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06-18-2009 , 01:04 AM
very cool video...zeeebooooooo

and my god em2
06-18-2009 , 01:19 AM
I know this is mostly repeating the general sentiment but I really enjoyed the Zeebo vid, very nice job on all parties involved!
06-18-2009 , 01:24 AM
The video was great. Far better than I would have expected great work/congrats to everyone involved.
06-18-2009 , 01:33 AM
Yup! It was very very good and interesting! I want more!
06-18-2009 , 01:48 AM
ahahaha awesome em2
06-18-2009 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by KRANTZ
Over two years ago, I started work on a documentary project here:

And today we can finally present the first in what hopefully will become a multi-part series chronicling the very, very interesting world that we are all a part of, from small stakes family men to the politics of poker to high stakes world travelers. I hope you guys enjoy.

Without further adieu: From Busto to Robusto: Captain Zeebo
Congrats on a job well done!
06-18-2009 , 01:54 AM
Not sure if that video is a great first episode to a series, but that was absolutely incredible; thanks to everyone for sharing.
06-18-2009 , 01:58 AM
zeebo has always been awesome. his fiance is awesome too.

as all have said the quality/production was quite good.

my suggestions for improvement (i know little about filmmaking but i watch a ****load of documentaries):

it almost seems like you had the title or what you wanted the story to be before you made the film. what i saw has very little to do with busto to robusto. it's actually a love story - a real, compelling and tender one - like the kind of stuff that writers try and try to create for the screen but are never able to fully accomplish. it's phenomenal. so...

scrap all the interviews with other poker players. they have little to do with this story and are just all over the place. the galfond stuff is relevant and he's good on camera, so maybe keep him in as the spokesman for poker, but i dont even know that you need to.

if you plan on doing a series of profiles of different players, and you want to establish things we all take for granted for the benefit of the uneducated viewer, then make the first episode a nuts and bolts "here's how the poker world works" or "heres how people play poker for a living", but honestly i dont think establishing the existence of things like EV, or bankroll management or any of that stuff will be compelling at all to the general public. that stuff isnt interesting, the stories are.

also, pretty cliche and reality tv-esque, but i was sure zeebo was going to propose in that last shot! i dont know if it would make it better or worse had that been on camera, but some part of me was waiting to see it.

also i would like to request that the next feature be on one of the russian minbetting, limpminreraising ******s. preferably with lots of footage of them playing. ty.
06-18-2009 , 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by lapoker17
zeebo has always been awesome. his fiance is awesome too.

as all have said the quality/production was quite good.

my suggestions for improvement (i know little about filmmaking but i watch a ****load of documentaries):

it almost seems like you had the title or what you wanted the story to be before you made the film. what i saw has very little to do with busto to robusto. it's actually a love story - a real, compelling and tender one - like the kind of stuff that writers try and try to create for the screen but are never able to fully accomplish. it's phenomenal. so...

scrap all the interviews with other poker players. they have little to do with this story and are just all over the place. the galfond stuff is relevant and he's good on camera, so maybe keep him in as the spokesman for poker, but i dont even know that you need to.

if you plan on doing a series of profiles of different players, and you want to establish things we all take for granted for the benefit of the uneducated viewer, then make the first episode a nuts and bolts "here's how the poker world works" or "heres how people play poker for a living", but honestly i dont think establishing the existence of things like EV, or bankroll management or any of that stuff will be compelling at all to the general public. that stuff isnt interesting, the stories are.

also, pretty cliche and reality tv-esque, but i was sure zeebo was going to propose in that last shot! i dont know if it would make it better or worse had that been on camera, but some part of me was waiting to see it.

also i would like to request that the next feature be on one of the russian minbetting, limpminreraising ******s. preferably with lots of footage of them playing. ty.
i agree w/ rob
06-18-2009 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by lapoker17
zeebo has always been awesome. his fiance is awesome too.

