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Prop Bet: 1 month in isolation Prop Bet: 1 month in isolation

11-28-2010 , 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by Sevenfold
I think people are over-rating the psychological damage of a repetitive song. Certainly the first few/hundred/thousand times the song would probably be horrendous, but the human body has a knack for filtering out repetitive smells and noises.

I once moved within a couple dozen feet of a railroad track, and the first time the train went by at 5am I flipped out, heart racing, until I realized what the hell it was. Within a week I was sleeping right thru it.

(As a side note, one day, about 3 months later, I awoke at 5:05 to dead silence. The train, for whatever reason skipped its daily run. 'What the hell wasn't that' woke me up!

Isolation would be the biggest factor in making the bet, not the song aspect imho.

I had my bed about fifteen feet from a major street with traffic all night. The first week sucked. After that I slept like a baby. During the day I don't know but he would def have no problem sleeping through the music if it were agreed to be 24 hours/day.
11-30-2010 , 09:36 PM
what if OP is a convict fresh out the pen/solitary confinement. does that change how easy this would be for him?
12-01-2010 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by isipil
if you put up a considerable amount and the song is actually a song and not some random noise, we can talk about it
He's a 50nl player so I'm thinking he can stretch to $500. You down for that?
12-02-2010 , 07:44 PM
Don't agree with those revised rules I think they are too easy so I suggest a compromise on my original proposal because any former convict or deaf person could do the challenge no problem and maybe they are even a deaf convict.

i think the revised rules as follows

Blindfolded chainsaw wielding maniac released into the room twice a day for 10 minutes each time. OP will be told EXACTLY when maniac is to be released into room, but he is to be told via videolink by BERNIE MADOFF. Maniac to be wearing the special type of blindfold that has ALTERNATING PEEPHOLES so as to give him periodical glimpses of OP ducking diving dodgeing, dipping and dodgeing. Maniac allowed to turn off chainsaw for 10 second blasts at which point he will enrobe himself in a SUIT OF SPIKES and will try and rugby tackle OP. RUGBY BALL to be kicked into room to confuse OP.

On maniac's exit A PRISTINELY MADE VANILLA CHEESECAKE will enter the room on stilts, where it will stand for 10 seconds while a LARGE man physically restrains OP. GREG RAYMER and DARVIN MOON to be released into room and let loose on the cheesecake, leaving a PLATE OF DROOL. PLATE OF DROOL to be left in the room for 5 HOURS.
12-03-2010 , 01:57 AM
If you're playing the music 24/7....this can not be done.
12-03-2010 , 04:16 PM
(saw it on

-seems to bekome man in box 2
12-03-2010 , 04:17 PM
send him an email
02-03-2011 , 05:07 PM
Can OP talk/sing? I feel like if he just recites poetry, talks to himself about politics or w/e or sings to the song thats playing it might make it way easier.
02-03-2011 , 06:35 PM
you people are really far off on how hard this is. anyone thinking 24 hour song loop in solitary is easier than 12 is right, but nevertheless, this bet is extremely hard.

Empirical research on solitary confinement has consistently and unequivocally documented the harmful consequences of living in a socially isolated environment. Evidence of negative psychological effects of solitary confinement comes from personal accounts, descriptive studies and systematic research.
Previously healthy prisoners held in isolation have developed clinical symptoms usually associated with psychosis or severe affective disorders including Chronophobia and Ganser syndrome as well as all types of psychiatric morbidity, many have committed suicide. Some individuals can tolerate isolation better than others, and the most extreme symptoms may often be associated with the most extreme environmental conditions, there is by no means a consistent effect across individuals.
The never ending supervision and segregation, the harsh solitude and minimalist lifestyle are deliberately designed to not only incapacitate, but psychologically curb any prisoner’s personality traits that have been deemed by society as undesirable or dangerous.
02-06-2011 , 03:51 AM
You are not gonna be the same person you are now when you come out of that room in a month.
02-06-2011 , 10:25 AM
Srsly no one who has ever actually been in solitary for more than a day even considers this. Even if you get out of it alive money will be the least of your concerns.
02-06-2011 , 05:36 PM
we had an ice storm in dallas this week, and i just had surgery, so i was stuck in a very, very nice house with an upstairs patio/balcony, jetted tub, kingsize bed, 46" LCD TV w/ literally every channel, and family to bring me food, etc. the ice storm hit exactly 3 weeks post-op, and i couldn't leave the house. having to spend 4 days in what equates to basically a suite at the bellagio + balcony started to give me cabin fever bad. the ice and the 15* weather didn't help, neither did detoxing off the pain meds, but point being-the lesson i learned is that if you can't keep your mind engaged, you start to go crazy.

