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Live HU 25-50 27k efc river all in decision Live HU 25-50 27k efc river all in decision

12-17-2012 , 03:32 PM
Not sure if this goes in HU or here. Mods I prefer here, but move at will!

Villain in this hand is stuck massively. Started out as a "friendly" private game where almost everyone knows each other but no one is really friendly I got one of the biggest losers in the big games in the area who is an ass. We went from 10-25 8 handed to 10-25 SH/HU to 25-50 HU. Villain is in for at least 80k, currently with 30k on the table. Hero has nearly 27k, is up 17k for the session. Villain is LAG, opens wide, 3bets light and calls 3bets light. However, he must be a huge fan of Doyle's Supersystem, as almost all hands that reach the river (HU) are pretty much for stacks. Hero has a winning image, young regular and is respected by Villain. Villain has shown propensity to call off light with TPGK.

3 key hands:

FR: Guy open raises to 100, 2 callers, Hero 3bets to 525, Original raiser 4bets it up to 1275, Hero 5 bets to 5k. (stacks 10k efc). Guy shows me his QQ and says "I think I may be flipping here, but I can't call this" and folds. Hero says "I have two unders" and flashes a 7 before mucking. Everyone at the table gets a good laugh from this, including guy.

HU: Hero in the BB gets AKsuited 3 bets pre villain's open of 100 to 375, flops top pair, turns two pair and rivers full house (kings full of aces), betting the whole way. Villain calls my 4k river bet almost instantly. Villain giggles and says "I also had an ace, but you have me outkicked", and flashes me the ace. (My guess is V had AQ and the running K's made my hand not look like AK)

HU: First hand switched to 25-50. Hero in the small blind (button) gets 55 and opens to 200 with 55, V 3bets to 675, Hero calls. Flop is 4510. V leads 875, hero calls. Turn: 9 Villain leads 1575 (weird sizing here) hero calls. River: 2Villain leads 4750. Hero tanks for a minute and calls. V shows 4,4... Did I f*ck this hand up?
It looked so Valuey until the river gahhh...

Anyways the hand

Hero: 27.5k
Villain: Covers

Hero is on SB (button) and opens to 200.
Villain 3 bets to 675
Hero calls with 67

Pot: 1350
Flop: 6910

Villain bets 1150
Hero raises to 2500
Villain calls after like 30 seconds.

At this point Villain can have anything, and Hero would really like to take the pot down now because in his experience the turn and river is going to be 2 and 2 or something like that.

Turn: 6 Board: 69106
Pot: 6350
Villain checks
Hero bets 4500
Villain calls pretty quickly.

River:7 Board: 691067:diamond
Pot: 15,350
Villain bets 15k (hero has about 20k behind)
Hero pukes in his mouth.

Is he ever doing this with AA/KK?

I have the worst full here. 99,100,77 beats me as does 69,610 (unlikely).

Possible he has J8 or 8X?

I don't see him slow playing sets on the flop OR overpairs with that drawy
board, but he does have the capability to get creative at times IMO.

I thought the 15k was a blocker bet and wanted to jam right away, but that is one big ass blocker bet (which made me think it wasn't).

12-17-2012 , 04:43 PM
12-17-2012 , 05:43 PM
why ban?
12-17-2012 , 06:12 PM
Having the "worst" full house in HU is pretty damn good, especially on a non-double paired board bro. And who makes a pot sized "blocker" bet with a full house? I'd say his hand is an 8 about 99% of the time.
12-17-2012 , 06:32 PM
You are not considering folding right? Definitely stick in the extra 5k, not that close.
12-17-2012 , 06:46 PM
Calling - 60%
Jamming - 20%
Folding -20%
12-17-2012 , 07:08 PM
definitely call. you beat all straights and he is probably trying to move you off a different type of hand. if you had QJss or KJss or Axss you would have a snap fold, but this is definitely a call.

if he had 99 TT then thank him for not chk jamming on you.
12-17-2012 , 07:12 PM
you can't possibly play these stakes and make this post.
12-17-2012 , 07:15 PM
Call ≥ Shove >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fold
12-17-2012 , 07:19 PM
Also fold or 4b pre if villain can have 'anything' when he 3bets. And not sure about flop sizing but I guess that is mostly dynamic based?
12-17-2012 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by gwai lo
definitely call. you beat all straights and he is probably trying to move you off a different type of hand. if you had QJss or KJss or Axss you would have a snap fold, but this is definitely a call.

if he had 99 TT then thank him for not chk jamming on you.