as all have said the quality/production was quite good.

my suggestions for improvement (i know little about filmmaking but i watch a ****load of documentaries):

it almost seems like you had the title or what you wanted the story to be before you made the film. what i saw has very little to do with busto to robusto. it's actually a love story - a real, compelling and tender one - like the kind of stuff that writers try and try to create for the screen but are never able to fully accomplish. it's phenomenal. so...

scrap all the interviews with other poker players. they have little to do with this story and are just all over the place. the galfond stuff is relevant and he's good on camera, so maybe keep him in as the spokesman for poker, but i dont even know that you need to.

if you plan on doing a series of profiles of different players, and you want to establish things we all take for granted for the benefit of the uneducated viewer, then make the first episode a nuts and bolts "here's how the poker world works" or "heres how people play poker for a living", but honestly i dont think establishing the existence of things like EV, or bankroll management or any of that stuff will be compelling at all to the general public. that stuff isnt interesting, the stories are.

also, pretty cliche and reality tv-esque, but i was sure zeebo was going to propose in that last shot! i dont know if it would make it better or worse had that been on camera, but some part of me was waiting to see it.

also i would like to request that the next feature be on one of the russian minbetting, limpminreraising ******s. preferably with lots of footage of them playing. ty.
Great feedback man, thanks. Re: the title, that's partly true, we originally intended this film to be about more than just Greg but his story was so compelling that we decided to scale down and focus only on him. And out of that the idea to do multiple episodes under the FBTR title arose.

If anyone has any other feedback like this def feel free to PM me or post here, much much appreciated and I'm sure the constructive stuff will influence the next steps for the project.

Very happy everyone likes it. :-)
06-18-2009 , 03:34 AM
really good watch, really well done. i think lapoker's criticisms are very constructive though.
06-18-2009 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by DAT MOOSE
I'm not even a kobe fan but these deranged fools have put me on tilt. When Lebron James says Kobe's the best player in the league(last year) he's not kidding. When other players & coaches say Kobe is #1 or #2, they don't actually mean besides 5 other guys.

Your argument is based on some made-up stat by the king of all stats nerds (john hollinger) instead of the opinions of the other players & coaches in the league.

You realize Kobe could have better stats but he's trying to win championships, not scoring titles and the always illustrious PER crown. DWIGHT HOWARD > KOBE. hahahaahahahahah. Look at the Houston Rockets, they will tell you there is far more to analyzing a player's value than publicly available statistics.
06-18-2009 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by DAT MOOSE
Look at the Houston Rockets, they will tell you there is far more to analyzing a player's value than publicly available statistics.
houstons gm is one of the most statistically oriented gms in the league. i guess the rest of your post didnt really command credibility either.

edit: most of them are public also.
06-18-2009 , 05:12 AM
Great video!
When is the next episode coming out?
06-18-2009 , 05:38 AM
i think a first episode for the series should be something about the community in general (like when everyone is chilling on their laptops and vanessa is explaining dual lives). i feel like thats a better setup, set the tone for the fact that the online poker world is very unique.

as is zeebo and his fiancee are the obv nuts, i just dont think their story is a great lead. if i'm going to send this video link to family/friends, i dont want them to get the impression that most online poker players spend 18 hours a day behind the computer and have borderline personality disorders (even if a good amount do spend too much time on the computer..... hi).

if ur looking at a series of, say, 7 episodes, then i think zeebo's would be good as number 6 or something.
06-18-2009 , 07:02 AM
Very good video, surprisingly good production quality. One thing tho:
I undertsand its meant to be for the community, but as far as showing it to "outsiders" goes, I fear it might nurture general resentments. I mean, it is an awesome documentary, but it does little to promote our cause.
Neways, I need to leave for sweden. Right now.

