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Live 5/10 NL Top set vs Middle set 600 BB Pot Live 5/10 NL Top set vs Middle set 600 BB Pot

08-19-2010 , 03:15 AM
Commerce Casino 5/10 NL

Hero - 3000
Villain 1 - 3500
Villain 2 - 2200

Preflop ($15)

Villain 1 is small blind, Hero is button, & Villain 2 is cutoff

UTG+1 limps, 2 MP limpers, Villain 2 limps, Hero overlimps 33, Villain 2 raises to 60, BB folds, UTG+1 folds, 2 MP limpers call, Villain 2 calls, & Hero calls

Flop ($320)


Villain 1 leads out 100, 2 folds, Villain 2 calls. Hero raises to 450. Villain 1 re-raises to 1450. Villain 2 folds. Hero calls.

Here I flopped middle set on pretty wet board. Villain 1 cbets pretty small then reraises me. I thought he could have 45dd, AA, KK, AKdd, or 99 or 22. I flat to see a safe turn card. Should i have shoved when he made it 1450 ? or should i fold ?

Turn ($3320)


Villain 1 goes all in Hero calls for remaining stack and is shown 99 for top set.

Do you play differently or stack off here as well ?
08-19-2010 , 03:30 AM
you can never get away from this. And you might play smaller if u have to ask, really.
08-19-2010 , 03:36 AM
yeah you played it fine. Although if you meant by "see a safe turn card" that you want to fold if a diamond peels then you're crazy. Call the turn shove on any card and live with the results. The fact that he opened from the sb makes it even more of a snap call than it already is.
08-19-2010 , 04:43 AM
its 300bb too.
08-19-2010 , 04:54 AM
If you concider folding any turn with half of your stack invested with a set, I think that shoving the flop is waaay better. Also villain 1's re-raise/folding-range is prolly nearly non-existing, so just shoving the flop is def. ok too...