Yeah I agree... I called and was beat...

Originally Posted by riverboatking
you can't possibly play these stakes and make this post.
I make this post sort of to get confirmation of my play. As played I called and was beat and I had a friend who's an old school pro that kept telling me that I should have folded the river.

Originally Posted by Suitedbut
Also fold or 4b pre if villain can have 'anything' when he 3bets. And not sure about flop sizing but I guess that is mostly dynamic based?
The sizing pre and on the flop is all dynamic based. Ignore bet sizing pre and on the flop...

However, fold or 4b pre I don't agree with. I think a call here is fine. As played if I 4b I think Villain would flat and on that flop I dont think I can get away (especially by the turn).
12-17-2012 , 07:29 PM
thoughts on flop raise?

i think a call is better
12-18-2012 , 12:22 AM
yeah i agree calling flop is better. river is a call, not really close.
12-18-2012 , 12:34 AM
fold preflop to avoid tough spots like this.
12-18-2012 , 12:50 AM
I don't think I agree with the fold pre. If I sat there waiting to play AA/KK and Sets only I wouldn't get paid when I do and I wouldn't get the chance to play such a big fish heads up.

I can see arguments for a 4b, but I can't fold I don't really think. Anyone else agree with the folding thing?

To me honestly, it wasn't a question about calling, to me I almost jammed. HU underfull is such a strong hand. I may even have called with J8.... However, after I called, I was told by many hsnl pros that my call was a bad call.

Against said Villain is this ever a fold? The way it played out he almost never has 99,1010 imo...
12-18-2012 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by AceCR9
fold preflop to avoid tough spots like this.
lol wp
12-18-2012 , 01:59 AM
folding pre would be insane. just call flop. call riv.
12-18-2012 , 02:10 AM
Yeah. It's interesting I get yelled at by strictly live grinders for calling and get flamed online for even asking if I should call =p

I agree pre is almost an "easy call"...

If I called flop, does that mean I just call him down the whole way? (would've been cheaper) lol
12-18-2012 , 02:10 AM
Oh and Villain had 77.. Which sort of makes sense I guess....
12-18-2012 , 03:51 AM
there is just no way this hand took place
12-18-2012 , 05:48 AM
Please self ban or never post again
12-18-2012 , 07:56 AM
12-18-2012 , 10:00 AM
What's up with all the hate?
Just curious would you call if river was a 2 or A?
12-18-2012 , 01:44 PM
maybe the reason nobody posts strat ITT anymore is bc all the regs are douche bags like wtf at least be constructive... ur witty remarks and **** make u feel superior for a couple seconds but antagonize/alienate newer posters, thus hurting the community... i dont play HSNL but i mean damn lighten the **** up

like ****, what do comments like /ban and the like accomplish? how about ''u cant fold u have a boat sucks u were beat this time but dont be results oriented'' to help him out?

like im sorry ure stuck and hate ur life because all u do is play poker but dont take it out on people trying to get feedback and improve their game wtf is wrong with u guys oh nahhhhhhhhh yo just chill and be nice is that really so hard

Last edited by oh-nahhh; 12-18-2012 at 01:54 PM.
12-18-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by sysmex12
What's up with all the hate?
Just curious would you call if river was a 2 or A?
I know right?

I think it would be a slightly easier to call with an A or 2. Just because of the way the straight draw got there and he still bet. How about a spade on the river and he still makes that bet? Then I have to put him on a bigger flush/bigger full right?

Originally Posted by oh-nahhh
maybe the reason nobody posts strat ITT anymore is bc all the regs are douche bags like wtf at least be constructive... ur witty remarks and **** make u feel superior for a couple seconds but antagonize/alienate newer posters, thus hurting the community... i dont play HSNL but i mean damn lighten the **** up

like ****, what do comments like /ban and the like accomplish? how about ''u cant fold u have a boat sucks u were beat this time but dont be results oriented'' to help him out?

like im sorry ure stuck and hate ur life because all u do is play poker but dont take it out on people trying to get feedback and improve their game wtf is wrong with u guys oh nahhhhhhhhh yo just chill and be nice is that really so hard

Thank you.