sans all of the above injuries and ice and what not, if someone tried to prop bet me to stay in this room with the same song playing 24/7 for a month, it would have serious psychological trauma that would take a few weeks at least for me to shake off. the worst part about the experience would not being able to talk to someone. but give me some ketamine and an IV and i think i could do it.

there's a reason why solitary confinement is so devastating. personally i think it should be in the geneva convention/rules or w/e, try spending 12 hours locked in a 4x8 room, then imagine that for 30 days or w/e the bet or discussion is about.

only other way i could do it is if they paid me by the day. motivation and reward reverse some of the psychological torment.

Last edited by TxRedMan; 02-06-2011 at 05:41 PM.
02-06-2011 , 08:37 PM
(a) He's not deaf as he said he is willing to do this at a bettors house if it were available, I for one think this is the only way it should be done.

(b) I think ppl are underestimating the music or repetetive sounds, there is a reason it is used in torture. Once I was trying to get to sleep and there was this horrible dripping noise coming from somewhere every 20 or so seconds. After a few hours of this I was so disorientated and was experience some serious anger, to the point of shouting things out and squeezing my pillow like I was trying to strangle a cat.

(c) or any number of Venetian Snares songs.

I would do this bet without the music at 4/1 for sure. Completely empty room except toilet, naked, rations only, always in view of camera and not allowed to make verbal sounds. With music, no way.

Originally Posted by Blado
It takes longer than a few weeks to become addicted. A couple of months being constantly high would make you a bit addicted, not too much to worry about though. I.e. I were on heroin 24/7 for 3 weeks with close to no withdrawal symptoms at all when I stopped using.
That is definitely an exception, most people would experience noticable side effects after only a week.
02-10-2011 , 06:07 PM
I watched the first season of Solitary. I thought it was an interesting concept with very poor execution. Not psychotic/isolated enough for my liking.

If I were to put money on this prop bet I'd want some seriously ****ed up ****. Like a 1500 calorie/day limit, only water, no daylight (or clocks).

Basically a complete isolation chamber like they use in the Solitary series.
02-10-2011 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Boonce
I watched the first season of Solitary. I thought it was an interesting concept with very poor execution. Not psychotic/isolated enough for my liking.

If I were to put money on this prop bet I'd want some seriously ****ed up ****. Like a 1500 calorie/day limit, only water, no daylight (or clocks).

Basically a complete isolation chamber like they use in the Solitary series.
Under those circumstances, I'd bet my whole roll against him.
02-11-2011 , 01:20 PM
1 month is too easy.... should be minimum 2 months... 6 months is better.

To make it harder:
Obviously no furniture, no natural light, no showers ect, if he smokes no smoking, orange jumpsuit that is 4 sizes too big is mandatory...

Song should be!.html

OP has to eat a minimum of 2 pound of Macaroni and cheese a day for breakfast ramon noodles for lunch and 2 pounds of Macaroni salad for dinner. Also has to drink a minimum of 1 gallon "Purple Drink" per day.

No exercise

Even Odds
02-11-2011 , 01:37 PM
Your going to have to bump the insanity way up for this to be a good bet 7-1 is crazy.

