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Steps required to open bank and poker accounts in Canada Steps required to open bank and poker accounts in Canada

04-17-2011 , 10:03 AM
Originally Posted by meltdowncity
You should post after doing this please
Well I will call the manhattan office first and see where it goes from there. I am surprised there is not more of a movement on here to do this. Lots of young or middle aged pro's that have a made a lot of money on online poker should seriously be looking into this. Even though I have never quit my real job and do have alot of options available to me I would choose to be a online legit pro with the freedom to make money when i choose too then face the daily grind togo to work everyday. I will start a tread and track and explain my quest, and not make any life changing decisions till everything is secure. I have also looked into the bahamas (2 1/2 hour flight from NJ) and seems pretty easy to get residence, you just need to buy a piece of real estate and your pretty much in. But lack of strong government and flakey infrastructure concerns me. Canada would be my first choice do to proximity and culture similarities. Need a good title to the tread any suggestions?
04-17-2011 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by boltonflats
don't post about breaking sites ToS - Surf
based on my research DL should not be hard to get. All you need is a physical address and your current US DL. But not 100% about this this is what I have read on here on previous posts.

Last edited by Surf; 04-24-2011 at 02:03 PM.
04-17-2011 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by LT22
if you go weekly to Canada, they're going to ask you wtf you are doing. I think it is likely they tell you to stop doing it
Not necessarily true. We go weekly to Montreal Casino from Vermont. We have the NEXUS card and if we ever go with someone who doesn't and they ask where we're going, we just say the Casino, simple as that. Never been a problem. Whether you're staying 1 day or 5, I don't think it matters.
04-17-2011 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by boltonflats
Not necessarily true. We go weekly to Montreal Casino from Vermont. We have the NEXUS card and if we ever go with someone who doesn't and they ask where we're going, we just say the Casino, simple as that. Never been a problem. Whether you're staying 1 day or 5, I don't think it matters.
I do have a passport card that I got last time i got my passport renewed is this different then that? This sounds like a good plan to use I just wiki'd it.
04-17-2011 , 12:14 PM
Does the Montreal casino have poker by any chance?
04-17-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by spectralradius
i read a post in the FR forum that VPN is easily detected by pokersites (rampage jackson was the poster) , so ............????

This seems pretty important, does anyone know if this is true? Link to post you read?
04-17-2011 , 12:19 PM
apparently Steve from PS told someone "don't bother, we will catch you" via a phone call to VIP/high balance players.
04-17-2011 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by ThePreacherJesse
apparently Steve from PS told someone "don't bother, we will catch you" via a phone call to VIP/high balance players.
04-17-2011 , 12:28 PM
i am talking about the VPN. the post above mine.
04-17-2011 , 12:32 PM
Stop talking about this publicly. You know sites will be pressured to stop any VPN connections from connecting to the site. Keep your 'knowledge' to yourselves or in private.
04-17-2011 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by ThePreacherJesse
Does the Montreal casino have poker by any chance?
Yes, 20 tables or so, decent low-mid stakes action. Always up to 5/5 NL running. Sometimes 5/10 and rarely 10/20. Playground Poker club right outside the city runs some bigger PLO games every now and then.
04-17-2011 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by Felinefeet
I do have a passport card that I got last time i got my passport renewed is this different then that? This sounds like a good plan to use I just wiki'd it.
Passport card will work fine (same as a passport basically), you'll just have to wait at the border in lines, especially in the summer, and talk to the Canadian border agents each time. If you plan to go a lot, I'd look into getting a NEXUS card, like an EZ Pass for getting into Canada. Separate lane and no agents to talk to generally, over the border in 1 minute. Can't have any DUI's, felony convictions, etc, extensive background checks done. $50 for 5 years.
04-17-2011 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by ThePreacherJesse
apparently Steve from PS told someone "don't bother, we will catch you" via a phone call to VIP/high balance players.
I don't get why the sites would care if players accessed the site via VPN. It's not like they didn't go way out of their way and dodge laws to get us on their site in the first place. I would have just assumed they would "look the other way" if they suspected VPN.
04-17-2011 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by boltonflats
Passport card will work fine (same as a passport basically), you'll just have to wait at the border in lines, especially in the summer, and talk to the Canadian border agents each time. If you plan to go a lot, I'd look into getting a NEXUS card, like an EZ Pass for getting into Canada. Separate lane and no agents to talk to generally, over the border in 1 minute. Can't have any DUI's, felony convictions, etc, extensive background checks done. $50 for 5 years.
i think I am going togo this route will fill out the application tonight. The passport card said its good for land and sea travel. Since I am planning on flying there often it might not be good also do u think i will have a problem renting a place since i am US citizen i would prepay the rent. Might also be looking into sharing a place with other online pro's looking to do this.

Always wanted to play on Party since 06'
04-17-2011 , 01:38 PM
I was thinking now that Puerto Rico or US Virgin Islands might be an interesting option because they have super easy immigration laws for US Citizens. But I cant find anything via google about site policy to these places and I know Stars won't answer my email. i emailed party.
04-17-2011 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by ThePreacherJesse
I was thinking now that Puerto Rico or US Virgin Islands might be an interesting option because they have super easy immigration laws for US Citizens. But I cant find anything via google about site policy to these places and I know Stars won't answer my email. i emailed party.
yeah if those places are allowed it would be a great option.
04-17-2011 , 01:56 PM
if u know someone with a VIP Party account maybe ask them to email? I don't have an account there so i am sure i wont get a response for a few days if ever.
04-17-2011 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by Felinefeet
i think I am going togo this route will fill out the application tonight. The passport card said its good for land and sea travel. Since I am planning on flying there often it might not be good also do u think i will have a problem renting a place since i am US citizen i would prepay the rent. Might also be looking into sharing a place with other online pro's looking to do this.

Always wanted to play on Party since 06'
If you're gonna fly in, make sure get your iris (eyes) scanned as well (part of NEXUS program). NEXUS itself doesn't work for immigration by itself at airports in Canada. Montreal airport sometimes has no wait, sometimes hours+ wait for immigration. With NEXUS iris scan, you go to these machines at customs, it scans your eye, prints out a yellow card, and you skip talking to customs agents and waiting in line. Really simple, fast, and no questions asked.

No idea for rent/apt since we live about 90 minutes away, always just day trips for us. Although my friend I go up with all the time has always talked about getting a cheap place up there to stay for multi-day trips. I would assume it doesn't matter to landlords about citizenship.
04-17-2011 , 02:02 PM
A lot of people are wrong about what it takes in the thread. If you need real adfvice, and ways you don't have to move speak pm me. Serious people only!
04-18-2011 , 09:43 PM
^^I drove today, Passport + drivers license, opened no problem
04-18-2011 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by PrimordialAA
^^I drove today, Passport + drivers license, opened no problem
what u use for an address?
04-18-2011 , 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by meltdowncity
what u use for an address?
my US Address, will change once I find a place in canada
04-19-2011 , 12:04 AM
are we confirmed that ScotiaBank accepts online poker transactions?
04-19-2011 , 02:28 AM
So basicly you are all expats now. May look into some tax rules for expats, maybe theres something extra to gain. be sure to notify the IRS that you're working abroad now.
04-19-2011 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by britewire
So basicly you are all expats now. May look into some tax rules for expats, maybe theres something extra to gain. be sure to notify the IRS that you're working abroad now.
u don't have to notify the irs and if u spend 30 days or less in the states, your first 90k of income is tax free.