edit: oh yeah, maybe shouldve read claytons post. i feel pretty much the same.
06-18-2009 , 07:23 AM
Krantz, mind telling us the focus of topics for the other series?
06-18-2009 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by Clayton
i think a first episode for the series should be something about the community in general (like when everyone is chilling on their laptops and vanessa is explaining dual lives). i feel like thats a better setup, set the tone for the fact that the online poker world is very unique.

as is zeebo and his fiancee are the obv nuts, i just dont think their story is a great lead. if i'm going to send this video link to family/friends, i dont want them to get the impression that most online poker players spend 18 hours a day behind the computer and have borderline personality disorders (even if a good amount do spend too much time on the computer..... hi).

if ur looking at a series of, say, 7 episodes, then i think zeebo's would be good as number 6 or something.
yeah i agree with this. It's fun to watch but it's not something I would show my gf. I feel as if Zeebo and his gf have something going that is working out extremely well for them, but it's not really the type of life I'd say I strive for. It kinda provides an image of a social isolation where all focus is on online interaction.
If you want to attract a broader range of viewers you should however try to focus on items that are easier to relate to. E.g., if you follow around Ziigmund for a day while he gets drunk and plays poker your show will be a lot more appealing to viewers outside of the 2p2 community.

I haven't looked into what you groups guys are aiming for as target viewers tho
06-18-2009 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by ohead
the only good thing ive heard from dane cook is the burger king thing although I have to say the images helps a lot (WARNING THIS IS DANE COOK)
Ok ok... I actually literally lol'd multiple times at this... "LARGE FRY MOTHER ****ER!!"

Still meh though, Dane's not bad, just not great. Slightly above average, and you get the natural over-compensating reactions cuz people think he shouldn't be as famous as he is, which I am to agree.

But if you want some truly painfully unfunny ****, check out the Carlos Mencia "Mind of Mencia" show, which probably isn't still on the air but you can youtube old episodes i'm sure.
06-18-2009 , 10:37 AM
Krantz, its kinda unclear what you meant when you said it was a series, do you mean the rest is shot already, or you plan to shoot more after this series dependant on the reception of this one?
06-18-2009 , 11:09 AM
krantz, the vid was very well done and i think all poker players are going to have similar opinions. however i wouldnt show that to anyone i know that doesnt really play poker or understand it as i think many of them would draw the wrong conclusions about online poker players as a whole.
06-18-2009 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Snoop Todd
houstons gm is one of the most statistically oriented gms in the league. i guess the rest of your post didnt really command credibility either.

edit: most of them are public also.
you have no way of knowing what they have created statistically in houston so its u talking about something u have no knowledge of to say most are public. also statistical interpretation is def a step forward, it is still created by a human who makes flawed assumptions so saying player x has higher PER than player y therefore player x is definitively better than player y is more narrow minded thinking than the people who simply dismiss these numbers all together.
06-18-2009 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Daddy Warbucks
do you mean the rest is shot already, or you plan to shoot more after this series dependant on the reception of this one?
krantz can correct me if I am wrong, but Im pretty sure I understood nothing else was shot as of now.
06-18-2009 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by freemoney
you have no way of knowing what they have created statistically in houston so its u talking about something u have no knowledge of to say most are public. also statistical interpretation is def a step forward, it is still created by a human who makes flawed assumptions so saying player x has higher PER than player y therefore player x is definitively better than player y is more narrow minded thinking than the people who simply dismiss these numbers all together.
PER is a good all encompassing stat that does a good job of measuring a player's offensive value. It is not flawless, however it will be right far more often than speculation from your average fan. Lebron is not better than Kobe because he has a higher PER. He is better because he scores more points more efficiently, is a better rebounder (bulk and rate), and is a better passer (bulk and rate), which is why his PER is higher than Kobe's. Basketball is not baseball(which is more or less solved statistically), there are lot of variables that are difficult to account for. Anyone interested in analyzing basketball must realize the stats are imperfect, but if you conclude the stats are flawed, therefore they are useless and my personal opinion is more likely to be correct is a much bigger mistake.