Also if a medical emergency comes up and you have to go to the hospital or doctor you should lose the bet.
02-11-2011 , 02:09 PM
OP, will you be allowed to sleep the entire time with ambien or something?
02-12-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by TxRedMan
there's a reason why solitary confinement is so devastating. personally i think it should be in the geneva convention/rules or w/e, try spending 12 hours locked in a 4x8 room, then imagine that for 30 days or w/e the bet or discussion is about
It already is.
03-15-2011 , 02:30 PM
They have done this at a Texas College to pledges... They used the song insane in the membrane, only took a few hours to make them crazy.
03-15-2011 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Str8 Dynamite
1 month is too easy.... should be minimum 2 months... 6 months is better.

To make it harder:
Obviously no furniture, no natural light, no showers ect, if he smokes no smoking, orange jumpsuit that is 4 sizes too big is mandatory...

Song should be!.html

OP has to eat a minimum of 2 pound of Macaroni and cheese a day for breakfast ramon noodles for lunch and 2 pounds of Macaroni salad for dinner. Also has to drink a minimum of 1 gallon "Purple Drink" per day.

No exercise

Even Odds
lol if you think this is even odds then have at it and ill take action.
03-16-2011 , 09:43 AM
I feel like there is a much higher chance of this happening now if the song is 'Friday' by Rebecca Black
03-17-2011 , 01:16 AM
ill do this at 4 to 1. ill have some legal contract stating my family cant sue if i decide not to leave the room and go insane. any one song on repeat 24 hours/day. no laptop IN room. will put 2 live cameras in there or something at different angles to avoid any angles. also all food/water and everything will be in the room. wont be able to recieve anything on the outside world.

something i wud like to do if people r interested is having a pen and paper to write a book on anything. im not a great writer or anything but if by rare chance people r interested in the book and story behind it (that i wrote it in isolation) or something, and it gets published, all profits will go towards the bettors up until they are all paid back. they will also recieve 25% of any profit beyond that amount.

anyone interested?
03-17-2011 , 04:05 AM
Haha yessssssss silent_one is the person to get this done
03-17-2011 , 04:15 PM
last night I couldn't fall asleep and I began thinking about this prop bet. my opinion is 7 to 1 is way too high for the rules the OP lined out. if I had 1 month in isolation in my room (i live with 5 friends)...then it wouldnt really be much isolation. for this to be a scary and tough bet, you need to be in true isolation.

also, many prisoners in the world go through situations like this, and for 90% of the population winning 100-200k is the world to them. Even many poker players, winning 200k is a huge deal for them. for me, it wouldnt change my life at all, and losing 30k would have little affect. many people could do this bet, and many could do the following proposition, however the bet is really player dependent. I would give phil ivey 50 to 1 and think theres no way I could lose if he had to attempt OPs or my following adjustments.

here is what I propose, and thinking of this throughout the night scared me, and for many poker inidivudals from midstakes+ would be really difficult to accomplish.

A trustworthy judge is selected who brings me out to some random room we found in north america. the bettors and any more judges would scope out this room if they wish to avoid any angles or anything.

the bet would be 4 to 1 in my favour. to win the bet, I enter the room with only food, water, and possibily a pen/paper to write a book. if the book was allowed, any profit IF published would go to pay off the bettors. beyond that point, 25% would go towards the bettors.

the door is shut. there is no window. there is no laptop, but 2-3 live streams at different angles that have wires going outside the room. complete isolation, knowing anyone could be watching me, but I have no idea what is going on in the world. awya from family and friends, away from society altogether. there is no watch, alarm clock, phone (except maybe an old style phone witha number only available to the judge for extreme emergency calls). I have some toilet/outhouse style system in the room. maybe some type of shower for cleansing all within this room.

besides the fact that a song is playing at a reasonable volume 24/7, I would also never know the time and in order to win the bet, I am the only one who can leave the room. it could feel like a year went by after 30 days, causing me to leave the room say a week early. I could also go completely insane and never leave the room. there can be some rule stating after 60 days I'd be declared automatic winner and the judge would inform me. there also is the option of opening the door and leaving the room anytime I wish. the option will always be there, and being a pretty psychological unstable person who tilts constantly, it would be extremely tempting to just give up the bet to avoid insanity.

anyways, thought this was an interesting twist and extremely scary to think about. perhaps many people can do it, but any real member of mid-highstakes community has very little chance of success for only 200k.
