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Tough decision HU, unknown op. Tough decision HU, unknown op.

07-24-2009 , 11:16 PM
If he not young or drunk do rock. If he young I do paper because he not going to scissors again so u safe and 50/50 to win.

I'm up $3800 lifetime in roshambo

edit: Oh, I remember when HSNL talked interesting strategy on how to beat PartyPoker 10/20 which was the highest game around. I really miss those days.
07-24-2009 , 11:22 PM
should have promised him 2k if you ever stepped foot on the court again
07-25-2009 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by LetMeLive
should have promised him 2k if you ever stepped foot on the court again
OMG, This!!


Last edited by CrazyMan1122; 07-25-2009 at 01:07 AM. Reason: don't worry React1oN, this thread is from this month :D
07-25-2009 , 02:49 AM

I remembered the last time I played roshambo, where we each played scissors the first two, *and* the second time, and thus anticipating he would play scissors I played rock. Unfortunately this clown was one step ahead and pwned me with paper leaving me to sit out the game.

My mistake was in comparing this situation to the previous. That was against an expert RPS player (whitelime). I think Vanveen has it nailed. Most fish *do* underthrow repeats. Paper was the right play.
07-25-2009 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK

I remembered the last time I played roshambo, where we each played scissors the first two, *and* the second time, and thus anticipating he would play scissors I played rock. Unfortunately this clown was one step ahead and pwned me with paper leaving me to sit out the game.

My mistake was in comparing this situation to the previous. That was against an expert RPS player (whitelime). I think Vanveen has it nailed. Most fish *do* underthrow repeats. Paper was the right play.
gave him the barbershop eh? no one will fault you for that.
07-25-2009 , 03:53 AM
you definitely throw scissors because he will think that you are throwing rock to beat his scissors and so he will throw paper to beat your rock

that and they will never be able to believe you would throw scissors back to back so they will think that throwing paper is at worse going to tie
