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****ty debt situation...what's my play? ****ty debt situation...what's my play?

08-14-2008 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston
He looks kinda like a Shetland Chris Bosh.

dont know him, but saw the picture and thats awesome.
01-21-2009 , 12:33 AM
Bump for Google.

LegendofLink (2+2) = pegusus (2+2) = diggdodger (Pokerstars, City Hyrule) = lol_wait_wat (Full Tilt, City letter M)

He has graduated from deadbeat to scammer, ripping off many in the HSNL Sports Betting Thread.

He seems to have ditched the pegusus account after getting outed as a scambag, but still posts on LegendofLink as recently as today.
01-21-2009 , 01:01 AM
God what a ****ign scumbag.
FWIW my best guess of what happened is legendoflink intended on paying everyone back but is now busto so he can't. Instead of handling it like a reasonable person and telling Gary "oops I'm busto because I'm stupid, I'm really sorry lets try to work something out" he resorts to ridiculous lies and just ignoring the problem hoping it goes away.
01-21-2009 , 01:11 AM
admo, please do some research on filljenk

some people also think that cheesehom=filljenk

01-21-2009 , 01:19 AM
I read the OP but haven't read many of the replies, so apologies if this has been already mentioned, but before going as far as heading down the Lawyer/Debt Collection agency route, can you get in touch with a family member? Parents/Brother/Sister? Explain the situation with them as angry parents or relatives will probably be a LOT more pursuasive (spelling???)

Good luck getting your money back
01-21-2009 , 02:35 AM
Wow that sucks. I wonder if some people are that good at pretending to be honest guys or just some people's intuition is that bad when it comes to recognizing potential scammers.
Anyway the guy obviously is a douche and owns the money. What I wanted to address though is lending him 13k after big bj loses. I had this exact thing happening here where I live two times. Not only some people lent money to my friend who just lost a lot in -EV game but they even didn't try to talk him out of playing.
Isn't it similar to giving alcohol to alcoholic or drugs to drug addict ? If you care about the person this is the moment to show some character...
01-21-2009 , 02:25 PM
be sure to let us know if he'll be at LAPC or in vegas or anywhere we may be. would be fun to confront him
01-21-2009 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Stevenson
yea jshuttles was the witness, he did nothing wrong.

samurai and ooooooooooh-
i agree court/lawyer is probably the correct route. i was wondering if anyone knew specifically what type of lawyer/court stuff i needed to go with
I may be wrong as I'm not a lawyer, but I've heard that gambling debts are not collectible. meaning that you can't sue someone over a gambling debt or refer someone to a collection agency. I may be very mistaken though.
01-21-2009 , 08:23 PM
wow. words cant express how pathetic this guy is.
01-21-2009 , 08:42 PM
i've been in contact with Admo and there's a good chance we're going to make a steve ware is a scammer kind of site about Don Ohonjo/legendoflink/pegasus/diggdodger. if anyone has a picture of him or more info about alleged scams he pulled PM me or post in this thread. thanks
01-21-2009 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Stevenson
i've been in contact with Admo and there's a good chance we're going to make a steve ware is a scammer kind of site about Don Ohonjo/legendoflink/pegasus/diggdodger. if anyone has a picture of him or more info about alleged scams he pulled PM me or post in this thread. thanks
ship ship ship due to my ill sleuthing skills.
01-21-2009 , 09:27 PM
gg scammer
01-21-2009 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Wow that sucks. I wonder if some people are that good at pretending to be honest guys or just some people's intuition is that bad when it comes to recognizing potential scammers.
Anyway the guy obviously is a douche and owns the money. What I wanted to address though is lending him 13k after big bj loses. I had this exact thing happening here where I live two times. Not only some people lent money to my friend who just lost a lot in -EV game but they even didn't try to talk him out of playing.
Isn't it similar to giving alcohol to alcoholic or drugs to drug addict ? If you care about the person this is the moment to show some character...
I don't really agree w/ this. I mean 2 high stakes players w/ money are out gambling. One is a little short, borrows money. Not a big deal 99% of the time. Just unlikely his friend turned out to be a douche.
01-21-2009 , 09:33 PM
god this just tilts the **** outta me.
thank god we have admo on our side!!!

i hope you scammers all trip and land on an erect penis and choke to death.
a;lsdkfjas;lkdfjdaslk;fjkalsdjfl;kasjfl;asdj;flasd lfjasd;f
01-21-2009 , 09:51 PM
I don't really agree w/ this. I mean 2 high stakes players w/ money are out gambling. One is a little short, borrows money. Not a big deal 99% of the time. Just unlikely his friend turned out to be a douche.
I understand. My opinion is probably because I see something wrong with taking gambles with no chance to +EV and i kinda assume that people taking them aren't 100% sober.

Btw, any place to find the photos besides 2p2 ?
01-21-2009 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
I understand. My opinion is probably because I see something wrong with taking gambles with no chance to +EV and i kinda assume that people taking them aren't 100% sober.

Btw, any place to find the photos besides 2p2 ?
like isura said, we were just out having fun and he was playing BJ. he wasn't a degen who lost tons of money at it or played it all the time or anything so i wasn't worried about the money especially since i knew he had more. the pics will be up somewhere else, link will be posted later
01-21-2009 , 10:37 PM
Rebump for Google or 2+2 searches:

Don Ohonjo (real name) = Pegusus (2+2) = LegendofLink (2+2) = diggdodger (Pokerstars) = diggdodger (Full Tilt) = lol_wait_wat (Full Tilt) = lol_wait_what (Full Tilt) = scammer.

edit: scammer and thief Don Ohonjo is currently playing seven tables of $0.25/$0.50 PLH on Full Tilt under lol_wait_what

Last edited by Admo; 01-21-2009 at 10:48 PM.
01-22-2009 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by itWASaDREAM
I may be wrong as I'm not a lawyer, but I've heard that gambling debts are not collectible. meaning that you can't sue someone over a gambling debt or refer someone to a collection agency. I may be very mistaken though.
Gambling debts aren't an enforceable contract if the gambling is illegal. Loans are enforceable (obv).
01-22-2009 , 04:33 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
god this just tilts the **** outta me.
thank god we have admo on our side!!!

i hope you scammers all trip and land on an erect penis and choke to death.
a;lsdkfjas;lkdfjdaslk;fjkalsdjfl;kasjfl;asdj;flasd lfjasd;f
^ This

- Admo is my hero

This sucks... I guess you gotta get ****ed by **** like this once and everyone pays after. I trust like 3 people in the poker community now :/
01-22-2009 , 04:47 AM
Originally Posted by AAismyfriend
i will confirm this is true.
confirmed, i laughed really hard when i saw claytons photoshop, its exactly what you think L.o.L would look like.
03-15-2009 , 09:52 PM
slight update: there's a new site up outlining the situation in hopes that no one else will be stolen from or scammed by don
03-15-2009 , 11:03 PM
this is why you dont borrow/lend money between good friends....the root of all evil
03-15-2009 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Gary Stevenson
slight update: there's a new site up outlining the situation in hopes that no one else will be stolen from or scammed by don
lol admowned
03-16-2009 , 12:22 AM
wow so owned
03-16-2009 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Jshuttlesworth
I am the other friend and this is exactly what happened.

And I have no idea what to do.
Invite him over you house for dinner and cook a bad meal. When he gets sick and says he doesn't like the food, rationalize not paying him because he insulted you.