If Harabalos or KBFC posted their comparison of two players I would be incredibly interested because they analyze hundreds of games a year. However when posters (or sportswriters) who as far as I know have no basketball expertise make arguments that appear to be largely based on small amounts of empirical evidence it is not particularly convincing.

A few months ago in SI, Phil Jackson was asked if he could have one player in the NBA to start a team would it be Lebron James? He said no, it would be Dwight Howard. Do I belive Phil Jackson thinks Dwight is the best player in the NBA? No. I'm sure if you looked hard enough you could find another interview where he said he would take someone else. The sports media is so large, that its very easy to find quotes from experts supporting whatever you are trying to prove, its not particularly meaningful.

The following is from Football Outsiders, it does a very good job explaining explaining the results-oriented/flawed thought process of most sports fans/members of the media.
Let's review an alternate scenario here. The Eagles play the Cowboys at 1 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. Every outcome is the exact same, except the Buccaneers beat the Raiders 31-24. The Eagles still destroy the Cowboys 44-6, doing so at the same time as the Bucs game, but because Tampa Bay wins, the Eagles don't make the playoffs. The Eagles still have the best DVOA in the league on Monday morning; they're just not making the playoffs because something that was absolutely out of their control didn't get there. We look stupid, since the best team in the league didn't make the playoffs. The Philly media becries the fact that the Eagles' great game was too little, too late. Andy Reid likely gets fired, Donovan McNabb's out, and the Eagles probably start rebuilding.
If the Eagles make a huge playoff run, every columnist will be falling over themselves to make some sort of argument about how Week 17/the McNabb benching got their momentum going, but it's blindly groping for a narrative in a situation where there isn't one. The Eagles got astoundingly lucky on Sunday when the Buccaneers lost. It was one of the great upsets of the decade. What happens from here on out cannot be removed from that fact -- without that loss, the Eagles' regular season (as good as it was according to DVOA) would have been absolutely irrelevant and disappointing.
If this sounds reminiscent of my tone in the Giants chapter of PFP 2008, it's because it's the same sort of conflation of cause and effect that frustrates me as an analyst so much. The line between success and failure in the NFL is so impossibly thin as to be barely existent at points. The idea that a team is destined to win or a supreme conqueror of the other 31 teams as "the best" is flimsy at best. It's the same stupid logic I read all week about Lovie Smith going on a rant at halftime about the Bears refusing to go down like they were appearing to against Green Bay in Week 16. That was such a good motivator that the Bears needed a blocked field goal at the end of regulation to save themselves. (And for those of you [readers] who would say that it was Smith's words that caused the kick to be blocked, I wonder whether those same words inspired the other Adrian Peterson to commit that personal foul penalty on the kickoff.) Had the Bears not blocked that kick, would we have heard about Smith's words, or would they have rung hollow hours later? How many famous last words, to steal a phrase, do we get to hear? Were the Chargers really the BEST team in the AFC West? Probably shouldn't have had to rely upon an onside kick to give them a chance to prove it.
I think that the Eagles are a great team, one of the league's best this year, and that they'll show it in the playoffs. The fact that they'll get a chance to do so is in spite of their regular season performance, not because of it, but on the other hand, they would have been a great team regardless of whether the Buccaneers lost to the Raiders or not. The backwards definitions of their performance you're going to see because of what happened around them is exactly the reason Football Outsiders exists.
edit: Cliff notes Just please read the quoted portion from football outsiders.
06-18-2009 , 01:38 PM
yea I'm with Clayton/tozzy

Video was very entertaining to watch and of substantial quality, but I surely wouldn't want my friends and family to think I was a bipolar candidate and that I didn't leave my house for 2 weeks straight.

As Ruben suggested, maybe documenting the life of a more "normal" online player might be better if a goal of this show/series is to get the average person to understand what it is to be a poker pro.
