually a well known player who has been playing UB for a long time. The only possible person I could think of is Prahlad Friedman who *may* play this ridiculous of a style and still be a huge winner beating near anybody HU at the highest stakes. Ive been playing UB for years, and I can tell you that Ive never seen anybody thats been playing his style at HU holdem (and lately HU plo) and has crushed his opponents like echoes has. Not to mention Paul claims hes been a UB regular for a long time now. Whenever I ask him questions about his identity at the tables or other questions he gets very defensive and says its none of my business and that that info is very personal. Very fishy imo. So if you're reading this Echoes, and youre not a superuser, all I want is a simple private message or something to let me know youre a human player. I dont think thats much to ask in light of whats happened at UB.
07-07-2008 , 11:59 PM
I also still find it concerning that they are basing the refunds on the net loss to the superusers when they are saying that the superusers were not using the unfair advantage at all times. IMO the most fair thing to do is leave hands played without the unfair advantage as is and only tally the the net loss for when the advantage was used. They are implying that they have the ability to separate the specific hands but will not tell me how many or which other than that there were very few hands/sessions when the advantage was not used and they believe their current method of just tallying the total net regardless of advantage/no advantage is more than fair.
07-08-2008 , 05:18 AM
You will have to bear with me if this information has already been asked for,(this is my first time posting on a forum and I certainly do not have time to read through 113 pages of the previous forum posts).

I have read quite a bit on this whole scandal and I do think that is extremely worrying. However, how do I find out if I have been cheated?

I played Limit heads up at quite high stakes, (for a short time), on UB. I lost $10,000 in one session to a player who seemed to play exceptionally 'well' when it came to post flop play. Do not get me wrong, I would expect someone playing heads up for $10,000 to play good Poker.

I stopped playing heads up on UB when I realised how many BOT's were on the site, (I actually had this pointed out to me by another player who was kind enough to take time to point out to me that I had been playing a BOT and directed me to a website that confirmed the known BOT names for various site's). I had never heard of this site but I am sure you guys who post on these forums know all such sites. Anyway it turned out this was true and so I stopped playing there, (although interestingly I beat both BOT's out of about $6,000 combined). And even more interestingly both BOT's actually 'refuse' to play me. If I go on a HU table with them, they just sit out. Clever BOT's!

However, the name NioNio rings a bell. I certainly can not be for sure it was NioNio I played. Maybe after reading all these posts this is just paranoia on my part? However, if it was NioNio, (or any of the other accounts that have been caught cheating), that beat me out of $10,000 with exceptional post flop play, I want my $10,000 back!!! Whoever it was did play exceptionally well.

How do I find out? Can I get a full hand history from UB? Would they be willing to supply me with such if I emailed a request? Am I legally entitled to this? If I find I have been cheated, should I then just email UB support or do those that have been refunded gone down different avenues?

Thank you in advance for anyone who takes the time to help me.....
07-08-2008 , 06:47 AM
Originally Posted by trambopoline
Sorry, I cant give any more info about the player who told me or about how he found out. All I can say is this person is very credible and well respected among the high stakes community.
Ive followed this whole story sparatically...and just started reading this thread (again) from the beginning and couldnt find it in me to read all 113 pages of - heres the one million dollar question:

Was trambopolines 'credible source' revealed???...who was it?
07-08-2008 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by trambopoline

BTW he also confirmed (not that that means all that much to me) to me that echoes17 is not a superuser and that its actually a well known player who has been playing UB for a long time. The only possible person I could think of is Prahlad Friedman who *may* play this ridiculous of a style and still be a huge winner beating near anybody HU at the highest stakes. Ive been playing UB for years, and I can tell you that Ive never seen anybody thats been playing his style at HU holdem (and lately HU plo) and has crushed his opponents like echoes has. Not to mention Paul claims hes been a UB regular for a long time now. Whenever I ask him questions about his identity at the tables or other questions he gets very defensive and says its none of my business and that that info is very personal. Very fishy imo. So if you're reading this Echoes, and youre not a superuser, all I want is a simple private message or something to let me know youre a human player. I dont think thats much to ask in light of whats happened at UB.

this just sounds fishy
07-08-2008 , 11:28 AM
In her column "Online Poker Perspective, in, Jennifer Newell is now covering the UB cheating scandal. It's in the July 7th, 2008 issue on page 34. She says there is more to come.

I don't know how to post a link. Perhaps someone else could.
07-08-2008 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by dlpnyc21
this just sounds fishy
yup. i still wanna put some money on it if you're game.
07-08-2008 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by fsuplayer
yup. i still wanna put some money on it if you're game.
i'll crossbook his action v. you (i.e., you play him at 25/50 and I'll cross-book, so if you beat him i pay you whatever you beat him for, etc.), pm me or im me,
07-08-2008 , 06:51 PM

Newest UB statement. no refunds yet though I dont think but i havent checked my account
07-08-2008 , 06:57 PM
I have been told that the results of the KGC's investigation / audit of Absolute will be posted on their website by the end of this week. (That's all the info i have...i've got no clue just what we can expect, nor what form this release of information will take -- just that something will be happening in the next 3 days. I have a personal suspicion that we're actually going to see a pretty revealing document...perhaps not of the OMGZ DRAMABOMB!!1! variety, but a pretty big deal nonetheless -- i've got no evidence to back up that suspicion. Just a little feeling I've got.)
07-08-2008 , 07:44 PM
huge dramabomb imo
07-08-2008 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
07-08-2008 , 10:06 PM
This is getting absolutely out of control.
07-09-2008 , 12:50 AM
I wonder if they are even going to refund us now. UB can't take this, they are going under.
07-09-2008 , 03:43 AM
ruh roh
07-09-2008 , 08:42 AM
Does this mean that users of UB that think they may have been cheated need to get their hand history and effectively 'apply' to UB for a refund?

Or will UB literally look at all the sessions/hands that these superusers have played over 3 years, and automatically just send the money back into the accounts of those that have been cheated whether these people realise it/request it or not?
07-09-2008 , 01:55 PM
what a joke ub is i cant believe anyone still plays there
07-10-2008 , 10:10 AM
Id like to see UB clarify the cheating that occurred prevouis to tokoyowire obtaining the company in 2006.

Maybe they just say this to cover possible inside jobaments!

I dont play at UB or AP and will never play there,I really hope the whole online poker gets regulated soon.This is getting bad.
07-13-2008 , 02:58 AM
check out the annie duke is a lier thread guys. We have strong evidence who the superuser is. Its none other that Russ hamilton, UB CEO LOLOLOL
07-13-2008 , 09:44 AM
boom goes the dynamite
07-13-2008 , 09:59 AM
Quote: Phil Hellmuth, Jr. - Play Poker Like the Pros - Page 339:

"The Next Step - (UB)

Now that I had a nice-looking website up (, I felt I should look into some other web-related projects. A good friend of mine named David ("Pokerchop") Wight had stopped playing poker professionally in order to run a business called Show Gear Productions. One day David told me that if I wanted to make money, I was in the wrong business - the Internet was the place to be. Finding a steady source of income sounded pretty good to me, since I knew that I could potentially lose all my money on any given day. The swings can drive a person toward insanity! As the old pros say, "Poker is a tough way to make an easy living.""
07-13-2008 , 10:26 AM
unreal. I mean wtf, were just cheating internet players, they are not real people
07-13-2008 , 12:43 PM
Anybody reading about the scandal here in High Stakes NL should hop over to NVG. Seemes like the scandal is breaking there now.
